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Everything posted by Cannon

  1. Here is the breakdown. If we lose next week we draft 2,3 or 4. If we win 8 or 9. A win sucks at this point. This explains it... http://www.wgr550.com/BUSCAGLIA--If-the-NFL-Draft-Happened-Today---/8854211
  2. I cant really think of what round he would be valuable in for the draft. He will have to slide past the second into the third I think.
  3. http://www.cleveland.com/osu/index.ssf/2010/12/terrelle_pryor_among_five_ohio.html
  4. "I never wanted to get married, I got married. Never wanted kids, I have 2 of them. Why the hell am I here?" -Al Bundy(once scored 4 touchdowns in a single game at polk high)
  5. I will be happier when Edwards is gone. I care little at this point who replaces him. I have no confidence in him, as in none.
  6. Start the build in this draft with Bowers, Darius, or Fairley. No brainer.
  7. Knoshaun Moreno comes to mind also as breaking out of his early career blues.
  8. Are you talking about Cam Newton, hiesman winner from Auburn??? He's not Havard but everyone says has great football IQ, down to earth like celebrating every win in the student section with his fans, not classy?, Auburn is a classy school IMO(great traditions,songs), not a family man? All he does is thank his family and god for his achievements. Black Irish.
  9. Moch at pick 38-42 is early.
  10. Say something positive. Easy. Kyle Willams, Fitzpatrick, Moats, Fred Jackson, Roscoe before the injury, the goalline stand yesterday on the opening drive, Chan Gailey, all the undrafted talent, the production from our rookies(even CJ), Whitner, Poz, getting Urbik and seeing he can play, Wood at center, Byrds play yesterday, Kelsay not being forced to do things he cant do, possibly seeing if Merriman can still play next year for peanuts, A good draft pick to get either a developmental QB(mallet or Newton) or a stout DE to start next to Kyle(Bowers or Fairley), getting rid of Trent, and Lynch!, Hoping George Edwards days are numbered, playing with heart most of the year(minnesota game we stunk), all the close games, putting up 49 on the board, feeling the hope back in buffalo, knowing that we hit rock bottom with Trent Edwards and that is behind us, the possibility to still ruin the Jets and Dolphins seasons. Being 3-2 in our last 5. Cheers
  11. I do. He's ready to play.
  12. Our third round alternate pick. Dontay Mock. Freak speed? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dontay_Moch
  13. Fairley. If they fined in college he would be leading all of the NCAA CFS. But I like I have said before, he hurts QB's and if he is playing for us. Brady and Sanchez will fear playing the Bills.
  14. If you actually want to improve the Buffalo Bills this is a winning a formula I created for the picks. Improve the defense. Fulfill wour biggest needs but also get great value. Mine... Christmas list depending on availability I give three options per round. 1. Darius, Bowers DE , or Fairley DL 2. Greg Jones LB, Vom Miller LB, or Bruce Carter LB 3. Marvin Austin DT, Marcus Cannon OL, Mason Foster LB 4. Greg Romeus DE, Adrian Robinson DE/LB, Lawerence Wilson LB
  15. I live in Denver. Even with Orton having a career and record breaking year season. The whole city wants Tebow to be the starter. Tebow is the face of the franchise here. Tebow is the face of the Broncos, Nuggets = Melo, Rockies = Tulo, Avs = Duchene.
  16. Its such a weak class and such a team need across the league, but I dont see anyone worth a first round pick.
  17. Luck has no shot at the trophy. The order is Newton, James, Moore, Luck.
  18. I heard he wanted to draft another QB. But seriously he traded Peyton Hillis for Brady Quinn to be his 3rd stringer. Let Brandon Marshall go to Miami. Got caught as a cheater again, and thats not what the Denver Broncos are about. He had it coming.
  19. Obviously you don't watch college football or you would know... He is not going to get blown away at the combines. He moves inside the pocket as good as anyone in CFS, he is extremely elusive. Always looks downfield for a big play. Takes off running on a pass play only when option 1-4 are covered or the percentages for getting the firstdown are too high. High football IQ. Ohh yeah, strongest arm, strongest legs, best body and best play-action ball fakes to running backs. Not counting the body fakes he does like Tebow.
  20. Went to LSU(aka the bayou bengals) in Baton Rouge. From Liousiana too, how about "The Bayou Bully!" http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_EJ89aH0lQLQ/TFu_87m6ZpI/AAAAAAAAAcc/LpAg6Dxyu0Y/s1600/WHITE_BUFFALO.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hhmsssword.blogspot.com/&usg=__bKPnysrtXflcuC9sP4gmmlcdXg8=&h=506&w=480&sz=48&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=PpJtvePpuOEJJM:&tbnh=158&tbnw=162&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwhite%2Bbuffalo%2Bpic%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D615%26tbs%3Disch:1%26prmd%3Div&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=379&vpy=77&dur=222&hovh=231&hovw=219&tx=92&ty=142&ei=yJn4TM3PLIH-8AasqtiYAw&oei=npn4TKT_NcTflgexk_jtBg&esq=18&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
  21. Let Lindell kick the 57 yarder for the win then
  22. Here's your shot. Best of luck to you.
  23. 6'5" -----Cam is 6'6", Vince 6'41/2" 240 lbs. -----Cam is 250, Vince 233 Heisman Candidate -----Vince finished #2(Bush), Cam should win. Dual threat QB -----Cam(12 games. 2254yards passing 24TD 6INT, 1336 yards rushing 18TD, 2 Rec 42 yards 1 TD) >1000 yds rushing/10 TD's-Vince 05'(13-0. 3036 yards passing 26TD 10INT, 1050 yards rushing 12 TD, 1 Rec 48 yards in 04') NC contender -----Vince is a winner, BCS NC in 05', 30-2 as Texas starter. 30-17 in the NFL. AP ROY 06' -----Cam 12-0 2010. 2009 NJCAA National Football Champion. BSC #2rank Who else shoud Newton be compared to? ----Nobody
  24. Cam Newton is a talent way beyond Tebow. The comparison to Tebow is a joke. Cam has an accurate arm and throws for alot of TD's. He is in a different league. Bigger, faster and stronger then Vince Young. The comparison being they are both WINNERS. If you watch him play, you know. Cam Newton in the 2nd round would be a great pick. Nick Fairley is a game changer, I want him hitting Brady and Sanchez. Fairley in the first and Newton in the second has my vote.
  25. Alex Smith would be good on this list too. He's a sh#tbum.
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