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Another Point of View

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Everything posted by Another Point of View

  1. Ralph will spend the money when it is a good investment. Example, Jim Kelly looks like he could lead Buffalo to the playoffs O.J. needs help on the offensive line to gain more yards/sell more tickets. He is not cheap. He just does not have the passion to remain competetive every season. If Ralph see the chance to make even more money he will invest.
  2. 12,000 fans will miss Maybins near sack, if he makes the field. I will see it. Well maybe!
  3. I am going to say something and some will be offended but since most of you are in a bad mood anyway...here goes. ITS NOT ABOUT WINNING TEAMS AND SUPERBOWLS,ITS ABOUT SUPPORT FOR THE TEAM THAT REPRESENTS BUFFALO..........THE PLAYOFFS AND THE SUPERBOWL ARE A BONUS. If I followed the Bills only when they had a chance to win the Superbowl, I would save a ton of money!
  4. What exactly is a STUD QB ? Are we going to breed more horses?
  5. I could be dead by then.......... Draft 2011, yea right!
  6. Last week I came in here to tell a funny story THEN bash your team and some of you decided to get on my case like I was out of line or something.I am a BANDWAGON FAN and I never follow the Jets when they lose.I came here with one purpose......Rile up the board then disappear.When the Jets start to lose you won't find me here.....nope,not me! Well now that the Bills choked, I am here to gloat!!! I wouldn't take it too hard though. It is just that the Jets are pretty much like the fans in New York City.We shoot people in the streets over cab fare,steal money from old people,scam the visitors,collect tax money from Western New York to help build a shrine near ground zero. then laugh. We like to run up the score because it makes us feel powerful. I also said the Bills might win a game soon and this might be the week but I only said that because I am such a wonderful person. P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.
  7. Man,if we receive draft picks this board will explode. Your drafted players may not see the field for 2 years if there is a strike...
  8. Personally, I hope the Bills keep him, I believe the off field problems are behind him now. Should the Bills trade, I don't want draft picks for Marshawn, I want a player or players in return. If Ralph thinks he can trade him away for draft picks and the fans will be all fuzzy, then he is under estimating the situation. This would be a clear indicator that the team does not care about the fans or the 2010 season. The Bills need help at 6-8 positions,surely some team can make an offer that can help the Bills now! There may be no 2011 season! I would focus on Linebacker, Physical Wide Receiver,or a proven pass rusher. GET A PLAYER BUDDY!
  9. I like what the fans did in Oakland, they buy single tickets only, pay as you go! If you suck and you do nothing then the fans are not out any money.
  10. Well anyway, he is gone and water under the bridge now! When you fight with the head coach you are pretty much banned in the NFL. He was nothing more then a fill in! Its to bad because I liked him in Buffalo
  11. Incognito was waived by the Rams, claimed by Buffalo and signed for the 2009 season. He could sign anywhere he wanted, and he did! He had problems and he wasn't getting an extended deal from any team!
  12. Wrong, he is inconsistant and that is correctable. You are right on the money
  13. Incognito was looking for a two year deal, the Dolphins gave him a high incentive 1 year contract. Incognito told Donte Whitner he was not interested in playing in Buffalo. It was posted in Whitners Twitter page.
  14. Fitz is a border line starter in the NFL and we are lucky to have him. Brohm would be toast with this offensive line!
  15. The Bills have not learned to bond as a team. The quitters need to be eliminated. Not sure the whole team quit by a few players did!
  16. Guys, wrong angle but its fixable. Did he deserve a new deal? NOOOoooo!
  17. I wanted Fitz to start the season. To me it was obvious! Man did I take a beating for that one! I understand, the fans wanted a QB better then all 3
  18. You forgot something, you have to be lucky enough to draft high in the draft that a Peyton Manning,John Elway, Kelly or Marino is available Sorry guys ,this class is no better then last year and none are as good as Bradford. I see 3 or 4 Clausens in this draft.
  19. Lets face it, its a crap shoot. I want a tough QB but thats my preference. I want a superrior leader,yet he has to have wheels, thats it for me!
  20. This would involve several teams and selections. If the right QB is there AND THE BILLS ARE CONFIDENT that Brohn and Fitzpatrick are not the guys then GO GET HIM!
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