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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. What a creative try to deflect blame from Bass. McD was not the problem. The ***** players were.
  2. I think we know it’s McD’s fault. He didn’t prepare him.
  3. It’s playoff football. This is an absurd take.
  4. I have Texans in a parlay so I thought..."that's it. Game over. We're jinxed. ***** you fate"
  5. I'm actually rooting for the Chiefs cause it would be cool to see them lose a SB.
  6. Now let's all close our eyes and relive that moment over and over until we get a full body hives.
  7. Can we each post a traumatic event in our lives everyday here so we stay in a perpetual state of irritation?
  8. Finally a legit excuse if we lose. Not so fast "No excuses" crowd!
  9. Funny. I see it as he completely owns most of you. Like brain washed little *****. I dont see Biden worship on the left. More of a realistic approach on that side, even though I find some liberal ideology idiotic in a different way.
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