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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. is the talking about J6 investigation or the Durham witch hunt?
  2. If you look at the history of Christianity it’s clear that it’s a religion of peace and tolerance.
  3. It's not Desantis that you should worry about. It's the 40% of the base that believes in QAnon. Oh it's gonna get uglier. All shall fall in line to the supreme leader.
  4. Being labeled a groomer pedo cant be good for Desantis. Wonder if George Santos remembers being one of his boy lovers. Can't imagine how confused the QAnon wing of the GOP feel about this.
  5. Desantis the groomer? https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-amplifies-posts-claiming-desantis-was-grooming-high-school-girls-233428924.html
  6. you would have called Andy’s last two years a choke job and demanded he be fired. So yeah…. Null.
  7. “13 seconds!!” 🦜 btw according to this thread’s reasoning the eagles will fire their coach after they win the SB.
  8. Much more of a rational take than what we read on some of these threads about firing everyone and trading JA for a rookie contract. Fix the OL and this team is fine. I do not have much faith in Dorsey however. Spencer Brown should be easy to replace. Just sign anyone.
  9. eagles 41 - chiefs 10 loss it blamed on Frazier Andy Reid refuses to fire Frazier TBD melts down.
  10. It's an interesting opinion. One I do not agree with besides the OL issues we had. So they dont get any credit for drafting talent like JA, but they get all the criticism if they dont hit. If you dont understand how this year played out based on many factors then we just dont agree. The idea that you can just bring in new coach and GM every few years cause you dont win the SB is not really not how you achieve success. Am I ok if they move on from Frazier and Dorsey? Sure. But I am not in this constant negative loop people on here are attached to. It's way too easy to call 31 teams a year a failure.
  11. How many years did Bean's team make the playoffs?
  12. Same garbage different day. Pathetic really. Who drafted JA and took the franchise out of the gutter. What team does not want to make money in professional sports. Do our top of the line facilities make it seem they dont give a *****?
  13. I think we should run the triangle. Get Phil to come out of retirement.
  14. We are all such victims of this horrible regime!!!!
  15. Why did SF lose? Cause they didn't play up to standard?
  16. I miss all the crying over gas prices. These guys just realized countries spy on each other.
  17. Don’t get all bent. If you don’t like his game then you can say that. Singletary is all heart. No need to get weird.
  18. this place has been toxic since the loss. But I get it. Most fans can’t seem to handle a 1st quarter punt.
  19. Typical take from you. Not sure why you would think I like one sided journalists. My point was if you gonna listen to him about the left you should read about his stories on your beloved GOP. Easy to claim you are bi partisan. I highly doubt you disliked Trump until the GOP turned on him. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/taibbi-trump-2020-be-very-afraid-872299/
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