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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. where did I say it was funny. you starting a who is hotter thread? Beobart vs AOC.
  2. I feel the same way about right wing news and politicians who use the term.
  3. According to NFL's NextGen Stats, Oliver has generated an 11.6% pressure rate over the last three seasons, which is the fourth-highest among defensive tackles during that time frame among players with a minimum of 600 pass rushes. The three players ahead of him on that list -- San Francisco's Javon Hargrave, Washington's Jonathan Allen and the Los Angeles Rams' Aaron Donald -- all make at least $18 million per season. That shows the value teams place on interior pass rush.
  4. where does Clinton live? Ill give you a hint. it's attached to your neck.
  5. You people are clowns. And so gullible.
  6. Dylan is a conman and did a huge disservice to the trans community by playing games to get attention. I’m appalled that MSM supports this clown while people like him and their fringe whackos ruin life for many trans who just want to be a part of society.
  7. I am optimistic that I will not have to watch the garbage that was on TV for 17 years before McBean came on board.
  8. Im gluten free. Breadsticks is a giant FU to me. Offensive to say the least.
  9. Seems like it took over MVA in 2020 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761
  10. This is truly amazing... This is the same moron who claimed election fraud after winning 3.7 percent of the vote in the Republican primary compared to Gov. Brian Kemp’s 73.7 percent. Georgia GOP Chair Goes Full Flat-Earth, Says Globes Are Part of a Conspiracy https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/georgia-gop-chair-goes-full-170734553.html
  11. I suspect the microbrew mafia is behind these attacks on the crappiest beers in America
  12. “Crime of the century”. $6.5 million spent over 3 years. no charges. yes I can see how this is a win for the cult.
  13. What is someone's sister gets run over by a Buffalo while they are in Yosemite? God forbid. We will have to change the name of the city.
  14. Do you think a marine doesn't know what he is doing when he is restraining someone? Honest question. I would guess so. Marines are some of the most highly trained and capable people on the planet. I just wonder how his training did not include how long he can choke this guy. You read my post. If I was on the train I would have loved this guy. But this might need a little more attention than just saying oh the dude threatened people so it was ok to choke him. Unfortunately its not how it works when someone dies. I feel bad for this marine. Today as I was walking into Verizon store (in a mostly nice neighborhood) my wife started walking towards the door while a homeless man was literally talking crazy ***** looking at her. I had to grab her by the arm and warn her she was being stupid by walking towards him. The dude saw me and grabbed a rock and threw it at the ground saying some crazy *****. I did not feel hate towards this sick person or hope he died. I really felt deeply bad for him and how it must feel in his head. I wondered what happened to him in life to get to that point. Then I got upset with my wife for not taking his behavior more seriously. Then I thought about this marine and what a hard situation he must have been in not to mention the others on the train who do not have that training. I would have ***** my pants if this dude was on a train with me. I could see myself hurting him to a point where I did not care what the outcome was.
  15. This is a sad and complicated issue. I think charging him was the correct action. I do believe he will get off and I lean towards him being innocent at this time. And yes I think his best chance actually is a NYC jury who understands the situation that is taking place on the subways for a long time now. Here is the top comment from the NYT article today. Yes I do understand it seems like excessive force was used. I however was not present and do not understand the situation completely or should make a strong judgement. So yes it is the perfect case for a jury to settle. We dont always have to immediately take a side and ridicule dissenting opinion. "i have been on the NY subways many times with belligerent, angry men getting in my face. I'm a petite women and you can bet I feel frightened and threated. One such man slapped me in the face. Why should i (or anyone else) have to tolerate this behavior? But tolerate it we do because no one ever does anything. Our system allowed Jordan Neely to continue roaming the subway system, even after he had violently assaulted 3 women. Message received: we're on our own. I'm so sorry Mr. Penny's arrest will deter more would-be good Samaritans from helping people before an actual punch is thrown, or a weapon is brandished."\ This is another good comment. Both political extremes are idiots in my opinion. Those really responsible for this unfortunate outcome will never be charged: all those on the right who have moved to shut down mental institutions because of their cost, and all those on the left who have done the same because they believe people with serious mental disabilities should be free to choose their own paths. It is the misguided attitudes displayed by both ends of the political spectrum that have once again carried us into the societal abyss we face today.
  16. I hope they have us ranked as last. Light a fire under their asses.
  17. The meltdown on here is quite entertaining. Trumpers angry about anything but their own rapist liar.
  18. The rapist still can’t get over losing the election. How pathetic is this traitor?
  19. Its odd that the self proclaimed pu55y grabber had to pay 5 mil. Typical cost of a witch hunt.
  20. It's the new normal. What's the big deal. THEY ALL DO IT! Trump made up to $160 million from foreign countries as president. https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-made-up-to-160-million-from-foreign-countries-as-president/ https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/30/trump-taxes-foreign-income-00075872\\ https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3905496-trump-family-failed-to-disclose-more-than-100-foreign-gifts-congressional-report-says/
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