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John Belucheese

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Everything posted by John Belucheese

  1. I miss the "Wang Gets Cut" jokes lol
  2. Fred Jackson toiled in Europe and Arena Ball... For decades there's been chatter as to whether the NFL needs 4 preseason/exhibition games. I believe that the 4 games bf official games are crucial and extremely important to true football fans. The "vanilla unimportant mess" is exciting when one determines the spirit of youth and the capture of a young mans dream as oppose to the team competitive quality or scoreboard. Regardless if you are a professional coach or a chip slob at home true men understand and can clearly see effort. This view of effort is very democratic and objective, it makes things fair. Its not a perfect determining factor but it is exuded in the the preseason games. Candidates take risks w/ opportunities. The old and injured are ran off and the new can make mistakes that are fatal to their career. There are the high profile drafts and there are hungry scrubs that may make something happen in those 4 games. Its just enough for underlings to take away entitlements. ex: Rookie QB in Seattle. It allows the Stars, Drafts, Free agents and gong show tryouts to sort it out on the field. The Cream rises over the 4 games and can have a significant impact on the season strategy. preseason 1. welcome back orientation w top drafts and free agents plugged in. "lots of work and we were sloppy out there" preseason 2. Camp injuries necessitate plugging in unprovens "surprised by that free agent might make the team" Preseason 3. The ones must execute and play long enough to determine whether they are gelling as a unit. "No position is secure at point. We are gonna need so and so to get healthy" Preseason 4. The cuts have already been predetermined bf kick off lol BUT will someone make a fool of the position coach and now does GOD/HEAD COACH/MANAGER make a correction to keep that surprise performance? What we see as fans is the same thing that the coaches see as to effort and desire and might as well throw confidence in there as well. Will they risk their Jobs and go against performance rationale regardless of contracts, vet status and draft position? Well it will cost them fan money if they do something unfair. (Fred Jackson was never a preseason controversy bc the coaches never even gave him that chance. But I use him as an example of the ppls choice not the coaches preference.(spiller) 4 meaningless games? No I dont think so bc what takes place when attempting to get through gates has a greater lesson to teach then watching a team play 16 (+playoffs ) and make it to a Super Bowl. 2 games would not be enough for justice to shine.
  3. ok ok. I'm intrigued w projects perhaps subconsciously I wish that a team wudda developed my short ass after my tarrable D2 carreer lol. so the dark horse odd balls are interesting stories such as the Jasperphant experimrent and this years Blind Folded d3 QB invite. But a young man fighting a knee tragedy and then an "undisclosed" heart issue. WOW!!! that wasnt no ko return, EASLEY ran the up the stairs to the rocky theme last night. (so my mind says) "THE KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE" THANK YOU
  4. Brad was terribly soft on returns last ni. I hate when its apparent that a millionaire is concerned for his safety on KO returns. also his fumble was analagous to an MMA tap out!!!
  5. Pick a game and give your reasons why we will win. Comment or kill after someones win analysis. Here is the scedule and my simple quick analysis why we will win them all. You dont hafta rip my a** or run w my idea. Just a few thoughts on each game. I'm curious as to what games fellow TBD members will touch upon, pick the game your keen on. Hopefully all 16 are addressed. "We feel that we can compete w/ anybody in the league. If your not here to win the Super Bowl then you shouldnt be here"- Fred Jackson (NFL Radio 8-29-12) 9/9 @ Jets: DL crushes Jets duct taped OL 9/16 KC Chiefs : Gaileys revenge continues and 12th man got his back 9/23 @ Cleveland Browns: Mr. Weedon please meet Mario, Dareus, Kyle and Anderson. Welcome to the NFL. 9/30 NE Patroits: Super Bowl atmosphere, no need to Blitz, we flood the flats. 10/7 @San Fran 49ers: Again front 4 rattle Smith 10/14 @ Arizona: Cards QB unsettled 10/21 Tenn Titans: Rookie QB gets destroyed 11/4 @ Houstan Texans: Shobel watches his "team" get crushed after a restful bye week @ Mario's homecoming. 11/11 @ NE: Welker, Gronk or hernandez...one will be sidelined and NE has no run game.Bills snatch AFC East crown 11/15 Miami Dolphins: new QB sucks, Fred shows off healthy healed leg. 11/25 @ Indy Colts: Again Line show fresh QB growing pains. 12/2 Jacksonville Jags: Toothless w/o MJD, New everything there. 12/9 St Louis Rams: Overrated Fisher w/o building blocks and lack of performance incentives 12/16 Seattle Seahawks: Jackson/Spiller defeats Beast/Hulk. Spead kills ans seahawks have no recievers 12/23 @ Miami: Miami trys the Black eye Peas for O-line. Remember they broke Fred's leg down there. 12/30 Jets: Jackson first start at QB as Fitz rest for first round bye. Pick your game and tell us why we will win. Remember "any given Sunday"
  6. no one has addressed whether keeping Brad Smith is more important than Potter's leg or VY's bombs down the field. If we can keep the opposition pinned at the twenty we can take risks w our blitz and line stunts. I thought our major concern has been Defense. Do we want a kick off specialist that keeps Brady and company on thier own 20 to start their series? The wild cat has been successful but what about an offense that doesnt need it or simply aintain it w/ Young? its about the trade off not necessarily the effectivness of the wild cat on 3rd and short.
  7. Potter will save reserves from injuries as well as Wannys hair. VY has a canon arm and Thig has the system down. are you saying that Brad Smith is worth more than that? lol
  8. Brad Smith is no longer a luxury that we can afford and seemingly not a luxury at all now that Vinnie Young is striving. I realize Chan has said a lot of great things about Brad Smith and the strategy of the other team having to prepare for the wild cat but he has also being tempted by rookie Potter's leg. The Thigpen has a great grasp of the offense and Vinnie needs more time to prove that he also can master it. And with that VY arm and the speed of TJ we could have something great to replace Fitz in case he poops the tub or gets hurt. I'm 100% sure VY is a run and throw threat w the wild cat and it will give him something a tad easier to fucus on as he digests the playbook. Cutting Brad Smith may also allow us to keep Namaan who is having a great pre season. in conclusion we cut Brad and keep Young and Tyler. let those two battle all season. keep potter as kick off specialist and keep sticky hands Rose. Thoughts my brothers? Really looking forward to a great season and T-ing off on Rex and company to start the party.
  9. i love Hanna but absolutely sick of the Stevie "Buffalo Buffalo lets go buffalo" intro plug. Stevie is the man but a couple more takes and a "shout" reference wudda been tolerable lol!...enuff said
  10. Nelson isnt all that great and I feel that he himself could be riding pine. he certainly is good at convincinf everyone that he and fitz are tight and on the same page but competition is def on his heals and i believe don jones takes the slot w the rookie or easly as second speed threat. Nelson needs to improve his game tremendously in order to start.
  11. other uses for this lego RWS stadium: - perfect for tailgate beer cooler -viking sea buriel for Ralph when he passes in 2033 -exhibition football games for the rat population in williamsville shhhhhhh - bone bowl for the Bar Bill haha love their wings -???
  12. loved this video and appreciate the detail and your writing skills. i hope u blow up along w the Bills. gonna be a great season.
  13. He quickly pulled his sharpie out and signed her face
  14. You must compete in fall. The most successful league that did so was the American Football League and that lead to the great NFL. We are wired to watch the greatest game in the fall and early winter. Football itself is based on maximum competition and if another league wants to make it they're gonna have to face the giant head on. Across the street from McDonalds is a wendys or BK. give the consumer a choice on Sundays.
  15. thank you for this link. I'm from Detroit and love the Lions but really have made the Bills my team. its fun for me to compare the two, that being said I wanna compare Suh w Dareus. After seeing this video and the tremendous leadership Dareus exudes as a rookie I must say I'm happy we have him and i dont expect a sophomore slump or off the field problems that Suh has had. We are gonna win a lot of games this year. the BILLS are very strong.
  16. youre right! thanks for the correction
  17. I'm from Detroit and I watched Barry's first yard til last. And in my opinion he was the best that ever carried the rock. He couldve eclipsed everyone if he wanted to. he simply got his heart broke from a gal and booked to Europe. Done. BUT he had a very magical style of survival tag. He was the greatest tag player that ppl could not tag; no different from the school yard game. He never got the "booger touch" on the field as he would leap away and often times backwards. He would contort his body while running just to avoid opponents finger tips. he destroyed Charles Woodson's ACL with his "hips do lie" moves.Barry would run through the unplanted half of a defender or through the planted half right when the defender shifted back his leverage to recover. He toyed to lever rage shifts. I say all this because Freddy is not just an old-school-do-it-all back that Parcells admires. Fred is much much more and has the same magic as Barry but in a different way. Fred is a uni-cyclist balance extremely forward runner lol! a member here said like flowing water. He runs with incredible block shielding deception and then navigates through falling forward blockers.I've never seen nothing like it. he is constantly cycling forward squeezing through key holes. Now i know this seems like hokey writing and the analogies may not be spot on but how else do you describe a legend in the making? Special is special and if im failing in my description of Fred's uniqueness then I'm in good company bc Parcell's "tremendous" doesnt cut it.
  18. thank you for doing that. I enjoyed Jasper as a novelty/ Cinderella story/ dark horse last year but was terribly disappointed seeing him in luxury box crushing wings during games. I'm stunned that he hasnt gotten on the field yet. I really hope he makes it this year and gives a great look for our killer d-line in practice. if he makes it im sure he will be the biggest guard in the NFL. GREAT SCOOP!
  19. shudda drafted that Burfect LB and resigned Reggie Corner. We need some mean on Defense and Burfect (sp?) seem t o fit the bill after losing out on Kuluchey. also I like reggie corner. i think we drafted him in the 4th round and brought him back last year when the season got started. I like the young guys but back up vets are important in my opinion.
  20. Tanny was this years Jasper. I love dark horse freaks but Jasper never made it to the field and the novelty has warned w all the loses. sad reality as jasper is a goner as well. I would love Tanny on our practice squad.
  21. Reggie corner makes the team as he does every year. Battan break out year.
  22. I would love if Bills take him in the 3rd or 4th. He would the mean and nasty that is missing from our linebackers. I was man crushing on the Kuelchy guy and bummed he went but this Burfict is bad ass and will make up for that. People can talk character all they want but Suh is a prime example how important it is to have mean on D. We need to strike fear in our opponents hearts and get that reputation rather than be AFC welcoming mats. Ppl will pretend that Stevie was outta line w his antics but the upper brass knows that it was swag confidence that he was displaying in a very cruel violent game. So i want some of that on defense. We shudda never let Incognito go either lol. Our gentlemen days need to be over. We dont need rotary club guys.Plus we all love the sleeper value. MAKE BURFICT A BILL!
  23. my premise is that Fred is the offense and therefore the priority. his happiness is paramount to free agents.and he deserves it. lock him in at once while we have the space. Why feed this horse last? its a spirit and continuity thing? Fitz would not have gotten that contract w/o Fred. Fred is our hope of a win and he wills them. In the last ten years what Bill has been better than him?
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