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Everything posted by cwater10

  1. Career advice
  2. Thanks Bart. I get the tragic comedy of the premise, but not really what I was questioning. Guess I did not phrase it quite right, but was curious if construction would impact the usability of the current stadium. Sounds like that is thankfully not a concern.
  3. If the new stadium is built in OP, where does team play during construction? Do we continue in current stadium during construction or is there a viable alternate in mind?
  4. Think he's taking his talents back to South Beach.
  5. So… they just fell out of bed and took a three point lead.
  6. "I could make you scared, if you want me to" If The Bills get there, you just know, and it's probably perfect poetic justice that they will get to vanquish one of their historic demons. So the script lines up as ... go through the "Brady in the SB" legacy, after years of just any given Sunday torture at his hands, or do we get really ambitious and bite off a piece of our therapy inducing Super Bowl issues vs America's team. This is tough stuff, football fan psychiatric gold! Best I can go with is letting history inform my gut. There was a time that seeing Miami creeping up on the schedule always put a knot in mine. It always felt like a certain terror awaited, a humbling reality check following us down a dark alley. Of course, that Dolphin ghost story died away decades ago and that reversal will always be one of my favorite memories and occupies a most satisfying place in my current Bills fan psyche. Now we've landed in the 21st century and have lived (or maybe are still living in) the awful sequel, produced all too well. Brady seems to have taken on, and perfected the role of the dark alley stalker for The Bills. He's just always been there around the corner, waiting with that menacing, soul lacking look in his eyes. There was a piece of me, albeit a small piece, that felt relief watching the Super Bowl last year thinking how horrific it would have felt to see the Bills reviving their Super Bowl notoriety at the hands of Brady. Football PTSD! No, no thank you... not today Tommy. On the other hand, we have the Dallas Cowboys. If you were a Bills fan in the 90's, it's hard to envision wanting another bite of that s*** sandwich. I'm seeing the pledge in Animal House... "Thank you sir. May I have another?" The ridiculously atrophied area of my Bills fan brain that is rational understands that none of this is real, that that is all old history. So what? Being a Bills fan has never been about reason or logic. It's the trip, stupid! And for my money, my best trip sees us handling Brady in a few weeks right where he has long menaced us, in the regular season. Maybe we do our part in keeping him out of one last big dance. Any one remember how great in felt to chase Don Shula into retirement? And peaking in the Super Bowl by chasing one last demon, America's Team... Well what could be better than that? That would be one seriously good day. It's halloween damn it, where is my chainsaw? "If you're prepared..."
  7. Bleu Cheese Spoils Sushi Wrong Hurricane Will Cost You Tagovailoa
  8. I see Hyde and Poyer giving Tua nightmares. I'll lean toward Micah for the highlight show plays.
  9. It’s a week to week league. This week, with respect to this game, the best Buffalo can accomplish is to pull back ahead of Tennessee in the conference with a KC win. So, hold my nose and root for Chiefs and then see how the conference looks next week.
  10. When breaking a 20 game losing streak is not the highlight of you week... Nice!
  11. I'd rather be us and I'd rather be us, THIS YEAR! The parallels are striking and worth remembering. As stated, last year we sat 4-2 coming off two prime time games vs KC and Tenn, same as this year. The difference is we split those two games this year instead of losing both. Last year, in week 7 we were headed for a game vs Jets where the offense continued to underperform and we won with only FG's. Then we faced down NE and needed Zimmer's miracle punch of the ball to save a win vs a bad NE team, and seemingly the season's bright hopes. Then came Seattle and we seemed to finally wake up and catch fire. It's easy to look back at last season and think it was all smooth sailing. It wasn't. But this team did grow up along the way and learn how to win and how to put away the easy ones. It seams McDermott's teams do seem to lag a bit in October and then gain a ton of momentum in the second half of the season. I'll be stunned if that pattern doesn't repeat. I don't see how anyone can objectively watch this team, then watch other teams and what those teams struggle with and then panic or express concern about The Bills prospects. I'd much rather be us than them. We are watching the best team and the most complete team in the AFC, and possibly the entire league. That is no guarantee, of course, but I would rather be us.
  12. A couple of rouges?
  13. Love that guy. Class A great human being and insanely tough and talented LB... only a Bill for a relatively short time, but so memorable.
  14. We know that Wallace is already very ******* far from OK. Well done Cynic man!
  15. On a related note, this thread brings to mind my first brush with a celebrity. In the early days of Rich Stadium, the opposing teams would often stay at The Sheraton East on Walden by where the Galleria is now. We were staying there on the weekend that the Jets were in town in '74, (worst weather game I ever attended... In freaking September!). Anyway, I was hanging out at a table in the lounge with my parents on late Saturday afternoon and my dad and I spotted Joe Namath having drinks at a nearby table with a few teammates. My dad and I decided that my mother would be the one to go for the autograph. Fully appreciate the scene where Joe, perhaps the most recognizable face in sports at that time, was sitting at a table with 4 lineman, all African American and appropriate size for an NFL lineman. My mother, thinking she is being cool, approaches and says "excuse me, which one of you guys is Joe Namath?" Joe winks and says "If you give me a dollar, I'll tell you". They all laughed and I went home with the Namath signed napkin and a great story to remember. For you mom... You were the greatest of all!
  16. Definitely not. But I am suggesting that compensation does not offset all other real life considerations to the public figure.
  17. I can appreciate what Josh is saying. Everyone is wired differently. No matter how wealthy, how Royal, they are still human and entitled to a degree of privacy and normalcy. Nothing too scary has happened to an athlete to date, but there is a history. It can get out of control for some. As stated above, just use your head and show a little respect. That goes along way. John Lennon’s future directs you to the headline below:
  18. Hard to contest that list. They are vile. The Baker thing is probably more than a little personal for me. Heavy serving of Browns fans in my family…. There is even a dog named Baker that peed on my recliner. Bad dog. Bad team.
  19. It’s Baker. Can’t get past his smugness.
  20. Is it hot there with a lot of sinners?
  21. If you see a white pickup with the Buffalo on it charging the wrong way, please close the door to that wormhole behind you and throw away the key.
  22. In that other universe, did we re-hire Greg Roman to develop Lamar Jackson? Or did we really get the wrong Josh?
  23. Always reassuring to know I'm not hallucinating...
  24. Smoke sighting! Didn't know he was elevated from PS
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