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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. What does LA signing Miller and winning the SB have anything to do with signing CMC? If Miller was the key, then we have already signed him. CMC is an upgrade but I don’t see him as some key piece we need.
  2. Reality hurts your brain. When you find yourself agreeing with any political party 100% you need to be aware you are a moron.
  3. so you are claiming no one was punished for the violence in the George Floyd riots? come on. You know the narrative is his policies are causing inflation and gas prices. Yeah he downplayed it. Is that shocking? It’s a common refrain from some of those charged in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and their Republican allies: The Justice Department is treating them harshly because of their political views while those arrested during last year’s protests over racial injustice were given leniency. Court records tell a different story. An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s deathlast year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison. The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more. “The property damage or accusations of arson and looting from last year, those were serious and they were dealt with seriously, but they weren’t an attack on the very core constitutional processes that we rely on in a democracy, nor were they an attack on the United States Congress,” said Kent Greenfield, a professor at Boston College Law School.
  4. I think people say they hate the Chiefs in a sports fan way. Not many actually hates KC with real emotion. You wanna see some real hate for our own team? Just read the gdt after we go down 0-3 in the first Q. Now that is weird *****.
  5. You can respect them... but to like them? nah.
  6. The market is down for basically every single country on earth. ***** liberals! Imagine if it was BLM that broke into the capital. You would be foaming at the mouth for justice. Stop with this nonsense. Should they schedule hearings around your fragile little reality?
  7. you sound like my buddies who watch their 401k every ***** day to tell me how much money they made or lost. Meanwhile clearly not understanding how the stock market works long term. Only idiots freak out over fluctuations of the short term market.
  8. who got rich under Trump? You kidding me? Who got the tax cuts? Not the middle class. Check yourself. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), passed by President Trump and congressional Republicans, was the biggest reform of the U.S. tax code since 1986. The TCJA lowered income tax rates, especially for higher-income Americans, and it lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. Some tax credits and deductions also changed. The standard deduction was nearly doubled (from $6,350 in 2017 to $12,000 in 2018) and the child tax credit was doubled (from $1,000 in 2017 to $2,000 in 2018), but some itemized deductions were limited or eliminated. IRS data on the 2018 tax season released in May 2019 shows that savings for taxpayers were uneven. For example, the average refund was $90 higher, nationally, in 2018 than 2017. But the taxpayers who saw the largest refund increases had an adjusted gross income (AGI) of at least $200,000. Tax returns showing an AGI of less than $100,000 paid less income tax overall, but returns with an AGI just above $100,000 (many middle-class families) owed more tax, on average. Note that this AGI is per tax return, not per taxpayer: A married couple where each spouse has a salary of $65,000 could very well have an AGI of just above $100,000 if they file jointly. On the whole, low-income families appear to have received the least savings, while high-income families saved the most. Middle-class families saw mixed results. The biggest winners from Trump’s tax cuts were probably businesses. Between 2017 and 2018, corporations paid 22.4% less income tax. The total value of refunds issued by the IRS to businesses also increased by 33.8% nationally. this is what’s wrong with Trumpers. I get some criticism of Biden is legit. But you guys have a pretty weird sense of reality about what happened before him. Like claiming somehow the poor did better or that federal spending was somehow less under Trump.
  9. There is no arguing with someone as stupid and one sided as you. Flame away.
  10. What happened to alternate facts? Truth Troubled ha? LOL. Your brilliance shows in your polls. Written like a true Qanon lover.
  11. Wow you are triggered ha? When you say this media do you include Alex Jones? Cause that dude is toast!
  12. this melted down quicker than the 1st Q of the GDT.
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