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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Dont go! Listen to how much we hate our own team!
  2. What did you think of the BS roughing the passer?
  3. The defense sucks. And I mean the Bengals!!!
  4. It's actually Collinsworth and his wife. The other guy got injured.
  5. Everyone expects the Bills to get crushed. If the Bills want some respect this is it.
  6. I am down 0.7 points with only one player left in the match-up. I got Davis left. I need 8 yards. If I could I would start Kincaid.
  7. They suck! Unless they win. Then it's SB!!!
  8. Calling it now. The team that loses this game is a pretender and was way over hyped. And they should fire their GM. Eagles Cowboys that is. It's already been established the Bills are Billsy.
  9. It does apply. The Bills suck. We get it. Anyone who thinks the Bills have a chance has no clue. I am not even watching. Gonna vacuum the garage.
  10. I bet you got a Josh Allen voodoo doll cooking in boiling chili right now.
  11. Genetics are effected by environment and behavior. It’s both.
  12. The reality is most fans are...... how shall I put this without getting banned.......
  13. We need to trade JA for Dobbs. oh yeah and 13 seconds.
  14. They went from elite to trash in 1Q. But they might be elite again if they win. Unless they stay trash. Give it 2 mins.
  15. I think the loss of 3 top guys on D have effected out TO dynamics
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