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  1. It is hard to get excited about a QB who will not add anything to the team next year. I know that the bench is a great place for young guys to learn the game, i.e. Green Bay did that well. I would be okay with this if indeed we got some top tier linemen to mix in.
  2. Biscuit! For Cornelius Benett.
  3. This move makes me happy. He was not paying dividends on the field and to keep him would be to commit to mediocrity. Seemed like a good guy, and I liked his bits on BB website, but if you are not making plays on this team, the team needs to replace you. Go Bills.
  4. After watching Jay Cutler today and how he was not willing to go back into the game because he hurt his knee, (He didn't know what play,) and then watching his body language after that on the sideline, I was really shocked that he is an NFL QB. That was your biggest game as a pro and you lay an egg in the first half and then don't even fight hard to get back into the game? That was too bad. His body language on the sideline was sickening after that, like he were a slug. That all being said, I would rather have a guy like Fitz, who is tough, and empties the tank for his team, then some pre-madona QB with baggage, and ego, or another wait and see draft pick bedhind center that we could dig up in the offseason. Let's build the lines, and if anything, get some backup for next year. Sorry for the rand, but man, Cutler was so soft today it made me ill.
  5. So, I drove up to MN for the game, and saw the welcome to MN sign, and then a wall of white for a good old 3 hour stretch of blizzard driving. Though it was great to see Bills fans in the stadium and about town afterwards. A few from having seen the game live: Stroud offers very little push on the line and was easily subdued. I am ready to cut ties there.Go Bills.
  6. Hello everyone, I'm very excited; my fiancé got us tickets to the game this weekend. I'm driving up from Lincoln, Nebraska, and can't wait to see the Bills on the road. Saw them in Denver last year for the coldest game on record and watched as the woman in front of us filmed her beer freezing in her hand. Very happy this game will be in a dome after that. Just read the thread, and am excited about knowing where to go. If there is any more updated information, on bills fans gathering or what to do in MSP, as I've never been, I'd love to hear. Thank you. Go Bills.
  7. NFL. com has a video up of Dion and Irvin talking about how either V.Y. or the head coach has to be let go in the next day or two after poor showing and blowup by V.Y. post this weekend's game. Interesting QB to hit the waver wire.
  8. Wow, it is really wild to hear how little thought he put into that comment. And as a sidebar, that statement did not bother me as much as watching him turn around and run backwards into the endzone after his 88 yr. TD catch on the first play of the game. That drives me bonkers. I keep thinking of the ego these guys have getting in the way of them finishing the play. For example, Suh for Detroit a few weeks ago verse the Redskins dancing around before crossing the goaline almost had the ball stripped. I think of Thurman Thomas saying, act like you've been there before, and none of these guys do that. I just hope someone pulls a Don Bebbee when he stripped Leon Lett-type of play soon so these guys pay atention to finishing the play before celebrating.
  9. I just don't see anyone wanting to move up to the #1 pick and have to eat that huge contract. It has not been a big seller the last few years despite talk that it could be traded.
  10. Agreed, Byrd had tipped balls fall into his lap for almost all of his int's last year, and beyond that, his stats were nothing great. That inflated number of int's made us expect too much from him.
  11. Hello all, I'm a long time reader, first time poster. NFL.Com Article: The Washington Redskins on Saturday released wide receiver Devin Thomas, a 2008 second-round draft pick who failed to impress new coach Mike Shanahan. Thomas had trouble running routes correctly and was dogged by questions about his work ethic, wide receiver Malcolm Kelly hasn't been able to stay healthy and is on injured reserve, and tight end Fred Davis is stuck behind Chris Cooley. I read this article about Devin Thomas, the one year star WR from MSU taken in Rd2 of the 2008 draft not makiing the squad and it humbles me a bit and puts me in my place for all my draft day rumblings. I thouht the Skins draft that year was stacked and would have loved for the Bills to have picked up any of these three players, as well as Colt Brennen who they got in the late rounds of that draft, but this shows how little I know, and makes it a little less painful to have watched and hoped for James Hardy to have turned out when that crop of wideouts was supposed to be so promising were still on the board. Everyone was after tall recivers that year, and its little Desean Jackson who is the star of the group. LINK: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81b2ea6e/article/redskins-release-wr-thomas-a-former-secondround-pick?module=HP_headlines
  12. Thanks for posting. What a long awful wait for today to get here. Go Bills.
  13. This link has been working great. Thank you for putting this up. I am in Nebraska and have a very hard time finding links. This has been a real treat. I've been reading posts on Twobillsdrive for years, but just signed up to post now so I could thank you. Go Bills.
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