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Another Point of View

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Everything posted by Another Point of View

  1. How is Jamarcus Russell doing in Oakland? I can't find him on the sidelines
  2. How does the best team in football struggle against the Broncos?
  3. In a rebuilding project the idea is to acquire players that fit the plan of the team. All I know if the team has holes and we could fill one or two before the draft.
  4. I am not looking for a move to please the fans, I am looking for a sign of life. Is there a problem in Buffalo worth exploring a solution? I think so! The trade deadline is when your veterans have the most value, some team looking for help and a shot for the playoffs. During the off season in a low point in value.
  5. I say,and I still believe that Linda Bodgan was behind the scene aggravation and a direct spy to his father. Believe what you want but she did have something to do with Bill leaving Buffalo.
  6. If that is the plan then fine. We are now making plans. Thats cool!
  7. I Bills are not very good but would crush any UFL team. It wouldn't even be close. 53-0
  8. I would have to say there is at least 50 players in the last year of their deal and sitting on the bench waiting for a move by his team. This is the time..........
  9. If he likes to build through the draft then trade players for picks. Either way we need to know somebody is trying. If the Bills were smart they promote the future and they lay a plan out for the fans. I need more then we need a QB. *
  10. I need a sign. A serious attempt by the Bills that says we won't stand still. We care about the team and fans. We (The Bills) recognize the weaknesses and we will do anything to improve. If this date, October 19th passes without a sign.........the Bills have surrendered and Buddy is a hoax. There are always options, the safe thing to do is nothing..... Lets see what you got Buddy
  11. I want an owner that lives in Buffalo,somebody I can throw rocks at! I am tired of escape helicopters as the owner fly's away
  12. Even a project must show something. This may be the worst pick in Buffalo history.
  13. If the Bills can get Luck the 50 mil is not a problem and Ralph will gladly pay him Sure, we might trade but I doubt it!
  14. I couldn't agree more. Passing on Orakpo has to rank as Buffalo Biggest blunder in 10 years. He was right there ready to play and he has the toughness. Who do we pick Maybin?? We selected speed over toughness and now we have a wasted #1 pick The Bills gave Incognito a shot and we let him go.....another tough guy gone
  15. Some of these QB's don't make in the NFL so their last fun year of football may be his senior year. Unless there is a settlement the junior players will not skip. (most any way) I wouldn't skip either, not in 2011
  16. I already offfered to by the team but my wife wants a new dishwasher. Sears Deluxe model #4335 If I have any money left....THEN I WILL BUY THE BILLS.
  17. I think Die hard predicted this, didn't he? http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/121431-if-i-was-andrew-luck/
  18. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3/OL-Wrotto-blending-in-quickly-/f852a439-2411-434f-8b09-fea3ea1dba45
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