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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. I’m gonna chose to stay depressed. I don’t see any positives to this mess. But I like the attitude! Definitely think Elam will turn it around however.
  2. 12 weeks left. Lost our top 3 defenders. Long road ahead w more injuries possibly. Not sure I’m buying into this isn’t a season changing moment.
  3. Marino today talked about how in hindsight going to London on Thursday was a huge mistake. Clearly the players were tired. And when fatigued technique and fundamentals get compromised and you end up w bad play and even worse injuries.
  4. Makes me wonder. What could we get for Josh?
  5. I guess I can go back to playing tennis Sundays.
  6. Red zone is gonna give me a seizure. Way too much switching around.
  7. Or you could just attack the coach and players like we do after each loss. Actually each completion by the opposing team. lol..
  8. Yes I do. Keep living the same ***** over and over. That is a choice. Not how most people live.
  9. Why would any player come out and say that. Imagine the responses. I guess next loss will be due to jet lag then. These takes are just amusing.
  10. The usual absurd takes by the same fans. After each loss. Oh yeah 13 seconds. WTF?
  11. Why anyone would revive this mess is beyond logic.
  12. The losses on D will be apparent. And the narrative here will shift towards how McD is not a great coach although we saw what he can do with talent. Very unfortunate situation. I felt really depressed today.
  13. Not only our best players but literally my favorite 2 players are done. ***** this.
  14. After week four we were talking about going 10-1, after week five we’re talking about the whole team is a bust. Idiotic all around.
  15. Elam bashers remember what was said about AJE on here. We are fine with him.
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