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Everything posted by ETD66SS

  1. Is Ralph dead yet?
  2. I would not trust this guy, he looks like a sly one. I can see him reaming Bills fans up the ass one day if he were to get ahold of this team, and not feel one bit of guilt while doing it. NO.
  3. There is a cream for that...
  4. Why do fans need/expect "love" for their team from the media? I never understood that. Why care about it at all?
  5. Ralph is an old tired dog that could not be taught new tricks 20 years ago when he needed to get his damn fingers out of the cookie jar. He's a meddler, and he has done virtually nothing as an NFL owner except get lucky once by hiring the right guy (Polian). And instead of retaining one of the best GM's in NFL history, his arrogance ruined that situation. The Bills are in a cesspool due to the current owner. Pegula is what many of us have wanted in a Bills owner for decades, Ralph is no Pegula, and that's why the Bills will continue to suck under his "leadership" He is right about one thing, the Buffalo economy does suck. You can thank the entitlement panzies who have been running state & local gov't for decades. Buffalo is sewage compared to most other NFL cities, and though it's a nice town for Hockey, I think the NFL has passed both Ralph & Buffalo by. I see no reason why a new owner would want to put his waders on and walk through this crap. Many people have left WNY for greener pastures and left behind mostly turds. Buffalo is pretty much doomed as an NFL city. When Ralph Wilson dies, so do the Buffalo Bills IMO.
  6. Fitz sucks and he will prove it to everyone this season. If there happens to be a season...
  7. "I came full circle from a kid to a man" I'm not understanding how that is a full circle. But hey, he already has the talent to misuse sayings, which seems to be a requirement for good ballplayers these days. I like him
  8. Andrew Luck. Honestly, an 8-8 season is a failure, so why not fail AND get the best QB to come along in a long while? I don't think we have to hope for a flameout, Fitz will take care of that for us.
  9. I hope the owners shut it down, no football in 2011. The whole pay structure for players needs a revamp, and IMO, they need to cut the players off for a full season in order for that to ever happen. A reboot is definitely needed. I hope this also teaches current an future owners that building palaces instead of football stadiums is silly and over the top, and guys like Jerry Jones go bankrupt and are forced to bow of of this leauge. Lot of wishful thinking on my part, but, have to dream sometimes I guess.
  10. Maybe this idiot doesn't realize the QB's in this years draft were mediocre at best?
  11. No. Pick Bowers, knee injury and all.
  12. Maybe he's just stupid...
  13. Haha, yeah, you're so smart and knowledgeable about football dude. Yeah, you the man. Maybe it's people like you that is the main reason the Bills have sucked for so long? If all you want out of a franchise QB is what you say, then you must be a fan of Fitz? And I olny came here, because the ESPN Bills message board has all but dried up.
  14. Absolutely not, same as how Dilfer didn't. Sorry, very weak argument you have there. You don't go building a SB team around weak QB and superb defense or an incredible offensive line, those the the things you get lucky with, and then roll with them to a championship. Would I take a SB trophy lucking out like the Ravens & Redskins did? Sure. (Rypen, I'm not familiar with the Doug Williams Scenario, but iirc, a strike year may have been involved, invalidating those playoff results IMO) Is that the way to build a team form the ground up? No. Don't be silly, with your silly arguments that everyone cans see through. Black QB's need to PROVE IT! When they do, I will have no problem with it. However, they have to actually do it first...
  15. When black QB's start doing what Joe Montana, Troy Aikman, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and a few others have done, then I will change my mind on Black QB's. When white RB's start doing what O.J. Simpson, Jim Brown, Barry Sanders, Emmit Smith, etc have done, then I will change my mind white RB's. I'm sorry that to be considered a top notch QB, you have to lead your team to championships and win some of them, but that is the sdtandard, like it or not. Kelly will not go down as a top notch QB, he will go down as a flawed QB, who choked. That's life. When GM's and owners say "franchise" QB, that's what they are saying they want, a champion. i.e., someone who wins it all, and does not choke. Kelly is a franchise QB with a big-ol asterisk. You're simply a ... But I guess that's what the internet is for? I'd be very happy with a Black QB who brings the SB trophy to Buffalo. However, black QB's need to prove to me they can perform such a feat, so far, they have not. I'm not going to have faith that Cam newton will be the first to break through that barrier, especially with the character issues that have arisen. <edited for content>
  16. Did I say that? However, I do think Jim Kelly royally choked, and was not deserving of his immediate HOF status.
  17. I don't think any of those guys you listed are top notch QB's. If Rivers was anything special, he would have lead his team to a SB championship by now. So no, IMO, none of them can, nor have "cut it".
  18. Who said that? As of right now, Black QB's can't cut it... Period. Maybe Cam Newton will be the first? I doubt it. Most white QB's can't handle the position anymore. A dumb jock who can launch the ball is no longer good enough. It doesn't matter anyways, in 100's of years, there will be more mixed black/white in sports than purebreads of either group. Maybe by then "black" QB's will catch on -OR- Maybe the league will be mostly hispanic & Samoan.
  19. It's on Cam Newton himself to prove he has the study part of it down. Has he done this? I'm fine with not lumping all black QB's together, but if I'm not mistaken he's not proven to be a student of the game/position like Luck has shown. Nor has he or his father shown good character. Stealing & cheating, and trying to sell your son's athletic abilities for cash... This particular black QB has a lot of wrongs to right already, and he hasn't even been drafted yet. No thanks IMO. If Andrew Luck was black, I'd want him as a QB in a heartbeat. There is no denying, not many black QB's if any have proven themselves in the NFL as legitimate franchise SB winning QB's. And it's not due to lack of athletic ability, usually they can run faster, throw farther than their white counterparts. What's the problem then? I assume it's the white coaches & owners' faults?
  20. LOL, really? I thought it was part of black culture to denegrate those who wish to study or to get a part time job while in school? Maybe I have been misinformed. I do believe I was watching an NBC special with a bunch of experts on the issues however. Maybe they were all blowing smoke.
  21. For the people who keep saying "what does skin color have to do with anything?" It's not JUST skin color. I think there are enough documented biological/genetic/cultural differences between white men, white women, black men & black women physically & mentally, which can explain many roles in which individuals play a part of, not just athletics or the NFL in particular. My my, the USA is so PC it's embarrassing reading such discussions. This country is the same way concerning boobies & nipples. How sad... I don't watch college football, so I do not track possible draft picks. All I have to go by with Cam Newton is what I have read/heard on the net. It does not sound like he was raised very well by his father in particular, he seems to lack respect in certain areas. (cheating & stealing). He does not sound like a mental student of the game, which is what I personally want in a QB. Apparently he has not had the requirement put upon him to be a pocket passer, and looks to run after one read (so I have heard). I dislike all of those qualities. I also don't like the fact that most black QB's who are drafted to be franchise QB's fail miserably. (So do most whites, but more white QB's hit it big, become SB wining franchise QB's). With my completely non-professional NFL scouting abilities as simply a fan, I'd stay away from Cam Newton. He has character issues, he is not a student of the game, and I don't like the track record of black running QB's as SB winning franchise QB's. I don't believe anything I have said is racist.
  22. No one should be sold on Fitz.
  23. "It's really astounding to me how blind and bitter some people can be when it comes to this stuff." I'm niether blind nor bitter, I'm picking a side, just like you are. Don't get so butthurt about the side I'm choosing. I tend to never side with unions/labor. Don't be telling me my opinion on the matter is wrong (or calling me blind, bitter, whatever adjective you choose), just because it's different than yours.
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