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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. I swear we need a weekly recap of the embarrassing self crapping comments. It would be sooooo fun.
  2. Read the first few pages of this thread. LOL
  3. Gonna be hard to blame someone for that one!
  4. You are an endless well of negativity and dumb comments.
  5. I think anytime a player gives up a play you need to cut him to please fans like you.
  6. These comments wasted no time in becoming moronic!! LOL
  7. Every few plays there seems to be a tbi
  8. The GOP playbook. Oh I did some bad stuff. Actually horrible. But i am a man of Jesus and everyone is a sinner and now I am a much better human. Unless I ***** up again, cause we are all humans and sinners. Rinse and repeat. Talk about using his name in vain.
  9. Id love to see dingleberry hit you right at the line of scrimmage. See your panties fall off.
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