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Another Point of View

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Everything posted by Another Point of View

  1. If true I wish him well AND I still say he was better then Lossman
  2. Its way to soon to bash Buddy. Incognito wanted out of Buffalo, Green was a safety net for LT incase Bell had not recovered fron his injury. The RB issue depend on a possible trade of Lynch
  3. I think he had 1 bad interception. I am a Fitzpatrick backer. I will give up when the appropiate time comes.
  4. I really don't want to get you guys started this morning but let me share my opinnion. I have seen all the great quarterbacks suffer with less starts then Fitzpatrick. My guess is he has around 12. The offensive line is still a problem but Fitpatrick handles the rush differently. He will lead a receiver rather then take the sack and this is the main reason for inconsistancy and poor accuracy. At this point I stick with Fitzpatrick until I find an uncorrectable problem. So do we need to draft and gamble on a Rookie QB in the first round? You tell me?
  5. I remember it well, I flew in from Florida, made left in Ohio, re-fueled in California and attended the game.I believe the year was 1941. Or something like that.......HERE, I made a video of the trip........
  6. I pick Whitner to knock Brady out for the season as the Bills laugh at the Patriots offensive line.
  7. Well, the next time Marshawn Screws up I hope you will come back with a "Buddy's Worst move as GM" thread.
  8. Have to disagree, if Fitzpatrick started in Game one, buffalo would be 1-1 Buffalo could have beated Miami
  9. I guess you want to assure the #1 pick in the draft huh? You are not the first. Why not throw in Lynch and Jackson?
  10. Commercial time during every modern day sports are ruining the games. You youngers guys don't understand because you grew up with mulitple commercials It used to be no more then 2 -1 minute commercials per quarter.....thats right! There is no flow to the game. Players just stand around an wait!
  11. How many yards will Fitzpatrick have passing against New England?
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