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Another Point of View

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Everything posted by Another Point of View

  1. I hate to say this, but its a team effort, the QB ,line and WR's, TE's are all at fault!
  2. Look guys, I realize some of you believe the Bills simply do not care about the 2010 season. What they do care about is sales and merchandise. I can almost guarantee the Bills will change something this week. A trade, a different starting QB? You have got to give fans a reason to watch the games and stay interested. Otherwise, bring on those Sabres
  3. Just because the experts "May? be right doesn't justify a bashing before the season even started. Sure, its hard to argue NOW but the same guys never admitted they are wrong countless times in the past!
  4. If you want to believe Twitter,Whitner said Incognito did not like Buffalo and wanted a longer deal. He was a free agent and picked Miami.
  5. My issue is going with a QB that is not in Buffalo's plans. He is a free agent next year and there is no chance the Bills will want him back. He is GONE- Lets move on!
  6. I been beating this drum for over a year. He is a doogy killer you know,not worthy of consideration in Buffalo. We prefer a real Dog at QB?
  7. What is a presser? Sounds like a machine in a laundry mat ?
  8. Of coarse not, why are we wasting a full year to prove it! A new deal? You got to be kidding, how about a refund? Next up Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  9. "John Fina a "Great all-time Buffalo Bill"? Is this a joke? I know things have been bad here for a decade, but Fina sucked for most of his career." Gee, and you wonder why DieHard 1967 wouldn't post his real name here!
  10. Don't be fooled, this team is worse then the score!
  11. You can for get about coaching changes....we are out of people who will accept the job.
  12. Fitz is better then Edwards and hopefully Brohm is better then both
  13. I think Fitzpatrick is a backup in this league, but far better then Edwards, far better.
  14. Thank you Trent, I knew you would show up....boy you sure told me! Boy,you sure are nasty
  15. My question was, is he a better option then Edwards? I never said he was the ANSWER.
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