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Posts posted by nedboy7

  1. Have had the ticket for over 15 years straight.  Last year they told me they would give it to me for half price.  Then charged me full price and then told me I was lying and that they never told me they would give it to me for half price.  It was an awesome and satisfying experience. 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, 3rdand12 said:

    that was 2010. the theories have been reinvented by now lol.

    be sure to add a bit of salt to your eggs btw. another bad then good then bad for you.
    Metabolism baby !

     Thank you for the addition in regard to cholesterol. which directly affects the blood via inflammation.

     Those darned Canadians : )

    I have respect for BillsFanNC personal experience here.

    whole and unprocessed are Big words to keep in mind 


    The real question is do you have respect for science as well as personal experience.  America for the most doesn’t seem to.  

  3. 1 hour ago, BillsFanNC said:


    against my better judgment I'm going to dive in here...


    First let me say that every diet under the sun that you can google...keto, south beach, atkins, paleo, whole food plant based, cutting off you arm etc....will all work to help you lose weight if you adhere to them.  However, the real question should be what is the most sustainable option that also promotes long term health.  The conclusion I came to after extensively reviewing the literature (the actual peer reviewed studies published in journals, not blogs or cnn articles) led me to the the overwhelming evidence that a whole food plant based diet is the best option.


    To say I came to this conclusion kicking and screaming would be an understatement.  I was a bbq nerd with three grills and multiple bbq gadgets. I loved cooking ribs, wings, brisket, pork butt etc. multiple times a week, but as a scientist I simply couldn't ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence.  So in January I went off the standard american diet onto a whole food plant based diet....I'm down 40 lbs, my cholesterol went from 215 to 112, my blood pressure which was borderline hypertensive is now 115/75.  I did this all by changing my diet with no drugs and I don't miss meat, dairy or eggs at all.  


    Nutritionfacts.org is a great resource if you want to dip your toe into the literature. Dr. Greger produces short videos on nearly every nutritional topic based on the latest peer reviewed research.  He cites all the papers that he highlights so you can go read them for yourself like I did.  The best video to start with is the story of his grandma, why he went into medicine and a ground breaking study published in JAMA on how our number one killer, heart disease, can be cured by adopting these dietary changes.


    Cornell nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell's book The China Study is also a great resource.






    I think your post is too intelligent for this board unfortunately.  In the new America everyone is an expert on everything. And real experts are just after money. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Teddy KGB said:



    Benched for poor play leaving us with Peterman 


    130 yard easily winnable playoff game 







    Here we go teddy!   Funny how he got to the playoffs and you still can’t be grateful.  No playoff game is easily winnable. Shows how much you don’t know. 

    7 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    Like John said 


    One needs to see progression not regression in his 3rd year as a starter 




    Playoffs?  Playoffs???!!!





    Yeah. You know like the bills last season.  

  5. 2 hours ago, Tatonka68 said:

    The Anthem is part of the experience. SJW need to stay home, not on my $100.00. After the game protest all you want. If they care soon deeply for their cause, LOL, maybe they should quit and join the black panthers or BLM.


    Maybe you should actually make an impact In a veterans life instead of complaining about  what grown men do respectfully.  It’s all in your head. No one is disrespecting anyone. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, tumaro02 said:

    After being a diehard Bills fan for many years--when the Bills players took a knee last year I immediately called Direct TV and cancelled my Sunday  Ticket and didn't attend or watch another Bills game last year. I have no interest in players (most of whom have done "nothing" in their life to earn the right to disrespect the flag and anthem provided by the blood shed for that freedom) use the stage to protest anything. I am one of those who hurt the NFL business in my disgust by stopping my payments for fan gear, tickets, etc. I am hoping the protests end so I can return to paying my hundreds of dollars this year to the Buffalo Bill coffers. If they adopt the Jets owner's lead they will save me a lot of money again this year. Whats next? So when 1500 players want to protest 1500 different social causes  you want the NFL ownership to support ALL of  those Player's causes too, and shove that down a $200.00 ticket payer 10 times? Provide them another venue if you wish but not one I am paying hundreds to watch.


    Most players did not kneel. So in a way you punished them for the actions of a few.  In realty kneeling or standing makes no difference in a veterans life. Sort of like you. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Rob's House said:

    What irks me the most about this "movement" has nothing to do with patriotism, the flag, or the anthem. The day I get my panties in a wad over some over privileged, semi-educated dip **** who wants to play the victim, remind me to go kill myself.


    What I find most irritating is the sense of entitlement. These asswipes have a huge platform, that far outweighs that of most of their intellectual superiors, due to the celebrity status they enjoy by virtue of the fact thay they're in the NFL.


    But for some of them that's not enough. They must also be permitted to shove it down our throats while they're at work. And our soy-based, pop culture media says "right on."


    Apparently,  as long as you're part of an aggrieved minority group (even if you've never personally experienced "the struggle" of that group) you must be unconditionally permitted to "peacefully protest" anywhere and everywhere without risk of criticism. 


    I'm glad you wear panties because it fits you.  The players who protest are dip *****?  asswipes?  intellectual inferiors?

    You are out of line. 

    Who is shoving anything down your throat? 

    Do you not watch fox news?  I guess to you they are the real media? 

    Seems to me you got some other underlying issue here. 


  8. 4 hours ago, Jeetz1231 said:

    I know I am probably in the minority, but I am a veteran of the US military and I don't personally feel like the kneeling is disrespectful to the flag or my brothers and sisters who served and are still serving. If anything it shows the freedoms we have in this country as individuals. The protest is for racial injustice when dealing with police, they are using their right to peaceful protest. I personally would prefer that they stood for the anthem, but at the end of the day we live in a country that gives them the right to kneel for the anthem, and that is what makes this country great.


    Thank you sir. For your service and your rational brain. Bless you. 

    If you really care about veterans do something. Stop whining about grown men trying to send a message. Don’t ever confuse standing for the flag w real patriotism.  

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