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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. I read all day Titans were losing. What a clown show on here.
  2. You see every loss is dues to choking. There is no other explanation. Maybe perhaps "coach not preparing the team"
  3. I hope people arent too upset the Bills will make the playoffs. Your rebuild hopes have vanished.
  4. Come to the GDT during 1st quarter to see all the fake fans.
  5. How about 3 divisions with 26 teams making the playoffs.
  6. Go with Klonopin is my suggestion. Pairs great with a nice dry red wine.
  7. Can't wait for the "this team isn't prepared" and "I have a feeling we losing this one" comments when we are down 0-3 in the first quarter.
  8. I been wondering where that 95% came from. It’s total BS
  9. This is a weird suggestion for someone of your intelligence and insight for the game. I’m thinking this isn’t the real Virgil.
  10. But to be fair it takes 25 seconds for Gabe to get open.
  11. I think it was obvious to everyone for weeks this had to be done sooner. They should have been able to evaluate him properly without compromising the defense in game time action.
  12. I read this almost every week on here no matter who we are playing. In some form of this comment. Every ***** week.
  13. I’m afraid this thread is breaking the internets medical misinformation rules.
  14. This crowd is easily impressed. This is saving face. He should have deactivated himself a month ago if he is this aware.
  15. And then you have to strengthen an atrophied leg. He was non weight bearing for 6 weeks. I just don’t see how that’s possible. Jumping on a leg is one thing. Playing on the field is another. Although someone as handsome as the stallion might be able to.
  16. He is second in receptions and third in yards. So I think while he should be used more, it is more or a reflection of the weird place our passing game has been for several weeks. Btw this goes against the McB dont draft for offense in the 1st round. Kincaid is a great pick with a huge future along JA.
  17. He almost lateraled the ball into a patriot. That was some strange play.
  18. I hope McD is not in Epstains's book of horrors.
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