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Another Point of View

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Everything posted by Another Point of View

  1. Umm, I wouldn't count on Jim Kelly, that was his rah,rah speech. We will see but I doubt he is involved
  2. What are you talking about, Walt Disney was a fine person
  3. The Bills and all NFL teams are aware of traded players. This information can work against a team. Simple changes such as a post pattern can be changed to look the same, then the play is a come back.
  4. The oldest man alive is 112. That would be 22 years without the playoffs
  5. Finally some compassion for the fans, black it out everywhere!
  6. But she wants the Sears deluxe model. Your share is 175.00
  7. The Bills will win a few games, most likely 1 or 2. Funny, everyone complained about 7-9? As for the draft, I think we MIGHT trade....
  8. Heres my Plan..... I watch the Bills and hope for a victory, when they lose I don't get too upset. That way.......you survive
  9. It was a joke dude, chill. You don't hang around here much,do you?
  10. He is very good at second guessing almost everything. Its getting old
  11. Sullivan believes Buddy should sit down with the media and explain every move. Well, there are many factors that go into a decision. You don't waive a #1 draft pick for missing a voluntary camp. Bell could have been useful but Nix may have had plans for a player for player trade using Lynch and another player, we will never know. Gailey and Nix wanted to watch Edwards first hand and I give them credit for that. The Bills evaluated,then moved on! Nice article but ONE SIDED VIEW.
  12. If you can't play with a torn labrum then you don't belong in the NFL
  13. What if he is frozen like Walt Disney. The doctors thaw him out every draft day just to say no to every quarterback on the board. Then refreeze.
  14. I jury is out on the 2010 draft, everything before that is not Buddy's fault. We got a 4th and a 6th, hardly a disaster.
  15. I think you are painfully late with your thread. Where were you last night? The City of Buffalo was on Fire and the only real help came from Die Hard 1967
  16. You have to read between the lines with Schobel because he plays games. Houston made him an offer after a short work out. Schobel said, We couldn't come to an agreement. Translation, he wanted an increase in play and NO TEAM will offer him that!
  17. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe the team is not sold to the highest bidder usless the new owner is approved by the NFL. He must have ties to Buffalo and every owner has a chance to nix the deal.
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