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Everything posted by ETD66SS

  1. Nice strawman I guess we'll see at the end of this season what the Fitz apologists have to say. So VY is more of a winner then?
  2. He's not a winner. That's all that matters.
  3. There's your problem right there... He's an average NFL QB at best. He's had plenty of time in the NFL to prove otherwise, he has failed to do so. And all you chumps have failed to see that. Just keep drinking that Koolaid the Bills are pouring for you. I don't know how you guys can keep a smile on your face while drinking that cat piss.
  4. What I find amazing is how fans of a team, who, theoretically want their team to strive for the best, to win a super bowl, continually support loser QB after loser QB. Allowing this franchise to pull the wool over their eyes, and then have the naivety to show such blind optimism every preseason... Hello? McFly? I want the Bills to win a super bowl, I don't want them languishing in the doldrums until Ralph Wilson dies and the team is moved. Maybe it's too late for that, thanks to all the gullible fans that never had the balls to demand better in fear of their team leaving. Maybe the reason this town is so full of gullible fans, is that most of the realistic, intelligent and logical folks left for greener economic pastures. Ralph Wilson sure knew what he was doing when he setup shop here... I could recite an Albert Einstein quote here, but why bother, I doubt many of you know who he is...
  5. There is your mistake, it's not just one preseason game. We have all been witness to many games of Fitz not getting it done... The only reason Fitz got anything done early last year is because the lockout last offseason was a larger disadvantage to defenses than offenses. Once defenses caught up to speed, Fitz was right back to being an ineffective QB, like he will be all season long this year. My goodness, Bill fans are clueless... No wonder why Ralph Wilson has been able to milk this town for all it's worth, all the while threatening to leave. "Yes sir, I'll have another."
  6. Yes, they spend 2-3 years seeing if Fitz is the man, he's not, he's a big waste of time. So this season is yet again a big waste of time for the guys on the team who actually do posses NFL level talent. Knowing the Bills, they will keep him around for similar reasons to Kelsay, and guess what, the team will STILL suck...
  7. As far as QB, it was over when they gave Fitz 59 million. This sets the team back many years. Mario & co. on the D-Line will be wasting their talent for years to come while the Bills STILL try to figure out the QB position. So yes, it is very sad.
  8. Fitz is the guy because the front office can't get the job done. The guy should never have been given that contract, talk about a reach for a player...
  9. Sigh, we have to go through this every year? Fitz is still the QB = Team sucks, no playoff's, same old ****. c'mon man! I mean, I can see being optimistic, but Bills fans seem to just be ignorant of reality?
  10. "Gilmore is good, but we have huge holes at OT and LB" Uhm, the best LB and OT were gone... You wanted them to just pick one at 10 no matter what? That's stupid...
  11. "Whats funny is when we were 5-2 i dont remember hearing anyone talking crap about our qb I was... He is, and always will be too inaccurate to take any NFL team to a SB victory. I don't hate him, he seems like a really cool guy. He's just not very good.
  12. to get them back on track, A bills game! This team is a joke, a bad one, going on 12 years now.
  13. Ya know, everyone got on me when I said 5-11 this year, also got on me for saying Fitz is NOT a franshise QB. I hate it when I'm right about this team (because it usually means they suck), but I am right. 5-11 is looking more like a possibility, and Fitz just pulled a fast one on this organization like Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie & Jauron did. So, all those ppl who were saying this team can't possibly implode like the Trent Edwards team??? Time to eat some crow guys.
  14. There is too much football left to be worrying about such nonsense...
  15. I actually agree with that. Kelly choked in the SB's. Not sure I want him running the team in any capacity.
  16. This dude sounds like bad news. Mr. Bankrupt.
  17. Why, because it's illegal to be critical of a team you root for because the organization has not been trying to win in over a decade? I'm not rooting for the Bills to lose here guys, you're all getting butthurt quite easily. That's how it's done... And go ahead and laugh, I will be happy if they win.
  18. See, are you not having fun?
  19. Your're right, they have not been rebuilding, they have been leaching from the fan base, not even trying to improve, just existing in a stagnant kind of way... It really is a good thing there are so many blind Bills fans in this town, you guys are probably the reason Ralph is still here, easy money. Ralph didn't go out and get Gailey to rebuild, he got him because he was cheap, same with Nix. He'll luck out if they actually do anything with this franchise before he dies. It certainly won't be because of some Ralph Wilson/Bills organization grand design.
  20. Because it's fun? We all know the Bills have not provided much of that for us as a franchise, we have to really scrounge around to find it sometimes.
  21. I think we can already tell what they are made of... Same as they have always been made of. Great guys who try hard, but they are just not talented enough all around. That includes coaching & front office. That's what happens when the team owner is a pennypincher.
  22. Why would I want them to lose games? I don't. I just get a kick out of the guys who start pondering about playoffs & SB's 3 games in, and like to kick them in the nuts a bit when reality bites. It's sports afterall, part of the fun is the banter among fans I'm not the Bills' enemy here, their piss poor track record of being an inept franchise is the main issue. I'm convinced that track record isn't changing until Ralph is gone. I expect better than what they did today if they are truly turning things around.
  23. Alright. They have games left to prove they are different. I'm not gonna hold my breath on that. These are the games good teams win, Bills failed to show me they are a good team today.
  24. The Bills have to, ya know, go out and earn that from fans. I'm not a lemming. Been around the block with this franchise a few times. Lot of games left, so we shall see.
  25. Yeah, because the Bills haven't done this before
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