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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Let's see.... do I fire McD if I am the owner and have seen how relevant and competitive he has made the Bills just so I can please the fanbase who wants to give every coach 2-3 years to win the SB? Nah. I definitely am into changing the OC though if this keeps up.
  2. I expect Chubb to be knocked out of the game in the 2nd quarter by Milano. 8 carries for 27 yards.
  3. Elon is already alright even if Twitter ***** the bed. I can see why you enjoyed Trump running the country like a TV show. Trump and his followers love cruelty and chaos especially towards people they don't like. And Elon seems to be enjoying running Twitter like a TV show as well. Firing people with emails and threats, and having all sorts of fun while creating chaos. You guys coddled Trump for 6 years with his psychotic behavior and really enjoyed him "making liberals cry" Well now your monster is gonna turn on the GOP. Like BB here. Commies! Purge! Chaos! Mad! haha enjoy your monster the next 2 years. You guys will be beggin for Garland to put him in prison.
  4. We need a win bad to pacify the babies on here.
  5. Biden should just pardon Hunter now. Take a page out of trumps book. If pardoning a bunch of insurrectionists is palatable to the GOP I’m sure a laptop is not that big of a deal. he is already under investigation I thought. Double top secret investigation now?
  6. Even the simplest posts are too hard for B-Man to understand. Now go fight the good fight on a site that 12 people read.
  7. your god turmp is. so...... don't deflect. we ain't the ones supporting the biggest idiot in politics.
  8. It was and you can't handle the heat. You need to get out of the kitchen..... 😨 Now tell us why since WW2 the economy does better under Dem presidents. Let's hear your chess move.
  9. They are doing god's work Tim. Bless them.
  10. I don't see the Bills losing within the division again this year. Can see one more loss at Cincy.
  11. McD definitely has room for improvement. How many SB caliber teams are there this year? How many of those teams will lose this off-season? As a fan of that team would you fire the coach and refer to not winning the SB as choking? You fire Reid if the Chiefs "choke" this year?
  12. Well lets not rush to judgement and make rash decisions. Let's see how they do in the first quarter of the Browns game.
  13. I think once we fire the coaching staff next week this is one of the first thing that needs to be addressed.
  14. Anyone who votes for T after Jan 6th and election fraud should just leave America so we can maga
  15. Yeah the guys who created a top team in the NFL suck and can't evaluate talent.
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