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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. “No other advanced country conducts elections this way. Many European countries have instituted major restrictions on mail-in voting specifically because they recognize the nearly unlimited potential for fraud. Out of 42 European nations, all but two prohibit absentee ballots entirely for people who reside inside the country, or else they require those who need absentee ballots to show a very, very powerful ID.” (Trump) Graeme Orr, an international elections expert at the TC Beirne School of Law of Australia’s University of Queensland, said in an email that the International IDEA report shows that Trump’s claim is “seriously misleading, and cherry picking data.” “Currently, 14 countries in Europe provide in-country postal voting opportunities to voters,” Heinmaa said in an email. “In eight of these countries, all voters are eligible, and in six only voters in certain outlined categories may vote.” Heinmaa’s report includes a helpful map that color-codes the countries, with dark green showing the countries with unrestricted mail-in voting. The United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland and Spain are among the major countries that allow mail-in voting, but you can see that most countries do not. According to her report, other countries that have unrestricted voting include Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Poland. The report also has maps showing rules for early voting, mobile voting and proxy voting. “The maps in the report show clearly more than two — and some very prominent Western European nations — have in-country postal voting,” Orr said. “Germany, the U.K. and Poland alone — three big E.U. democracies — allow any elector to vote by mail (albeit Poland may have extended this for covid periods). The countries that don’t, you will see, also invariably offer mobile voting (a.k.a. ‘visitor voting’) to ensure the frail, hospitalized, disabled etc. can vote. Some, like the U.K., have not just in-country postal voting but ‘proxy’ voting — a general right to send, say, a relative to vote on your behalf!” Still laughing? lol https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/12/04/trumps-assertion-that-only-two-european-nations-allow-mail-in-voting/
  2. Republicans made Arizona an early vote-by-mail innovator in 1991, enacting one of the first laws in the country permitting voters to send in a mail ballot early without an excuse. The state then doubled down, setting up a system in 2007 for voters who wanted to automatically and permanently get ballots in the mail. The method has become widely popular in the state, with about 89% of Arizona voters casting ballots early, mostly by mail, in the 2020 general election. But now, some Republicans in the state are doggedly attempting to dismantle the system their party helped create. Ask your own ***** party.
  3. What the research has found Hand-counting ballots is a voting "solution" that, to those without familiarity with elections, may sound nice. The problem is that counting tactic has actually been found to be significantly less accurate, more expensive and more time-consuming than using tabulation equipment. "Computers — which ballot scanners rely on — are very good at tedious, repetitive tasks. Humans are bad at them," wrote Charles Stewart III, who directs the MIT Election Data and Science Lab, in the Washington Post. "Counting votes is tedious and repetitive." Stewart coauthored a study in 2018 that found ballot scanners to be more accurate than hand counts. The study focused on two statewide races with recounts in Wisconsin, where some localities do count ballots by hand and others count ballots using machines: In Wisconsin's 2011 Supreme Court election recount, the hand-counted paper ballots differed from the recount by 0.28 percent while the difference for scanned paper ballots was 0.15 percent. In its 2016 recount of the presidential election, hand-counted paper ballots were off by 0.18 percent while scanned ballots were off by 0.13 percent. In short, in both races, the ballots that were counted using scanners were closer to the recounted totals. A separate study from the early 2000s focused on New Hampshire and found the same thing. "All the data shows it is less accurate to do a hand count," says Simon. "What you're really asking beleaguered and tired election judges to do at the end of a very long day is to not just do one hand count; if there are 30 contests on a ballot, you're asking them to do 30 individual and separate hand counts. And people are people. They get tired, they make mistakes. " Moving back toward hand-counting ballots would also significantly increase costs for local election offices that are perennially under-resourced, says Jennifer Morrell, an elections consultant and former local voting administrator. The staff size at almost every election office across the country would need to exponentially increase, and even then, hand-counting dozens of races on tens of millions of ballots would probably take weeks or months. Considering many of the Republicans who are calling for hand counts are the same people who cast doubt on the 2020 election because results weren't finalized on election night, Morrell says it shows they haven't done their research. "I just think they don't understand what that looks like and how much time that takes and what the process is to do it accurately and correctly," Morrell said. "Or they wouldn't be calling for that." https://www.npr.org/2022/10/07/1126796538/voting-explainer-hand-counting-ballots-accuracy-cost
  4. Well it was quite traumatic. So it will take time for sure.
  5. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/why-the-justice-department-is-sending-monitors-to-ensure-voting-rights-in-24-states Not good enough?
  6. Hard to believe you haven't heard of it. You seem to spew the election fraud BS pretty strong. Look it up. It's all about the mules in the 2020 election. You will love it. It's your type of BS. The same inept lawyers who couldnt win one case in 2020? I like it!!
  7. They have zero integrity or intelligence. All cults come to an end after being abused endlessly by the leader. It’s ok. You’ll get over it.
  8. no I think that would be people who put out 2000 mules. LOL
  9. https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/oversight-activities/voting-rights/ did you like 2000 mules btw? That was entertaining
  10. Trump must be shutting his pants now that he is being dismissed by his cult.
  11. Trump being charged and convicted helps your party actually.
  12. Former President Trump claimed without evidence on Thursday that he sent federal agents to Florida in 2018 to keep the state’s gubernatorial election from being “stolen” from Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). Trump said in a Truth Social post that he helped save DeSantis’s campaign and sent the FBI and U.S. attorneys to the state to stop voter fraud. and it begins. Or wait it never ended. Hey did you guys see 2000 mules? I guess when you are a moron that movie makes sense.
  13. Garland has some surprises for Trump after the midterms. Being a traitor has its consequences. Such a victim of the media!
  14. Our boy is at it again! Then came the shocker: ”[A]fter the race, when votes were being stolen by the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Sen. Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win.” Sarah Isgur, a Justice Department spokesperson at the time of the 2018 election, smacked down on Trump’s suggestion. “Never happened,” she tweeted.
  15. It's so fun to watch Elon ruin everything he achieved. If I threaten your family on here daily is that free speech?
  16. I think the OP is asking if some good will come out of a possible injury. It’s very possible some growth might come out of it. Such as running the ball. Josh might actually realize how dangerous each hit is finally. For one I don’t understand why we don’t have a better backup. And maybe they need to learn to protect JA better or address the OL.
  17. Coaching created the #1 defense to begin with though.
  18. I am afraid you might be the ignorant one. Did you read this part? Jefferson's metaphor of a wall of separation has been cited repeatedly by the U.S. Supreme Court. In Reynolds v. United States (1879) the Court wrote that Jefferson's comments "may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment." In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), Justice Hugo Black wrote: "In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state."
  19. Establishment clause of First Amendment often interpreted to require separation of church and state For approximately the first 150 years of the country’s existence, there was little debate over the meaning of this clause in the Constitution. As the citizenry became more diverse, however, challenges arose to existing laws and practices, and eventually, the Supreme Court was called upon to determine the meaning of the establishment clause. Though not explicitly stated in the First Amendment, the clause is often interpreted to mean that the Constitution requires the separation of church and state. Jefferson's metaphor of a wall of separation has been cited repeatedly by the U.S. Supreme Court. In Reynolds v. United States (1879) the Court wrote that Jefferson's comments "may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment." In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), Justice Hugo Black wrote: "In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state."
  20. In an interview with NewsNation conducted before polls closed, when asked how much credit he believed he deserved for any of the more than 330 candidates he endorsed throughout the cycle, Trump said, “Well, I think if they win, I should get all the credit. And if they lose, I should not be blamed at all, OK, but it’ll probably be just the opposite. All I know is any election the Dems lose was rigged.
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