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sir andrew

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Everything posted by sir andrew

  1. Fitz would move the ball down the field...then throw a pick in the endzone.
  2. Sack Attack Shaq.
  3. Kiko was just on Murph. Still Mr. Personality. I miss his cooking shows.
  4. Damn. Sorry. Late to the party.
  5. Toronto Titans has a nice ring to it.
  6. Good Thread! Will watch the Bills game Sunday. Usually will watch the afternoon games or flip between CBS/Fox. Primetime games will usually tune in right before going to bed unless an AFCE team is playing. Then I'll watch the whole thing.
  7. I gotta say I didn't mind Diehl. Always fun to hear what an offensive lineman thinks of Kyle Williams.
  8. Do you like putting fishsticks in your mouth?
  9. Trent Edwards' practices were Pro Bowl worthy.
  10. No true with the Bills for the last 15 years or so, but the Sabres could usually be counted on for a fairly competitive product. Ugh. This is a kick in the teeth.
  11. Wow. No one wants to win this game. They need to get rid of monday night football.
  12. Hate it when I'm so bike I have to drunk all the way home.
  13. It's appalling how much coverage Dallas gets. Last week San Fran v Dallas was "America's Game of the Week" on fox.
  14. http://www.patriots.com/video/2016/10/02/bill-belichick-102-nothing-was-good-enough-today BB's presser. Wow, talk about awkward.
  15. ...And boom goes the dynamite.
  16. Bucky's definitely butt-hurt. http://www.buffalonews.com/columns/bucky-gleason/never-a-dull-moment-with-the-bills-well-except-for-game-day-20160524 Can't wait for Sully's collumn.
  17. Didn't you know? https://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/05/28/101-being-offended/
  18. One of my Facebook friends once said that they didn't like Buffalo. Can I post that? I will post this, though: I still think it's funny. Nice to laugh at yourself.
  19. Skip Bayless and Stephen A are everything wrong with espn.
  20. Sabres are gonna be a force in the coming years. That I can count on. You can never count on the Bills.
  21. What's with the sudden infatuation with this guy? This stuff happens 20+ years ago and suddenly we everyone's doing made for TV movies and specials on him.
  22. This. Teams used to have their drafted QB's sit behind veteran for a few years before giving them the reigns to the offense. Everyone expects most QB's to be great right away out of college. I think that if teams actually allowed a QB to develop, there would be more starting caliber QB's in the league today.
  23. I know that these guys are right up there with Sully when it comes to "most disliked in the Buffalo area", but did anyone happen to catch the show last week? Schopp was on vacation and Sal C. was sitting in for him. I got to say that it was like a completely different show. Sal was presenting factual points and Bulldog was even backing him up on them. Bulldog does seem like a decent host. He usually presents some valid points when he has someone that knows their stuff along side him. I really think that they could have something special if Sal could be on full time. Oh well. A guy can wish.
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