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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. After 25 years of not missing a game I think we have a front office I truly despise.
  2. NE is rebuilding...... Withe Bills castaways. Those 5 third round picks should put us over the top.
  3. well the goal is not to win anymore so yes?
  4. Surprises? I think the Bills will suck beyond belief and the fans actually will dig it cause they are so confused and brainwashed about "rebuilding". The Bills end up with under 5 wins for the next 10 years but the fans label the decade as the rebirth.
  5. We need to win 3 games this year so we win more than 6 games in 4 years. or something like that.
  6. I cant imagine what it must feel like to be on this sinking inept franchise.
  7. What do we do with more draft picks? you gonna field an all rookie team?
  8. Enjoy watching some garbage. You obviously wanted this. Beane is inept. what is the vision? sucking for 5 years. and when the current players become good trade them for 2nd round picks. seriously what is the plan? to find tom brady next draft? this is pure stupidity.
  9. Oh man can you imagine what the players must feel like for this **** to go down. I bet morale is at an all time low. Trading TT's best WR and the teams best player. Guess what else you have to build now over the next 5 years. A belief in this GM and coach. I dont think it happens. They have shown how they do business.
  10. What makes you think the team will be ready to be good in 3 years? some extra draft picks?
  11. If getting rid of your best WR is good for the team shouldnt we at least get rid of Zay next?
  12. Im sick of getting rid of your best WR and CB and then blaming everything else for the misery.
  13. I hope they put Peterman in so I can laugh at this board when they want to trade him for a 7th round pick. I used to think there was some real insight here. In the last 5 years this has turned into fox news comment section.
  14. How about giving some love to your starting QB instead of dissing him in every thread?
  15. I hope they go 0-16 I mean we are playing for draft picks right guys? We are gonna draft the franchise qb next year and win the sb in 3 years.
  16. I want to see a horrible product. That will put my mind at ease that we are rebuilding and that we will win the sb in 5 years.
  17. But then we wouldnt be rebuilding. We might win more games with him. I say trade Zay for a 3rd rounder.
  18. The good news is it's really easy to pick a franchise QB. We should be set after next year.
  19. Wait until the QB you guys want next year is a bust. At least we can rebuild then.
  20. Maybe he doesnt want play for this dumb organization anymore. I am sure the team is for the most part blown away by these trades. It makes sense our new #2 receiver went down. There is something as karma.
  21. It doenst make much sense to most people other than the majority of the posters here who claim this is "tanking". Of course the media doesnt know anything neither does espn of this guy or that guy UNLESS you are a Bills fan then you know everything.
  22. BTW what is full tank mode? and can you give an example of a team in the NFL doing this and coming out SB winners?
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