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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Get back in the kitchen chef and stop your chess games on TBD. You are too smart for this place.
  2. You are definitely a chess player. I agree, the Republican congress who voted no in its entirety should get the credit. No need to chat with such a calm brilliant mind! I called your game out and you tried to spin that as me melting down. You are a clown chef.
  3. Bro I am relaxed. What is the point of your question? The budget is a complex issue? Congress? Budget committees? The president? Does this go against the idea that Clinton had anything to do with creating a balanced budget?
  4. yeah anyone who calls you out on your dumb way of discussing things is angry. It’s not an insult when someone points out your behavior. Why are you so triggered.
  5. KC? All they have done is collapse in the last 2 years. Is that how you word that?
  6. Mediocre doesn't produce this type of a team. Be disappointed all you like but that is a silly argument. Feel free to dig up how happy people were that Daboll left. So that doesn't bode well for this narrative either way. Either fans didn't value the coaching then or they don't now, most likely both.
  7. Your game is trying to give credit to the republican Congress who passed the bill. In essence its congress that votes on it right? Though every congressional Republican voted against the bill, it passed by narrow margins in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Clinton presented his budget plan to Congress in February 1993, proposing a mix of tax increases and spending reductions that would cut the deficit in half by 1997.[10] Republican leaders strongly opposed any tax increase and pressured congressional Republicans to unite in opposition to Clinton's budget,[11] and not a single Republican would vote in favor of Clinton's proposed bill.[8] Senate Democrats eliminated the implementation of a new energy tax in favor of an increase in the gasoline tax, but Clinton successfully resisted efforts to defeat his proposed expansion of the earned income tax credit.[12] Ultimately every Republican in Congress voted against the bill, as did a number of Democrats. Vice President Al Gore broke a tie in the Senate on both the Senate bill and the conference report. The House bill passed 219-213 on Thursday, May 27, 1993.[1] The House passed the conference report on Thursday, August 5, 1993, by a vote of 218 to 216 (217 Democrats and 1 independent (Bernie Sanders (I-VT)) voting in favor; 41 Democrats and 175 Republicans voting against).[2] The Senate passed the conference report on the last day before their month's vacation, on Friday, August 6, 1993, by a vote of 51 to 50 (50 Democrats plus Vice President Gore voting in favor, 6 Democrats (Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Richard Bryan (D-NV), Sam Nunn (D-GA), Bennett Johnston Jr. (D-LA), David L. Boren (D-OK), and Richard Shelby (D-AL) now (R-AL)) and 44 Republicans voting against). President Clinton signed the bill on August 10, 1993.
  8. Some of the fans define their identity by attacking the staff or players each week. Nothing new here.
  9. Cute game you trying to play. Go read about Clinton's 1993 budget bill OBRA. I've heard the nonsense from gingrich who wants to take credit for it. That bill passed with zero Republican support.
  10. Aug. 18, 2016: At a campaign event in Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump said, "On political corruption, we are going to restore honor to our government. In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law." Donald Trump retained documents bearing classification markings, along with communications from after his presidency, according to court filings describing the materials seized by the FBI as part of the ongoing criminal investigation into whether he mishandled national security information. The former US president kept in the desk drawer of his office at the Mar-a-Lago property one document marked “secret” and one marked “confidential” alongside three communications from a book author, a religious leader and a pollster, dated after he departed the White House. It's hard to explain economics to the brainwashed... I think the last one who was fiscally responsible was...... Clinton's final four budgets were balanced budgets with surpluses, beginning with the 1997 budget. The ratio of debt held by the public to GDP, a primary measure of U.S. federal debt, fell from 47.8% in 1993 to 33.6% by 2000.
  11. Everything about the way elections are run in Arizona would have had to be approved by Republicans. The systems in place would not exist without Republicans. The security measures. The checks. The audits. The process. All of it ushered through the Capitol by or with Republican support.
  12. You really need to meet some Dems and just have some conversations. I don't see this at all. I say the same thing to Dems who claim all Trumpers are racist. It's a little more nuanced.
  13. Appreciate the good write up. Got to stay positive. Nothing good comes from marinading in disappointment. Main problem in my opinion has been the play of Josh. If he can fix things we will be back on top. I am not into firing the coaches or claiming the team sucks.
  14. Yeah unlike KC who has no all-pros. Must be the coaching.
  15. The loss of Poyer and Hyde is immense on D. It will be even more evident in the playoffs.
  16. The Associated Press has called the House race in Washington state's 3rd Congressional District for Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez. Perez currently leads Republican Joe Kent 50.8% to 49.2%, a margin of 4,621 votes, with 70% of votes counted. The victory for Perez is a Democrat pickup of a seat that has been held by Republicans since 2011. The seat had been held by Republican Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler who lost in her primary race after being one of the 10 Republicans to vote to impeach former President Donald Trump over his role in the Capitol Hill riot in January 2021. GOP isnt losing cause of cheating. You losing cause of Trump. ***** funny.
  17. https://religionnews.com/2019/11/25/how-many-americans-believe-trump-is-anointed-by-god/
  18. 28-13 Vikings. The GDT calls for the resignation of all Bills coaches.
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