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Everything posted by obie_wan

  1. Hardy can't beat the jam of a top flight CB. Fortuantely, Indiana only faced NFL caliber CBs against Ohio State. He won't have that luxury in the NFL, especially light of the quick release, timing patterns Turk wants to run this year.
  2. The Bills would have been up the creek if GB had traded ahead of them and taken Lynch However, GB did what good teams do. They found a RB in Ryan Grant and plugged him to great success. They also drafted a RB in the 2nd round who will challenge for time.
  3. The problem is they should not have been in the position to be forced to take a RB in teh first round just to field the posiiton. The Bills voluntarily created the hole by moving Willis in a contract year for too little and too early.
  4. Vince Wilfork was the better pick because the can play NT and gives the defense the flexibility to play multiple fronts. Either pick would have been better than a WR and QB that we got in the 1st round.
  5. sort of like that pass JP threw against the Jets
  6. hard to believe we picked Hunter in 1983 ahead of Jim Kelly
  7. John Guy was the astute talent evaluator bringing Webster to the team another tremendous signing
  8. can someone cite something that actually supports that the Bills will be converting to a WCO. I think this is a fallacy. Bills wil run what they ran last year - which had a focus on quick releases. not necesarily a WCO.
  9. with a week to go to training camp- what is the status of gettiing the rookies under contract?
  10. something like families like the Kennedies who structured their assets, then designed a law that would exempt them but apply to new business creation?
  11. 1. you can't put an NFL franchise into a charitable trust. 2. you totally miss the point regarding a family business. The family (kids = heirs) are running the business. They generally are not deadbeats looking for a windfall. However, the estate tax forces the estate the sell the business and force the working family members out of the business.
  12. After 3 years as the #8 selection, the Pro Bowl should be a given.
  13. Most of these schemes you reference allow a gradual transfer of value over many years. Ralph's problem is that the team erxploded in value recently and he does not have many years and many heirs over which he can pass value. Your plan is great if all of the estate is liquid sitting in a bank account. However, when the bulk of teh estate is made up of stock in a business and the underlying real estate, the consequences from the esate tax are much more punitive. When a family works for several generations to create a family business which is now worth a significant sum and the govt forces teh heirs to sell it to pay taxes - then there is a problem in the system. Joe Robbie is a case in point. His family was forced to sell the team / stadium to raise the cash to pay the estate tax
  14. well - if you have a billion dollars and give away half, Buffwt still has half a billion dollars. (you forget that the GAtes and Buffet money did not go to reral charities - it went to a foundation controlled by Bill and his wife which only has to pay out 5% of the annual earnings (not value) to real functioning chariteis. The good news is that they got a current charitiable deduction to reduce their current income. Just moving the cash from left hand to right hand. not quite the same as being forced to sell the farm and family business just to pay the tax. big difference between liquid assets and the ownership of a farm or football team
  15. The Bills have missed the boat big time with ragards to their OL. They have spent 3 picks in the top 4 rounds over the last 10 years (44 picks). The dynamic duo have spent zero picks, even though they don't have a bona fide backup at either OT on the roster and their C who has been overwhelmed at times becomes a free agent after this year and also needs a competent backup or replacement. but they did draft 3 DBs and 2 WRs in 2008.
  16. no big surprise since the talent evaluators and brain trust (Modrack, Guy , etc) has been the constant over the last 7 years.
  17. The Packers put him on their Long Term Injured Reserve/Retirement list. He is not active and can not get paid his salary. He needs to notify the Pack that he wants to be activated ("reinstated")
  18. He still hasn't offically filed his "retirement" papers with the league. He still belongs to the Pack
  19. running a NFL franchise is not a charitable activity. avoiding the estate tax by giving up the assets being taxed to a charity only solves the problem if your goal was give away all of your assets to 3rd parties. probably not the original intention. you must have worked for the Vatican in a prior lifetime.
  20. They may be better but the stats may actually look worse if the DL actually stops teams from running at will and forces them to throw more.
  21. gotta love the liberals. better to let the government redistribute the wealth as they see fit. of course, we could always use the method employed by the Catholic church to prevent a build up of assets by families - just prohibit all males from being able to marry and legally pass on property. a little sex with kids is a small price to pay for wealth re-distribution
  22. The concern is the the front office is again overpaying for average talent (Butler, Walker, Williams, Dockery) and playing tightwad with the star players, Evans and Peters. Return to the good old days of overpaying Jerry Ostrowski and friends. We will see if they suck it up and pay for the talented players. It would also help if they didn't completely piss those players off before finally making an offer.
  23. Good chance Fowler improves this year. he had surgery to fix his shoulder. not being able to lift is a big reason he wasn't strong enough at the point of attack.
  24. yeah- but he braintrust gave him big money at the time - so he must have been good. those shotgun snaps were always an adventure
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