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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. They need to start with ending this Thursday night injury bonanza.
  2. Won’t really know. I guess the only way to know is to make you a slave. And your mother and child too. And let them live as slaves. Then we can ask your grandson how he feels about slavery. Maybe you shouldn’t make dumb comments about things you know nothing about. I’m getting sick of the bs on this site. Discuss football.
  3. You are out of line. Get your propaganda bull **** off this site.
  4. Oh wow look some TT bashing. Like chewing gum stuck on a shoe.
  5. Maybe you just can’t make more money every year. You know the normal corporate expectations that ruin most businesses or drive them to produce cheaper products and treat their employees like crap.
  6. Maybe he can play QB for us. If he has the dna of course.
  7. I have decided to judge the season as a total blow out these are the same old bills or.... we have turned this around and are amazing after EVERY single game this year. And change my mind with every win or loss. I think that will be healthy for my soul. Oh and reasonable for an intelligent person. Then you are insane if you keep watching.
  8. I think for some fans each week redefines their whole understanding of football. One week we are amazing the next same team as last 17 years. Whatever that means.
  9. yup he is a bust TT is horrible we will never win another game oh and don't forget... this is the same loser team we have had for 17 years.
  10. we should keep a tab of all these negative know it all predictions. and if you get more than 50% wrong in one season you should be banned from the city of Buffalo.
  11. We need a QB that never loses. Otherwise it's just not gonna work.
  12. LOL so true. Some folks cant seem to just wait and see what happens instead of trying to predict the entire season after every single game. Focus!!
  13. makes more sense than blaming the whole team's bs on one dude. no?
  14. No you see Tyrod sucks so bad we will never win another game. And if we do its unsustainable.
  15. Until Tyrod can catch that sure interception against the Jets and until he doesn't fumble while reaching for a first down and until he stops giving up 3000 yards passing per game and until he is able to stop the run this team will lose games under his leadership.
  16. Why don’t you give us your w/l for the rest of the year and at the end we can figure out how smart majorboobie is?
  17. Waaaaaa we aren’t gonna win another game this century!! Waaaaaaa!
  18. You are not a fan of this team. You are a clown. Now get to the circus clown.
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