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Everything posted by mikef292004

  1. Well if I were making a million plus a year then I would be happy, and If they draft a QB and I'm demoted to second string where I don't have to get hit every week and still make millions I'm still happy...
  2. Well If were so high on draft picks, I would bet the house we trade out of the #1 spot and acquire a couple more draft picks. Sure we would miss out on the top QB or even top 2 QB's depending how far back were willing to trade, but If I'm the GM I trade out and get more picks.! Just my 2 cents....
  3. Ok good post - However butler was a solid pick, he just retired..That can't be put on Marv.. Neither can Lynch - That was a solid pick too, the guy is a great back.. Thats all I have - thanks for your time..
  4. I'll be in Warren, PA for the game to watch with my brother.. ( I live 10 minutes from PA ) We live in Falconer, NY...Anyway does anyone know if Warren, PA ia blacked out too>>? Or is PA un touchable because Buffalo is a NY team..?
  5. If Casey Mathews is any relation the Clay Mathews then I say take him..!
  6. Sounds reasonable, I would think McCargo then Maybin...Gotts trim the fat off if you want to eat Prime Rib..
  7. No matter what you say, or how you spell it out, some people will never want to understand..and thats the problem, there sick of losing and want wins now, they dont want to believe its a rebuilding year again..That is why there is so much negativity.. No matter what we say they just DON'T WANT to understand..
  8. How do you know he was on no teams radar..? Because it wasn't on ESPN..? Are you in franchise meetings when there talking about who a good head coach would be on there team..? Perhaps Chan's name came up several times, perhaps it didn't but you shouldn't pretend to know. I know everyone is frustrated with the Bills from top to bottom, but we need to give Nix/Gailey a chance, and that chance isn't 4 weeks into the season, it's 3 years..Lets just look for improvement in each quarter of the season..I have a feeling Gaily feels he made a mistake in hiring edwards as DC, and he'll probably be gone by the end of the season, but was there anyone else out there that wanted to come to Buffalo and be a DC..? Maybe this year there will be someone better ( Hopefully ) and assuming Edwards gets fired ( Which he should ).. But this team has no talent, so lets wait another season and see what they bring in and how it goes before we fire another head coach and bring in another one..!
  9. Why is Drayton Florence starting ahead of Mckelvin anyway..? The guys holds every 10th play..
  10. We have to remember too that this is Chan's offense and after he watches tapes of games he knows where Trent was supposed to go with the ball, and I'm sure many a times while Trent was sound asleep Old Chan was up drinking a couple bud Lights with the fat offensive line coach saying " What the hell was Trent doing on that play"..! " Why didn't Trent hit Lee on that one"..! "Dammit fat offensive line coach ( I don't know his name ) pass me another Bud Light".>!
  11. Ok, I see I am not getting any votes this year.. I'm going home
  12. You have to start with the line..! And offensive line is where we need most help, I said I would sign two free agents to improve defense.. One line backer and one end..The year after I would go defense because it would take a year for the offense to start gelling..By year three we be in playofs..!
  13. If you all vote me in for the G.M. position then here is what I would give to you. 1- I would get a trade done for Jackson by week 5. 2- I would cut Edwards, he needs to just be gone. 3- I would sign two decent free agents to help the defense and one WR. 4- In the draft I would do the following, assuming we have a top 3 pick. With the first pick I take QB Then I trade my two 3rd round picks to get back into 1st round and get stud LT 2nd round I go RT 4th round I go Center 5th round I go another QB 6th and 7th round I go depth, or best available player. We have to get the QB and Offensive Line fixed. Please vote me into G.M. I know what I am doing..!
  14. Yes they called me out of nowhere, and made the offer. But then again I have been a loyal customer for 10 years or so. My brother was ticked when I told him, so he called DTV and demanded ( Politely ) that he get that same deal and by golley he got it...! I love DTV...!
  15. Beer is the prescription my friend, lots of beer..! See how this little guy on here just keep them coming..? He's been a Bills fan for over 30 years..! He knows the drill..!
  16. Ummm...I didn't know you all were on the sideline...Because if your all blaming Trent then you must know exactly what play was called and exactly what offensive line call was made...! Truth is none of you know, maybe Trent did call an adjustment for the line, or tell the line to sift, maybe they ( The line ) made a bad read..!
  17. I hate to say this but you ever just watch a game and concentrate on one guy..I did that and it was Maybin I watched, the guy plays flat footed at times and gets put on his butt, and typically jumps on a pile to get credit for a tackle, and then gets all excited when in the 4th quarter he gets a sack against a tired 3rd string tackle on the 4th string QB..! If I was picked that high in the draft and my sacks come from the 3rd sting and 4th string guys please smack me across my face if I cheer..! Oh and just for the record, I say he gets 0 sacks, 2 tackle assists and 1 tackle solo in the game. On the year I say 4 sacks, 30 tackles, 50 tackle assists. gets cut next year.. LMAO...! True that..!
  18. So Windstream has a deal where you can get DishNetwork, Internet, and phone for only around $85.00 a month. Local channels are included and it is a Lifetime price, you pay $85.00 for the rest of your life.. ( Or probably until Windstream goes under ).. Does anyone know if DirecTV has anything like this....? I have DirecTV and a few nights ago they called ma and offered me a deal for only $3.50 more a month I get every channel and it includes NFL Sunday ticket.So my total bill would be around $69.00 until January and then if I cancel It foes back to the $65.00 or so and if I don't cancel ( There probably banking on me forgetting ) it goes up to $115.00 a month but that is everything.
  19. Well we all know it can't get worse, and based on preseason they looked more like an engine that just had an oil change and tune up. However we have to be level headed here, no one really knows what will happen once teams start game planning us. We can say this or say that but until the helmets start flying who really knows..! Yes Trent should be better, Yes the run game should be our bread and butter, and yes the play calling and overall offense should be better, We ALL know this, because we all follow the Bills year round and read every article this is under the sky...Lets just keep our fingers crossed that the offense can move the ball and score points, and the defense can pick off some passes and keep the run game some what under control... I predict the Bills finish between 8-8 and 10-6 just for the record...!
  20. "Steve Wyche QB, offensive line and running back are all issues. They have nice pieces on D, but didn't upgrade as much as the competition. Prediction: 3-13, last in AFC East" Question to Steve - How do you figure RB is an issue..? That should be the strong point of the team not an issue..! Makes you wounder if these people even know who is on the Bills team anymore..! AND THERE THE "EXPERTS"..?...LMAO..! What a Joke..
  21. Don't you just wish you knew the real story behind what the real story was on why Parish didn't play..! I know I do..! I agree I'm also happy for him, the guy plays with heart, as do alot of guys on this team..I too hope Gailey can work some magic on this team...!
  22. Seriously we should come up with some "Motto" word that like means Backwards in greece or something for the way were going to think this year..The Chinese always have cool words...!
  23. I drank way too much Coffee today so this may seem weird..BUT what if we all stopped complaining about the Bills until they prove you wrong, and start cheering them until they prove you wrong..So much negative on here, Aren't we all Bills fans..? Until they prove me wrong I expect them to make the playoff's, the past is the past and were moving forward without the past..! BRB gotta go get some more coffee...
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