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Everything posted by joshfitz

  1. At least you actually SAW Wire. I'm still looking for Evans to make an appearance.
  2. I think Greer can handle him.
  3. And if he doesn't, does that mean you find another team? Admit it -- Bledslow has stunk up the field this half. And honestly, besides that first possession, our offensive line has sucked on running plays also. Here's hoping they step up second half!
  4. Here's hoping the Rams are more than "functional" today...!!
  5. He also said that Edgerin James will stay in until he gets the rushing title. He said someone on the sideline would have a wireless internet device watching other games so that they know when to sit him. That's great news!
  6. He held up a BILLIEVE t-shirt and said he couldn't believe there wasn't a wagon with a circle on it. (jokingly) He said that almost 30,000 have been sold. GO BILLS!! (edit: Michael Irvin didn't understand the shirt -- he had to say it out loud )
  7. I am jealous beyond belief. Someday, I too will have a setup like that. Looks great.
  8. Bills also made the front page of MSN -- kinda nice to see the nation taking notice
  9. I'll bump just to say that if we ANNIHILATE the Steelers, the Colts might take notice (in their late game) -- they already don't want any piece of us, but I wouldn't want to give them any more incentive to tank their game.
  10. What a fantastic post. I love you man *sniff* (and the rest of you too)
  11. Dude -- he's just saying what he thinks might happen. Calm down. If you don't want to hear people's predictions, maybe you shouldn't be reading an online forum. Yes the odds are against us, but what brings me hope is that the odds of us being in this position right now were overwhelmingly against us after week 4 -- and look where we are now
  12. My contribution: http://veepers.budlight.com/service/Retrie...B2rgF7lJBtv.Cqq (chad pennington)
  13. That one turned out really well, despite the grainy source image. I remember this tool from last year. Thanks for posting it again.
  14. Exactly -- I'm betting the Jets game will be much closer than the Indy game.
  15. I can't get it to work, but it sounds promising. Does anyone have any stats on how often Peter King is correct?
  16. Or, you simply call DirecTV and they give you one for free, including installation (at least they did for me). Ha! Yeah... you think they didn't call them? Forcing them to buy another dish is outrageous, and DirecTV agreed that it was unfortunate, but they couldn't help out. That 10% better service must be hidden elsewhere. The only advantage I see to cableTV is if you have 4-5 TVs in your house. Let's go over this one more time ... - No equipment to buy. If you think you're getting "free" equipment, try cancelling your contract and see how "free" that dish really is. - On-demand service (NOT the same as DVR or Tivo) - No commitment required. Just because you know how to massage the system and get out of your contract, doesn't mean regular folk do too. And even more ... - Local stations available in High-definition (satellite's answer? stick an antennae on your roof) - More local stations available to you (satellite only has a few major local stations in the large cities) - When you call customer service, you're calling your friends and neighbors (like Cablelady). When you call satellite, you're calling some centralized national corporation. That might not seem like a big deal, but try to get DirecTV to sponsor your kid's little league team and see what happens. Many cable companies are heavily involved in their local communities. Sorry -- I'm not saying DirecTV is bad. In fact, I think it's a great service and offers some great deals... but generalizing that all cable is bad without looking at the facts is a little short-sighted.
  17. I'd rather have a DVR than On-Demand. Why wouldn't you rather record movies/shows that you'd WANT to watch, instead of relying on what cable has prepared as "on-demand?" I have both -- and together it works very well. My DVR captures what I WANT to watch, while On Demand has all the shows that I might enjoy available at all times. Who remembers to record every movie or every HBO series that they only might like? Not me. Re: Commitment The commitment thing is overstated; it's easy to get out of with no penalty or anything, especially if you're moving. Once you get out of your commitment, your rates increase -- you even admit so yourself below. I am afraid of commitment. Re: No equipment to buy Right, you just lease it for the rest of your life... Given the choice, I'd always rather own than rent. And what happens when -- like my grandparents this past month -- you suddenly need a new dish to receive your local channels because they moved them all to a new satellite? You have to buy a new dish for $200, that's what happens. What's the point in owning it when it becomes obsolete in a few years? Also -- cable charges installation fees (at least they did for my cable internet access - $50). At least the $50 you pay to get DirecTV equipment makes the equipment YOURS. No install fees here. For ANYTHING. I even have phone service from my cable company ($39.95 a month for unlimited local and long distance) and that install was free. The phone company charges anywhere from $50 to $100 for the same install. Re: Customer support Let's see, DirecTV is ranked #1 in customer support every year. The cable companies? ... Just to complete your statement -- cable ranks #2 in customer satisfaction, according to JD Power and Associates, and not far behind satellite: "Satellite receives an overall customer satisfaction index score of 723 (on a 1,000-point scale), compared to 659 for digital cable and 621 for analog cable, with strong performance across all measures of customer satisfaction. Despite this outcome, cable narrows the gap in overall satisfaction versus satellite, improving at nearly twice the rate of satellite (3.1% vs. 1.6%)" --Source Re: Bundling Don't get me started with that. A couple of months after I got my internet access ($45/month), they decided to raise the rate up to $65/month unless you subscribed to cableTV. That just seems very slimy to me. Slimy like forcing you to buy a DirecTV package to continue subscribing to Sunday Ticket? What's the difference? This ties into the commitment portion as well -- DirecTV won't raise your price at all while you're under a commitment. I've also only seen 3 price increases in 8 years or so, and have even seen TWO price DECREASES during the same time. Can cable say that? As long as you're under commitment, you get a decent rate. Once your comittment ends, your prices jump higher than cable's rates. The fact is that the average monthly expenditure for satellite vs. cable is almost identical ($49.08 among satellite subscribers and $50.98 among cable subscribers). Maybe your cable company in Cincy is better than others. We have Comcast here and they suck. I've never had Comcast -- just Time Warner Cable, and from what I've heard, we have better than average service here in Cincy. I've heard horror stories from both sides of the fence. It's just interesting to see how some people insist that one side is OMG SO MUCH BETTER!!1 when in fact, they are very comparable in the grand scheme of things.
  18. God I hope not. I've been subscribing to Sunday Ticket ONLY for the past four years. It doesn't really seem fair for them to force you to buy one of their packages considering they won't share the NFL package with cable. Let's see -- cable has: - Movies on-Demand (like having a Blockbuster in your living room) - HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Comedy Central, Music Videos, and more -- ON DEMAND (watch whatever you want when you want) without the need of a DVR - NO COMMITMENT REQUIRED - No equipment to buy - Customer support that shows up within a day or two to fix a problem -- even on holidays - Bundled with a cable modem, you save even more (satellite internet sucks) Why would you even want to sell your soul to DirecTV? (edit :: that's what we have in Cincinnati anyways. I hear cable can suck in other cities though)
  19. What makes you all think we won't top the 33 mark again?? Bills 35 Steelers 17
  20. Maybe Dwight Freeney is so successful because teams are inevitably forced into a shootout with the Colts, thus more pass rushing situations. If our defense could dampen the Colts offense a bit, we could control the tempo with a balanced attack and hopefully not rely on Bledsoe to drop back as much. This is -- I believe -- one of the biggest reasons we've had such a turnaround.
  21. Also, some people can't get the signal due to an obstructed southern view. But I guess then they could cut down trees, destroy buildings and move mountains ... so yeah, it's probably their fault.
  22. What about cats? Are cats allowed?
  23. If he was playing on the team, maybe But since none of us are, we can speculate all we want. I'd rather face San Diego. Peyton is too much of a powerhouse, and although our secondary is good, I think he would torch them all too often.
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