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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. You don’t have to trust the process. Hell you don’t even have to watch the games or come on here w these tabloid hot takes. Just take this regime off. You can come back when the team is 8-9 every year but w a solid coach with better one liners that get you pumped up!
  2. I have read endlessly about Covid for 3 years due to my job and I am convinced it was lab altered. The genetic sequencing has certain aspects that aren’t in other corona viruses. I have talked w actual virologists from MIT who felt it was altered in summer on 2020. So this is old news. I also am not amused by the fact they tried to blame a market 2 miles away from where they have admitted to using gain of function testing on this exact virus. Does that mean the gop was right to call it a democratic hoax? No both sides are ***** morons.
  3. So reasonable that it makes me think Watts himself wrote that.
  4. Wait till you get a defense that’s good in the playoffs but not in the regular season. That’s gonna be sweet.
  5. I feel the same way about your myopic dumb responses.
  6. Doc I appreciate you answering the question. It was a genuine question. Since it seems you all are anti abortion even in cases of rape and *****, I was wondering how you feel about this. Not sure why @JDHillFan or @Orlando Tim think I am trolling. This month, Idaho state Rep. Brent Crane, Republican chair of the powerful House State Affairs Committee, said he would hold hearings on legislation banning emergency contraceptives and possibly IUDs as well. A Louisiana House committee earlier this month passed a bill saying that “human personhood” begins at the point of fertilization, an interpretation that critics say could potentially be used to outlaw Plan B drugs, IUDs and perhaps other forms of birth control. Wieland, the Missouri state senator, is among those with a wide view of what birth control methods might constitute abortion. He pushed last year for the measure that would have prevented Missouri Medicaid from paying for Plan B and IUDs. “I believe life begins at conception,” Wieland said in an interview with Stateline. “Anything that destroys that life is abortion, it’s not birth control. [I have] no problem with stopping sperm and egg from connecting, but when that does happen, that is life.” https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2022/05/19/some-states-already-are-targeting-birth-control
  7. This has been discussed quite a bit after the SC ruling and the comments from Thomas. You can easily look it up.
  8. I think it became an issue when the Supreme Court changed the ruling on Roe. Maybe you discussed that one at work too. Thanks for the condescending response.
  9. no offense but why would I pay attention to you at that level? From what I do see though you post 99% anti lib. btw you didn’t answer the question. Who is takin your right to self defense? did you read about the right to contraception act? Was that a manufactured story?
  10. Trump was supposed to get rid of ObamaCare and Hillary! Oh and cut the deficit. Sounds like you missed the point. Are you upset you didn’t get his internal Covid cleansing light?
  11. The Hill seems to explain why they voted against it. So I am assuming your take means you fully support contraception rights. Which about 90% of America does.
  12. Mind numbing response. I do not mind criticizing the libs and often do. How are they making self defense illegal? You support contraception rights? You able to criticize your party without feeling like a traitor?
  13. Wondering what the opinions are about the possible targeting of contraception by the GOP?
  14. Drain the swamp. Stop the Steal. MAGA. Slogans for the weak minded. You can articulate better than that word salad.
  15. I would trade Saffold for Chase but our GM is a moron who can’t even get that done.
  16. One bad game and we are trading Josh next. Trading one of the top 5 WRs is pure stupidity.
  17. You actually don't have a single positive comment. On anything.
  18. Hmmm. This does not fit my narrative. I'm gonna have to go with fake news on this one. 😃
  19. none of the homeless in my town seem to be immigrants. White man can’t work in agriculture. We all know this. It’s hard labor.
  20. If you don’t want Biden you gotta do better than Trump. It’s really simple actually.
  21. I dont think anyone wants media to care for them personally. You are playing your weird generalizing game.
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