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Another Point of View

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Everything posted by Another Point of View

  1. The real question is.....how does Buffalo use a top 3 pick in the 2011 draft? Its not going to be a offensive linemen but it could be a Defensive player. Where does Mark Ingram Rank in the draft. Buffalo will not take a RB ( I hope) but he is valuable trade bate right before the selection. Maybe Buffalo should just trade the pick away for 2 or 3 proven vetran linemen
  2. T.O. was the ultimate drawing card in Buffalo. Ralph knew the hype was over so he let him go! Simple economics my friends.... Big Money,little return,see ya!
  3. Excellent thread, I don't completly agree but we are on the same page. Nix will make the right picks, I am sure of that.
  4. I understand why some may want a new Quarterback, I really do. We are talking about a PREMIUM DRAFT SELECTION and this group is not worthy. I see a reach and a diaster,the fans can not take much more.
  5. Ut, oh, BBF, you are about to get pounded on by nearly everone on this board. These guys made up their minds in August, we need that franchise Quarterback and they believe the new kid will fix everything. I haven't given up on Fitz, Brohm OR Brown and I am NOT buckling to pear pressure either. If we draft another QB this crowd will turn on this guy after the first game. Some day, yes SOME DAY, people will realize that without an Offensive line, NO quarterback will survive. Good luck with your thread, you're going to need it!
  6. Come on guys, Fitzpatrick should have been dead by half time. Had Edwards played, the first quarter.
  7. I don't think coaching is the problem at all. Its lack of control over football operations, a team without a lease, and a 91 year old owner that keeps the future a big secret and No franchise QB as you mentioned. Those are exactly the reasons why most coaches do not want Buffalo
  8. If the Bills get blown out again, I am sure we will see Brohm eventually
  9. I respectfully disagree, Brohm was a top rated QB, all he really lacks is playing time and perhaps some confidence. Drafting yet another highly rated QB makes no sense to me until Brohm proves he is NOT the guy.
  10. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/10/03/brohm-almost-played/
  11. We will see, the guy only started about 14 games in his entire career.
  12. Say what you want but..... Who ran for extra yardage late in the game when Buffalo had no chance of winning? Who was Buffalo leading rusher for the day? Who was up off the bench talking with the offense squad when other QB's (No names mentioned)sat on the bench staring into space. Who wacked Marshawn on the helmet and pointed out a blitzing Linebacker? 5 times??? Who threw the ball up twice with defensive players inches away and still got the ball near the open receiver? That was amazing. Hate me if you want but Fitzpatrick is what a Quarterback should be, a leader! I am not saying he is the final answer at Quarterback but he sure gave it his best shot on Sunday. Fans need to recognize effort and back the players who give it all. Nice Job Fitz
  13. I believe in patience with Players but the entire lineup lacks physical players. Maybin is a mistake, cut ties before money becomes a problem with the players
  14. Dude, Whitner had to cheat yesterday and got burned. This was a coaching disission. We can't stop the run so bring up the safety. Get some new LB's and some hole pluggers or Whitner will suffer all season. Waive Evans? No comment, this is crazy.
  15. It appears he is still injured, but you make a great point. My experince with Ralph is he is always one step ahead of disaster, however,he is slow to react.
  16. I have news from a ex beat reporter that says Maybin was yanked again and Woods was not happy on the sidelines. I think Woods in playing at around 80%
  17. From reports I got at the Stadium, Wood and Maybin were benched. Maybin has got to show reasonable improvement or he is wasting a roster spot!
  18. I am asking you? How do you fix this mess? I am not talking about a series of responses that recommend major trades. The Bills need to weed out the non performers and set a reasonable goal for the season. I waive a few players that gave up on Sunday and move practice players up to the 53 man roster,if they quit I waive them too! I audition new players every week at nearly every position. This sends the right message to the players and fans. This is from the book of Bill Parcells. " If you quit, I will find somebody that won't" I attempt to trade Aaron Maybin today, if there are no takers, I waive him, See Ya! He is not getting any better and he is not even on the field anymore. I am all for patience but at some point you need to dump these guys. Maybin makes big money and he is basically worthless. A VERY BAD SITUATION FOR ANY TEAM. The Bills have got to make changes now before the fans completly abandon the team. Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey have got to do something and I assume they will!
  19. Letters are for whimps but we will miss you. See you when the bandwagon is full!
  20. You sound just like the fans in Cleveland, "Lets Strike the games, 1 year later the Browns moved! Lucky for them they got the team back. The team is no better, they still suck and strike did nothing!
  21. Three choices here, #1 bring back the 4-3 or #2 trade for some 3-4 players or #3 Suck
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