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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. The OP is really Art Vandaley. I though it was just a screen name. Makes sense now. sounds like you got triggered.
  2. do you feel he just doesn’t have the cognitive capacity to understand the werewolf-vampire situation in this country?
  3. it seems like most of the GOP kinda got what he was saying. Which makes sense for trump’s games. Which is why it’s odd you guys just can’t denounce it like the rest of the GOP is doing. I think the gop loves it to be honest. They don’t want trump. They know they can’t win w him making insane comments. “I think it’s ridiculous talk,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), a newly minted member of GOP leadership. “To besmirch our dedication to the Constitution is ridiculous.” “Very inappropriate,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), an ally of the former president. “The statement was inappropriate and I’m glad to see him clarify. At one point, a reporter asked Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) about the ex-president’s remarks. After saying that she hadn’t seen them, she asked incredulously, “Which election?” and audibly laughed after being told Trump was talking about the 2020 contest. “I don’t know why anybody would say something like that, certainly not an ex-president,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). I think that’s irresponsible.” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a self-proclaimed supporter of the nation’s formative document, told reporters that the Constitution “is enduring and it will be for millennia to come.” He declined to respond when asked if the 45th president was wrong. @Chef Jim I think they misunderstood. They need a semantics lesson from you. of course maybe I am misunderstanding what they are saying in those quotes. Or… the quotes are fake. I forgot one… “Well, the Republican Party is the Constitutionparty,” Romney told reporters on Capitol Hill on Monday. “So when he calls to suspend the Constitution, he goes from being MAGA to being RINO.” that’s funny *****.
  4. I know with your reading comprehension that sentence must have blown your brain!!! Here is another liberal site Breitbart talking about Trump's BS. I suspect you find Turner stupid as well. https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/12/04/gop-rep-turner-vehemently-disagree-with-trumps-calls-to-suspend-constitution-over-2020-election/ I know, not much you can say that is reasonable at this moment.
  5. Wow so even free speech advocate new far right idol Musk got in on condemning Trump. He simply didn’t understand the tweet I guess. You sound pathetic really but yeah do you own version of reality. Alternate facts I think there are called.
  6. Great post OP. Sure lots of you have seen this video about McD's leadership. A good watch.
  7. Jack white says it well. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/free-speech-jack-white-mocks-193835809.html
  8. That or Edmunds. Cause it was the D that delivered when needed. Josh definitely looked more comfortable and was having fun again.
  9. Republic Senate candidate Herschel Walker shared some confusing remarks while addressing a crowd about Trump’s proposed wall to secure the border with Mexico, Newsweek reports. In a viral video, Walker is shown telling his audience his support of the wall. He also said that walls don’t stop people from getting in. “A wall do work,” he said. “When you got a wall around your house, people don’t … yeah, but they can get in. But, you know what? If they get in, it would be hard to get out because I got a dog that … well, my dog really won’t bite, but he’s pretty bad anyway.”
  10. We are not like Russia or China. That is media created hysteria. Anyone can express their opinion in this country. No one is going to jail for a news article here. Most media caters to big business and big money.
  11. Elon has more plans for us all. Other than free speech of course. https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/elon-musk-confident-neuralink-microchip-device-expects-begin-human-trials-six-months.amp
  12. Elon Musk says Apple ‘misunderstanding’ resolved, thanks Tim Cook for campus tour
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