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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Why dont you not watch the game if all it makes you is miserable?
  2. Hopefully he just needed couple bong hits. I did and I'm back on the 2nd half thread.
  3. Just stay on the GDT, you won't hear anything positive. It's awesome.
  4. People use this thread to just puke on the team. Imagine them in real life?
  5. You have to out do the last pathetic comment so you just make ***** up.
  6. I hope we get stop just to shut the GDT up. For ***** sake.
  7. I agree. Need to improve 3rd down D. But let's not fire Frazier.
  8. Be careful what you want to start.... Especially as stupid as this, even for you... In 2006, Florida Rep. Mark Foley was forced to resign after it was revealed that he’d sent sexually explicit messages and propositioned teenage congressional pages via email and text. In 2015, former Rep. Dennis Hastert, the longest-ever serving Republican speaker of the House, pleaded guilty to making illegal hush-money payments in order to cover up his history of sexually abusing high school wrestlers he had coached decades before. During and after the 2016 presidential race, among the dozens of women who accused former president Donald Trump of being a sexual predator were several contestants in the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, who reported that he barged into their dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing. (Trump allegedly told them, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”) During the 2018 midterms, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore was accused of preying on girls as young as 14 and 16; the New Yorker reported that his habit of trying to pick up high schoolers was so notorious that it actually got him banned from a local mall. Also in 2018, Rep. Jim Jordan, one of Trump’s fiercest allies and a co-founder of the hardline conservative Freedom Caucus, became embroiled in a scandal over his time as a wrestling coach at Ohio State University, where a team doctor named Richard Strauss, who committed suicide in 2005, was found to have sexually abused more than 177 male student athletes. And finally, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida is currently the subject of a literal sex-trafficking investigation, which is looking into whether he had sex with an underage 17-year-old girl, among other issues. (Greene is close with Gaetz, who denies the allegations, and has defended him.) Blanket statements like you and others make on here are extremely dangerous and irresponsible.
  9. Perhaps in your elementary school but not in Nevada for example. https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/many-more-dems-switching-parties-than-republicans-during-last-three-months Says Doc who is not affiliated with the Republican party. 😉
  10. I fully supported the initial vaccine drive as health care system was overwhelmed. Felt it was my obligation to help. I was fully against vax mandates however and now completely against people being pushed to get more boosters. It’s very poor science to keep pushing for more vaccines. And it’s insane to think an unvaccinated person is somehow dangerous. I also have anti vax friends who don’t want their kids around vaccinated people cause they shed the spike protein. Not sure which one is more dumb. I thought you guys would like to hear from a liberal who isn’t buying into the narrative. Lol. Let it rip!
  11. Sean Davis’s tweet from couple days ago Don’t Let The Left’s Smears Over The Colorado Club Shooting Derail Efforts To Protect Kids From Gender-Bending wowza.
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