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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Here’s a look at free speech absolutist Elon Musk’s ties to Chinese censorship... https://www.fastcompany.com/90817476/free-speech-absolutist-elon-musk-ties-to-chinese-censorship
  2. 50 years after the Kerner CommissionAfrican Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality https://www.epi.org/publication/50-years-after-the-kerner-commission/ Read about the black man ja. It’s a good intelligent read.
  3. Yes I think that is clearly what I am implying with my posts. I am superior to you. 😜
  4. Well I dont speak for the entire white community cause that would be so weird...... maybe you have real grip on the pulse of the entire black community thru generations. Chef is playing chess on here again? We ain't worthy Chef. I think my post actually answered your question. But you busy with chess.
  5. Some of you really need to sit down with some black people and ask some basic questions. Most (if not all) black people I know do not want any special treatment or pity from anyone. But ask them if they experience racism and what that looks like. wow way to understand the pulse of the entire black community and lecture them. very wise.
  6. Awesome. I just invited my fins fans for dinner. They have no clue!
  7. "The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over," Spencer added. "I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster, but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end." Now that’s funny.
  8. Argue all you want about who you absolve and who you don't. I am pretty sure David Duke voted from Trump over Biden.
  9. Man you all really need to just read a little more. Byrd made a 180 years ago. Right @aristocrat? As Robert Byrd passes, an era in race relations ends. Byrd started his political life as an Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan. In 1944, Byrd wrote the following in a letter to Senator Theodore Bilbo: "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a ***** by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." Byrd filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act for 14 hours. Byrd changed his mind later in life. In some respects, that change seems to have been politically motivated; maybe it was only politics at first.In 1997, he had this advice for up-and-coming politicians: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." That sounds like a coldly calculated assessment of political risk. Byrd made no secret of the decision he made to downplay his segregationist views in order to advance in Washington and move toward the mainstream. But while the cosmetic changes were going on, something was also happening inside the mind of Robert Byrd. Last year he spoke to C-SPAN about why he would vote differently on the Civil Rights bill today. He said, "I thought, well now suppose I were black, and my grandson and I were on the highways in the mid-hours of the morning or midnight, and I stopped at a place to get that little grandson a glass of water or to have it go to the restroom, and there's a sign 'WHITES ONLY'... black people love their grandsons as much as I love mine, and that's not right." George Rutherford of the West Virginia NAACP told us he believed Byrd's metamorphosis was sincere, that his conversion was as true as Saul's. And while I admit that I never met the senator or knew him personally, I also tend to believe that he had a crisis of conscience over racism and grew to know the error of his ways. It's telling that he used a small grandchild as a way to explain the basic inhumanity of segregation. I saw the power of children first-hand, as my father's parents were born in rural Texas and had all the prejudices you might expect from white Texans born in the early 20th century. But my father brought home a mixed-race bride, and his children were all part black. I have no idea what my grandparents thought when they first met my mother, when they first shook the brown hand of her father. But I know that they loved me unconditionally and without reserve, and it wasn't until I was an adult that I discovered they had started life with negative opinions about African-Americans. It may be cheesy and cliche, and suitable subject matter for an after-school special, but it nevertheless remains true: love can burn through prejudices and conquer racism without much effort. I don't know who Senator Robert Byrd loved, who made him suddenly see racism as inhuman and cruel. But I do know that his conversion is a powerful and significant as any other story of civil rights in America. His passing is the ending of an era. With him goes a generation of Americans who were prejudiced because they grew up never seeing or knowing anyone with brown skin. With him goes the ugliness of KKK members on Capitol Hill, but also the beauty of transformation that comes with illumination. Kinda like how you all defend that turd Walker cause you know those abortions were decades ago. So he is reformed sort of.....
  10. figurati se..... ci è piaciuta la nostra squadra
  11. Didn't mean to offend you. I picked making the playoffs. Where is my participation trophy?
  12. For a team that is poor in tackling to be at #8 in points allowed can only mean the coaching is actually good. Hard to spin it any other way. But I sense it's coming. The real reason is our top 5 players are missing. Seems pretty obvious why the level has dropped recently.
  13. A better question would be are you enjoying the past 5 years, the way the team was built and the way this team has grown and played? Are you proud of the team and management and how they play the game? I am. SB win is the goal. Easy to label any team who didn't win it as disappointing. I was still proud of the Bills after last years loss and enjoyed the season more than any in recent memory. Doesn't seem like some people are enjoying this team which is a shame.
  14. Why is every loss a choke job or meltdown? Why does every catch mean someone on defense sucks and is trash? Why does every punt mean McBean doesn't have a clue? Why are the fans emotional train-wrecks? Why do people think liking the team is giving out participation trophies? Why is being 8-3 mean we need a rebuild with new coaches I need to start all these threads.......
  15. this is the LAMP post. Whining about your negativity not being coddled.
  16. The Bills don't deserve this ungrateful title.
  17. You remind me of the GDT. Which is not a compliment. I appreciate this post but let's be honest, you did not like me calling out the idiotic whining on the GDT.
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