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Posts posted by obie_wan

  1. If you read between the lines, he's really saying


    "Sure we'd like to throw the ball deep, but we have a slow thinking, slow moving QB who can't get out of his own way. The more likely outcome on those plays is a sack or a turnover, so I'm pretty much stuck running this mickey mouse offense until my QB of the future gets healthy."

  2. You can tell? Not so quick Swami. TD has three aces up his sleeve...Evans, McGahee and Loseman. This team has a real chance at long term success with these guys over the next five years. What we are witnessing is the afterbirth of a failed Drew Bledsoe era and the dawn of a new one. Wilson will judge TD's fate on which way this team is heading and how well these high picks are playing by years end.



    Although Ralph loves Drew, TD's overriding need for self-preservation may actually cast Losman as the only way to placate the fans and bring excitement back to RWS. TD can buy a few weeks from Ralph for that to happen.

  3. Remember the movie makor league 2.....the fan who was all into the indians but they kept playing terrible so he just started hating on them....well thats how i feel, we should have won yesterday and blew it!


    Seriously the fins offense with Booker and Chambers is gonna torch mcGee/Prelieau all day!



    you forgot about Randy McMichael being uncovered by our safeties.

  4. We also traded our 2003 1st for drew on draft day 2002


    Think of what this team would be if those 2 days played out differently


    Didn't Harrington go one pick ahead of us that year?



    Yes - indeed - thge beginning of the end.


    Teflon Tom based his entire draft on taking Harrington.


    Once Joey H was gone, TD panicked and grabbed Fat Mike - and the draft and the QB replacemetn project deteriorated from there.

  5. They are not getting crushed like Miami and as bad as the Bills look sometimes they are a play or two a game from being 4-0.  Yes they are still 0-4 but are closer to ending up 8-8 rather than 0-16!



    Miami found a way to lose to NE- but their D held Brady to 76 yards passing.


    Bills won't be riding Bledsoe to a win over the Fins.


    If Bills don't succeed rushing the ball, they will lose.

  6. HOF?  HOF!!! (<--- imagine Jim Mora saying that - so you get the idea of how i want it to sound)


    Bledsoe's name will be in the HOF, on some small plaque somewhere that lists every record in the NFL - including most times sacked.


    HOF?? HOF!!???



    hey - Drew has to be good - why else would TEflon Tom pay him $8.75 and extend his contract - :rolleyes:

  7. Now I've never seen this discussed maybe it has been, but well yeah.  I've been wondering for quite some time now. Maybe some of the bad throws bledsoe makes or the reason he holds onto the ball too long sometimes is because he doesn't trust his vision, and what I mean by that is maybe his vision just isn't that good.  Maybe he needs to wear glasses or have lasik surgery. Maybe If drew does have bad vision thats the reason for some of his miscues. Not the  leaving  a te or rb out to dry on a short route, but some of the badly placed paces or overthrows, or holding onto the ball to long can be accounted to poor vision?  I was just wondering if this scenario has ever been brought up or tested, or maybe it's something someone in the bills organization or drew himself can look into  :)



    it would figure that our Hall of Fame QB is not smart enough to get an eye exam. :rolleyes:

  8. I actually don't think it's that funny the article didn't mention Wilfork is a rookie, why is that funny??  A cheap shot is a cheap shot, regardless who it comes from.  JJ is hardly a marshmellow and your post is pretty lame.  No need to reply to this post, would actually prefer not to hear from you again if this is an example of what you have to add to this board.




    Bills fan frustration comes from the fact that we could have drafted Wilfork and had a player that actually plays until the whistle blows.


    Our players get blind sided because they quit halfway through the play.

  9. With a team that has HALF the talent we do. Coaching is HUGE in this league.


    And yet, TD seems to believe  a rookie HC can get the job done.


    They blew that game bigtime. Poor execution, no discipline. Now look at the Giants. Playing tight football, no big mistakes. Where's the accountability? This team will lose next week and perhaps the following week as well.


    What a joke. When you can't even get excited for gameday because youKNOW they're gonna lose, you've become the Bengals.




    The Giants offense sure looks good. Kurt warner has been resurrected.


    Too bad we couldn't get kevin Gilbride to coach in Buffalo. :w00t:

  10. Absolutely, if you mean he's taking heat from fans.  I don't think that means he ought to be fired now or even at the end of the season.  He made a major mistake when he pulled the famous "I know more than you" line on Jerry Sullivan in a post game press conference.  That was a classic Gregg Williams approach.  But I don't think it can be conclusively said that he's doing a bad job on the basis of the three losses so far.  None of Buffalo's opponents so far has a sub .500 record.  Obviously their last opponent is the reigning Super Bowl champion.  They have done a lot of good things.  They played New England very tough. In the last game of the season last year, NE completely befuddled the Bills offence, but in Sunday's game, Buffalo moved the ball well.  I'm very frustrated with the penalties and dumb mistakes, but I have to concede a first time head coach needs more time to be judged on whether he can establish discipline on a team.


    Some will make a comparison with Atlanta which has a new, first time head coach and is 4-0 to this point.  I think Atlanta has had an easier schedule though, with two bad teams in San Francisco and Arizona, and two erratic teams in Saint Louis and Carolina.  Carolina was in the Super Bowl, but they are playing .500 ball so far, the same as Saint Louis.  I'm as unhappy as any Bills fan, but I never support rash actions made on the spur of the moment.  Gregg Williams had three years.  I think Mularkey ought to have no less than two to produce a winner.



    MM will be fine as a HC.


    Unfortunately, the fallacy has been believing that a 1st year coach will be immediately successful.


    The Bills talent, starting at QB, is not good enough to overcome mistakes made while learning on the job.

  11. Although there are less holdouts with each passing week.......




    too bad more fans didn't recognize the folly of Drew in the off-season and notify Teflon Tom that they would not blindly buy tickets just to see the Statute.



    Instead Teflon Tom commits the monumental error of extending Drew's contract and paying him more money in the guise of a "pay-cut".

  12. you're right- Jerry Gray was a complete moron to trade up for Denney and sign Schoebel to a huge extension since neither has come close to a sack


    oh wait- that was Teflon Tom


    and Gray was also stupid in not getting a real safety who could actually cover someone - not Coy Wire


    oh wait- that was Teflon Tom


    And Gray probably should have drafted Vince Wilfork to push the pocket from the inside


    oh wait- that was Teflon Tom


    Too bad Teflon Tom is forcing Gray to play defense without any pass rushers

  13. And FFS is dead-on when he writes

    Other than re-signing Bledsoe, that was TD's biggest mistake this year. :angry:




    Exactly- why give up 3 draft picks for your future QB, then extend Drew and pay him more money than he was under contract for. $8.75 mil for 2004.



    With all the free agent QBs, TD could have negotiated a smaller contract for Drew, instead of a bigger one. Or better yet, waited and signed Kerry Collins.

    And what of TD's refusal to give up next year's #3 for Drew Henson - who was good enough for Parcell's to commit to.





    The masses will argue that Teflon Tom needed to lower Drew's hit. But why? They had enough cap room to fit him in for 2004 and they haven't used the cap savings to improve the OL or anywhere else with impact players (except Schoebel)

  14. I am tired of being patient.  We should be reaping the benefits of starting over in 2001 with a competitive playoff caliber team now.  We had the draft position and the money to field a competitive team.  Instead, we are losing and watching another rookie coach in over his head.


    I am sorry to be so harsh, but it seemed unreasonable to me going in to the season expecting to make the playoffs without significant upgrades to the roster or bringing in an experienced, winning coach.  These are the types of things that would have made a difference after our dismal season last year.




    Goes back to last year when TD tanked 2003 because he didn't want to turn off prospective coaches by firing Gilbride or GW in mid-season.


    Now we can tank 2004 as well.

  15. although they lost, they played good enough to have a chance to win - except for the stupid plays & penalties.


    To correct the problem, MM should limit the game plan for the next game no more than 10 plays which they will practice all week until they execute them flawlessly.


    Take away the distractions, just block and execute.


    This team thinks too much and they don;' have the brains for such deep thought.

  16. On the post game interviews Bledsoe admitted he made the mistake on the interception.  NE corner blitzed, which rarely results in cover-2 defense.  Moulds correctly read cover-2 taking the route between the two safeties.


    Also per Bledsoe, the other miscommunication between the two was Moulds fault as he read cover-2 when it wasn't (with a single safety, you take the route to the outside.  With cover-2, you split the safeties).




    pretty sad state of affairs.


    Corners don't blitz out of cover 2 because no one is left to cover the WR.


    Not only don't we burn the blitz, but Drew throws a pick.

  17. He does NOT get a pass when he will cost 8 million plus next season toward the salary cap.

    Evans looked very good today. I say Moulds re-negotiates and takes a big pay cut, or he gets his ass cut! One or the other.




    maybe he will take a pay cut like Drew and Teflon Tom will pay him $8.75 mil as well. :blink:

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