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Posts posted by obie_wan

  1. Can't understand your argument.


    Playing Losman is bad because he is a rookie.


    But your plan for short term success is to treat our hall of Fame QB who is paid almost $9 mil like an inexeperienced, untalented rookie by running the ball so he doesn't cause sacks or turnovers.


    How is it worse to play anybody other than Drew?




    Jim Kelly had a couple of years in the USFL to prepare him for the NFL, and the Bills were still 4-12 his rookie NFL season.


    Brady didn't play his rookie year (actually, he threw 3 passes), he played his second year.


    Manning was 3-13 his rookie year.


    Pennington didn't start his rookie year.  He wasn't name starter until his 3rd year and even then was an early season replacement for Testeverde.


    Holding a QB back a year is not a myth, it's a fact.  JP does offer a different dimension than Bledsoe, but the reality is that the QB position is not going to pull Buffalo out of its offensive funk this season.


    To salvage this thing, the coaching staff is going to have to rely even more on the running game.  Henry and McGahee will need to be used to pummel a defense.


    Right now, that's Buffalo's only real hope to make any progress this year.


  2. This was a great article and is more truthful than any of the drudge you will see on this board.  It could just as easily have been us at 2-0 and the Jags at 0-2.  This is a parity league and anyone can beat any other team.  You just have to look at the Chicago/Green Bay game.  Everyone thought GB were world beaters (me included, they knocked me out of the Survivor Pool ;) ), but then the Bears beat them at Lambeau.  The Bills will turn this ship around, the question is, when will it happen and will it be too late?



    depends when they park Drew on the bench

  3. Can somebody please tell me if there is any difference between Rob Johnson and the current incarnation of Drew Bledsoe?  They both hold the ball too long (4 second clock, my a**).  At least Johnson had some mobility.  There are many suspect offensive lines in the league, but some quarterbacks still manage to get it done.



    Rob would be an improvement over Drew because he had escapability and he ocassionally did hit a big play.

  4. I don't mind the conservative West Coast offense approach but even those systems used a vertical passing game once in a while. 


    Sadly, I don't think our "offensive" line permits such play calling.  :)



    Don't agree about the OL.


    QBs can throw the ball 20 yards downfield with a 3 step drop, which would negzate the pass rush.


    It's just that ours can't, because he has to wait until he sees the WR has 5 yards of separation - which isn't too often.

  5. Ahh, the fyou smilie.  The smilie that says it all when you've got nothing to say.


    In this case, what you mean to say is, "I give up."


    I was right about Drew.  It's okay to say it.  Doesn't mean he's not a fine, upstanding young man who parents with dignity.  He's just not a good quarterback.


    For $8.75m this season, Bills fans have a right to demand better and not sit around and wish "Future Hall of Famer" Drew were their brother and not their team's quarterback.



    quite the return on that $8.75 mil investment.


    could have bought an OL or two instead.

  6. Drew busted his ass all day. He put the ball to the receivers only for them to dissapoint and DROP THE DAMN THING. The score could have been much in the bills favor. Had the wr's caught the damn balls and the offensive line blocked/protected.


    I would not blame drew if he wanted to up an leave this team.




    it is not Drew's fault that he is slow, has no pocket awareness and no confidence in his own ability.

  7. After this game, I'm not convinced that the coaching staff hasn't been setting us up to go deeper down field. Our QB had several opportunities (with good protection) Sunday to throw the deep ball, but he elected to dump off to a back for minimal gain. Worst of all, on several occasions he skipped the ball to the receiver. He clearly looked down field but did not pull the trigger. Either our WRs aren't getting open, or Drew has lost his confidence in the deep ball.




    from Drew's perspective, the Bills don't have "open" receivers very often becasuse they don't have 5 yards of seperation from the DB so Drew doesn't feef comfortable attempting the pass.


    NFL QBs need to throw the ball on the WRs break, not wait for coverage breakdowns.


    The opportunities are there, but our QB is incapable of even attempting to make a play.

  8. Drew is done.


    He is not capable of starting for any NFL team that wants to win.


    Parcells hates turnovers, he will not tolerate a QB that kills drives with sacks and picks.


    Besides that - Drew Henson is a better QB right now than Bledsoe is.




    Let the debate begin....What do YOU predict????????


    I predict Bledsoe will be traded to the Cowboys.


    Vinny will be gone after this year and Parcells will bring in Bledsoe

    on a 1-2 year deal to lead the Cowboys next year while Drew Henson continues to learn.


  9. Ive never been an "apologist" for Drew, I always try to use facts. And the facts is that Drew played a poor game today. I can't say anything to support him today.



    for as effective as the passing game has been, they could go to the single wing with both Willis and Travis on the field and no QB.


    Marv ran it with the Chiefs, so it has been used before.


    Even Moulds looked good getting out of the pocket on his direct snap

  10. TD should have canned Gilbride at the bye and GW too if he refused to do it.


    By not taking any action, TD tanked teh season.


    It looks like this season may be going the same direction with the offene severely limited by our QB.


    Bye week is here - time to bench Drew and remove the cancer. Let Matthews play until Losman returns. Matthews can not produce any worse than Bledsoe




    Not offering GW a new contract was one of the things which TD got right.  GW should not have been hired in the first place over Fox or Lewis.  Once he was hired, TD never should have let him make his own bed with his coaching staff as he did not (and does not) know the O game.


    Once this became clear when Shepard needed to be canned, TD should have followed his own inclination and gotten GW to hire Clements instead of Kevin Killdrive.


    Once it was clear that Killdrive was pass-happy, TD should have forced (cajoled) GW into stripping him of the OC responsibility (as NYG did in mid-season with Sean Payton) and given it to former OC les Steckel as apparently many players advocated doing.


    Canning GW was the right thing to do to try to reverse an early error by TD.


  11. what was up with calling a TO with 10 seconds before the end of the 3rd quarter. Was that MM or Drew being confused?


    They could have just let the quarter run out and gotten a TV timeout.



    After the time out, they didn't even get the play off before the quarter ended.

  12. If after watching yesterdays game you still think DB can lead this team to a SB, please respond to this thread, so I can add you to my ignore list and feel free to add me to yours.  He cannot be fixed, he is the same QB we saw all of last year.  I give TD credit for making the trade and giving it  a shot.  It did not work out, let's move on.  The only thing that pisses me off...I wanted to cut DB outright during the off-season with no cap hit.  Don't ask who we could have brought in.  After yesterdays performance, just about anybody would be acceptable. 


    Instead, now we are saddled with his cap dollars.

    I reiterate.....HE CANNOT BE FIXED!!!!!!!!!!




    the trade was a good move at the time.


    The real crime was extending Drew's contract and paying him $8.75 mil for 2004, after experiencing his ineptness firsthand. On top of that, TD then used 3 draft picks to acquire another QB.


    Why spend all that money on a short term, at best, answer at QB?


    That money should have gone to improving the OL.

  13. You know, strangely enough, I thought the same thing after watching the debacle that is this Bills team. I don't know where or how they're going to manage to score the points but...

    The upcoming NE game has a similar feel to a few seasons ago when the RJ "led" Bills started the season 0-3 with Steve Young and the big, bad 49ers coming to town. RJ had a phenomenal game and the Bills completely dominated. I was at that game and couldn't believe what I was seeing. It completely turned their season around. Plus, NE will be going for the all time consecutive wins record and may be a little tighter than usual...you know the Bills will be trying like hell to avoid being a dubious part of that history in their own building.


    Even though they've given me no indication that they'll turn this thing around anytime soon:





    maybe MM will put in Shane Matthews to play the RJ role, becuase it sure isn't going to be Drew producing against a Belicek defense.

  14. I would...that's one vote...


    I know all the "Rookie QB's can't start" garbage will come. But the truth is the quicker he gets to work through the rough spots, the closer he gets to being a quality Starter...The kids tough, he can handle it...




    Fortunately our O has been dumbed down to rookie level already to accomodate our Hall of Fame QB, so JP shouldn't have a problem running it. :D

  15. Bledsoe has plenty left in the tank. 


    Any knowledgeable football fan knows that the 2nd week in a row of 2.6 yards per carry rushing allows the D to T off on the pass game.  Blame Bledsoe if it makes it easier for you to swallow the fact that this offense is incapable of moving the ball on the ground.  The O line can't run block and they sure as hell can't pass block. 


    Bledsoe is the scapegoat for the uninformed. 


    I support the QB for this team who's working with no running game.

    His name is Drew Bledsoe and he's a damn good quarterback.



    maybe if TD used some of that $8.75 mil he paid to Drew on OL reinforcements, the OL would be better at run and pass blocking for a cheaper QB with some mobility.

  16. THERE IS NO OFFENSIVE LINE!  what QB could have got rid of the ball on most of those sacks?  Drew is not to be blamed for everything, you people are unbelieveable.  how many potential 1st down balls were dropped?  Drew can't catch it for them too, or block for the o-line.  Did you people watch the game or just watch Bledsoe with bliders on all game?  you people act like if we had ANY other QB, our problems would be solved... you are ALL sadly mistaken, no QB could do anything with the O-Line play we got yesterday.  I love Jim Kelly too, but he's not coming back so quit trying to run every QB we get out of town.  I got news for you, even if we did have Kelly, he couldn't produce with this O-line either.




    Lack of talent on the OL is a direct result of paying Drew $8.75 mil in 2004 plus more in the future, instead of using that cash to acquire stud OL. Could have used that money to make a play for Pace or Tait or lower priced guards that could play.

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