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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Trump won’t be able to handle Desantis getting attention. He will ruin the GOP w his demented ego. its because some people in the gop do not respect the constitution and the separation of church and state. They don’t love America.
  2. “We in America have some of the cleanest air and cleanest water of anybody in the world,” Walker begins at about the 24 mark in the video of his speech. Under the Green New Deal, he said, the U.S would spend “millions of billions of dollars cleaning our good air up. … Since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then now we got to clean that back up, while they’re messing ours up.” “So what we’re doing is just spending money,” he continued. “Until these other countries can get on board and clean what they got up, it ain’t going to help us to start cleaning our stuff up. We’re already doing it the right way.”
  3. Hard to be a top D with backups. Not sure how you can overlook that and make any type of rational argument. Poyer and Hyde are not replaceable. White and Milano are not either. You really think with those 4 that game's outcome is not different?
  4. True. I was more referring to the overly confident takes on here until we hit a rough patch. We went from best team in history to talking about how half the team sucks. Too reactionary.
  5. As it should. We can leave the bills are in an elite class of their own BS and return to real NFL now.
  6. Josh plays like ***** and now we have go thru each player one by one in this manner? What a joke.
  7. Nah. Josh having a slump. People over estimate the ability plug in backup guys into a D and stay the same level. Clearly there is a drop off. Both will recover. So the past two years are the fluke. Not the past 2 games.
  8. Challenge their manhood and they wont do anything? WTF.
  9. Josh was the problem. Don't try to spread the blame. You tell us what the lead is. You can read.
  10. Yeah that’s what happens to the 31 teams that don’t win the SB. Very good observation.
  11. If Josh didn't throw 2 ints I am certain we win that game.
  12. OL is weak for sure. I expect Dorsey to be a little more creative about this. I mean some of it seems to be the play-calling. Is this not something that can be improved?
  13. Josh played pretty bad. Defense is banged up. Need a little more creativity from Dorsey. Let's all relax.
  14. Kinda like what I been reading here all week. Jets are not a push over.
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