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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Interesting thoughts. You need religion to have a free country ha. Is that not the exact opposite of the creation of this country. This country was founded on the idea of separation of church and state. I have nothing but respect for Jesus's teachings and everyone's right to have their own faith. Many of my own values line directly with the teachings of Jesus. Jefferson explained his support for religious freedom in practical terms: “(I)t does me no injury for my neighbor to believe in twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” Begun by George Washington, signed by John Adams and ratified unanimously by a Senate still half-filled with signers of the Constitution, this treaty announced firmly and flatly to the world that “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” If, by the question, one is asking whether the Founding Fathers relied on Protestant Christian principles in drafting the essential documents and in organizing the new governments, then the answer is a resounding “no.” The writings of the period (1765-1790), including speeches, debates, letters, pamphlets, and even sermons, reflect the overwhelming influence of Enlightenment, Whig, and classical republican theories. The political events of the period also support the conclusion that the founders intended to institute a secular-based form of governance. If one refines the question to ask whether the Founding Fathers were motivated to act as they did based on their Christian faith, the answer becomes a little murkier, but the response is still “no.” Many of the leading founders were theological liberals who approached religion from a rational perspective. Even though we have come to appreciate that other founders held more conventional Christian beliefs, all of them, including many clergy of the day, perceived little conflict between their religious faith and Enlightenment natural rights. Clarence Thomas has already questioned gay marriage and gay rights after abortion. Meanwhile in FL you cant use the words climate change or sustainability in the EPA. Is that your version of being pro science? What is wrong with sustainability? Does that go against the church's view that man has dominion of the earth? The FCIR report was based on statements by multiple named former employees who worked in different DEP offices around Florida. The instruction not to refer to “climate change” came from agency supervisors as well as lawyers, according to the report. “We were told not to use the terms ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’ or ‘sustainability’,” the report quotes Christopher Byrd, who was an attorney with the DEP’s Office of General Counsel in Tallahassee from 2008 to 2013, as saying. “That message was communicated to me and my colleagues by our superiors in the Office of General Counsel.” Miami, the great world city, is drowning while the powers that be look away. “We were instructed by our regional administrator that we were no longer allowed to use the terms ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ or even ‘sea-level rise’,” said a second former DEP employee, Kristina Trotta. “Sea-level rise was to be referred to as ‘nuisance flooding’.”
  2. Have you seen the Bible? Don't talk to me about being detached from reality. The church has nothing to do with Jesus's teachings. You guys B word about the vaccine laws which I agree with then think its cool to ban abortion. And while gender politics are weird to me as well they do not effect my life. A party who feels Christian Nationalism should guide our government scares the ***** out of me.
  3. No liberal I know gives a ***** about gender politics. And no liberal I know thinks Qanon is a realistic conspiracy theory. Nor do any liberals I know think its anyone's business if a raped child needs to have their uncles baby. Go watch 2000 mules and tell me there is no disconnect from reality.
  4. That is interesting. The GOP is not radicalized ha..... Have you listened to Alex Jones or MGT or Beobart talk?
  5. Oh I know how you think. Don't you worry. You pretend to get both sides are full of ***** but then........
  6. Whoever we are playing against that week. All of them. No exceptions. This isn't a popularity contest as Tony Soprano said. Not sure how that fits but it sounds cool.
  7. How many snaps has Diggs gotten at slot? Seemed like quite a few last game.
  8. Wondering what you guys think of comments like this from a possible VP candidate. Is it possible for you guys to comment on this? "You know what they did after January 6, Steve? They stopped donating. All the lobbyists, all the big corporations stopped donating to a whole bunch of my Republican colleagues that they used to donate to," Greene said. "They said: 'Oh no, we can't support you because of the big lie,' or whatever they want to call it," she continued. "There is going to be investigations coming," Greene added. "And there should be. There definitely should be, because the way corporations have conducted themselves, I've always called it corporate communism." Doc did you watch the 2000 mules movie? I mean talk about dumb.
  9. Here we go with the 10 pages of "that sucks". Yep it sucks.
  10. This is very different than an Einstein thread. I like it.
  11. LOL. I think you made your point. You seem irritated you aren't leading this groupthink.
  12. It's entertaining just how deep in your head lil dirty is. You gonna need a plunger.
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