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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Clever sounding sentences dont make a clever person. Here is IACP's statement from 2018. Does it read like they are dedicated to protecting the gun rights of dumb patriots or they are clearly for logical gun control. https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/2018-08/IACP Firearms Position Paper_2018.pdf
  2. I am in the minority of liberal gun owners. I live in a rural setting and feel it is wise to be armed where I live. It was so ***** easy for me to buy a gun I cant imagine having an issue with it. But the idiot at the store did get his pea brain in a wad cause the back ground check took 50 mins. This in his eyes was the feds interfering in freedom. Same store I heard morons talking about a civil war. The gun culture is filled with really dense people. There is no denying this.
  3. You forgot no guns at NRA rallies or GOP conversions bro. he can’t have an honest discussion. He wants to be armed even during his colonoscopy cause the constitution talked about needing a well armed militia couple centuries ago.
  4. Were you shocked by him not trying to cherry pick the data and have a reasonable discussion?
  5. I thought Edmunds was easy to replace? Did I misinterpret the endless bitching for quite a while now?
  6. I think it might be time for some meds for you old man. It is not possible to have a reasonable dialogue with these people. Their party/president/voters have never done anything wrong.
  7. You nailed it. But the reality of your assessment doesn't match the narrative on here that Bean doesn't know what he is doing.
  8. The negativity is more pronounced when the team wins more games. It’s an inverse ratio. Only a 0-17 season will make them happy. Cause then you at least have good draft picks.
  9. I didn't think you had the ability to respond in an intelligent manner. Now go freak out over drag shows.
  10. read Trumper’s last quote? “that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?”.
  11. considering how many times she has been stuffed, it’s pathetic Trump took a shot at that. How many times? While his wife was pregnant? A real Christian.
  12. It's nap time. Give it a few minutes....
  13. I already sense he sucks. We are down 0-3 in the first.
  14. I suspect it's somewhat along the lines of sign some DT. If they aren't top 5 in their position B word about how they suck the entire year and blame the organization in every way possible? Sort of like today?
  15. It's mainly Bills fans who think the Bills are dumpster fire.
  16. I like him but Campbell looks slow. Could he play the same role as Edmunds?
  17. The fact that you think most liberals get involved in identity politics shows how brain washed you are by media.
  18. The so called bipartisan right wingers on here are completely unable to criticize their own side. When it's them its oh both parties do that. When its the other party... "Lock em up". Pretty predictable. What is the point of even having a discussion.
  19. You all are being disingenuous. This is a common theme in deeply disturbed Trumpland. Here some examples... Soon after the F.B.I. searched Donald J. Trump’s home in Florida for classified documents, online researchers zeroed in on a worrying trend. Posts on Twitter that mentioned “civil war” had soared nearly 3,000 percent in just a few hours as Mr. Trump’s supporters blasted the action as a provocation. Similar spikes followed, including on Facebook, Reddit, Telegram, Parler, Gab and Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform. Mentions of the phrase more than doubled on radio programs and podcasts, as measured by Critical Mention, a media-tracking firm. In northwestern Wisconsin, the chairman of the St. Croix County Republican Party was forced to resign Friday after refusing for a week after the siege to remove an online post urging followers to “prepare for war.” The incoming chairwoman of the Michigan GOP and her husband, a state lawmaker, have joined a conservative social media site created after the Capitol riot where the possibility of civil war is a topic. Phil Reynolds, a member of the GOP central committee in California’s Santa Clara County, appeared to urge on insurrectionists on social media during the Jan. 6 attack, declaring on Facebook: “The war has begun. Citizens take arms! Drumroll please….. Civil War or No Civil War?” “Did you know that a governor can declare war?” Mr. Flynn said at the fund-raiser on Sept. 18, for Mark Finchem, a Republican running for secretary of state in Arizona. “And we’re going to probably, we are probably going to see that.” It is possible however that all these sources are fakenews.
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