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Another Point of View

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Everything posted by Another Point of View

  1. I suggested Michael Vick several times and all I got was doggie LOVE. Also, nobody wanted to hear it because Buffalo would surly draft a QB #1
  2. I am not one of these fans that sits in a room bashing the quarterback. I realize that removing the starter is not always the answer, sometimes the change accomplishes very little and the team can become divided over who should start the following week. I have to tell you, I was sure Gailey needed to do something to spark the team and I thought for sure Edwards would not start the 2nd half. How about you?
  3. I blame Gailey for not replacing Edwards at half time. I was just sure he would!
  4. Only a Kool aid drinker would write such a thread. This is only game and nobody was claiming a 16-0 season.
  5. http://sports.yahoo.com/video/player/nfl/Y_Sports_NFL/21794520#nfl/Y_Sports_NFL/21794520 Sorry if already posted...
  6. Are you telling me "The Worst team I ever saw"-(Mike Golic ESPN) will defeat the all mighty Dolphins. When the Bills win.......... what will that make the Miami Dolphins?
  7. How many times do I have to repeat this. Buffalo is a small market team, easy to bash because you only offend a couple hundred thousand. You never hear these guys bash the big market teams because its all about viewership and commercial time. Same goes for highlights and post game interviews, the Bills get nothing more then a short clip.
  8. I guarantee the bills will win to! But, nobody asked me?
  9. The guy has got to break out sometime, I think it will be this week.
  10. I am going with 2.5 against the Dolphins.... How about you?
  11. I once accidently spiller'ed some hot coffee on my boss the Miami fan. Then I said, oh gezzz I am sorry, it must have been gravity.
  12. LB Akin Ayodele is a solid player, the guy loves to hit. I think Bills fans will be happy.
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