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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Yeah but how many burgers did that guy sleep with?
  2. that’s your slut cutoff? Why even have this dumb of a conversation.
  3. How long does it take to prove you weren’t even at the house. Seems like that could have been determined quickly?
  4. @BillsFanNC is trying to figure out how to blame this on a circle jerk.
  5. Oh I'm having fun dont worry. Doesn't mean I think having Von would have yielded a different result. I find these specific arguments lacking any substance. As if had we won the KC game we would have steamrolled the Rams. Nonsense.
  6. Just drink some bleach. You still stressing over covid?
  7. A non trade cost us the SB. How does someone truly see the complexity of a season or even a single play let alone the SB in this context. It is absurd.
  8. Yeah. You. Wtf. so if your response is “exactly” why can’t @B-Man wrap his brain around it. Is this like when the GOP and SC we’re gonna stop at just giving abortion rights back to the states?
  9. So we dont know where the cuts are coming from but it's not from the VA?
  10. Do you have an obsession with circle jerking and/or pedophilia? You constantly talk about this *****.
  11. Harris was a mistake and the Dems know it. You can get both in one package if you vote Trump.
  12. I expect a great year from Davis and the passing game in general.
  13. Let’s not forget …. Milano is small with limited speed, making him a liability against NFL blockers and when matched up in coverage against tight ends. He's a fit only for the 4-3 scheme, and he'll have to play in a "Sam" role. With a narrow frame, it's possible Milano is maxed out physically and wouldn't be able to add the bulk to better handle blockers and make plays in traffic. A lack of twitch in his game makes Milano a gamble outside of the later rounds of the draft.
  14. Was there a WR prospect at #26 that would clearly provide more production based on historical data?
  15. “Kincaid is an instant upgrade in both instances. Technically, he's a tight end. But he's at his best when working as a detached option. His catch radius and toughness over the middle of the field cannot be questioned. Josh Allen should be one of the happiest guys in the league right now based on what the Bills accomplished in the first round.”
  16. I'll be so high on gummies that I will probably forget the draft is on half way thru watching the draft.
  17. I want Tucker to go to CNN and Donny to Fox. Blow everyone’s mind.
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