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Madd Charlie

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Everything posted by Madd Charlie

  1. lol was it a joke when you were talking about EJ who also is not on the team. Whaley does not do contracts so whether they are on the team or not is beside the point. They are good players right? Whaley brought them on the team right? The GM has been doing the scouting for this draft before McDermott got here right? So even if Dawkins does replace him and I hope he does the GM played a big part in him being here too. It's not that hard your focused on the negative and like many others block out all the positives to justify how you feel. No body who has any clue will agree that EJ is the beginning or end of Whaley did for the Bills.
  2. Logical. Whaley gets paid to be gone like Rex, has a great draft and looks for a new job next year. Don't know about the Beane guy though he didn't get the San Fran job and they were pretty desperate. Hes not Whaley though and thats pretty much as high as the bar gets as far as some are concerned.
  3. Just saying your focused on EJ but you dont mention Gillislee Seymour Alexander Watkins Darby Taylor Woods Henderson (7th round pick starter) Miller Karlos Williams ect. Do you like any of them? That doesnt even include another 5-6 guys from the last two drafts that will be starters on this team in the fall. Why are you so consistently focused on the negative?
  4. Why are we still talking about EJ? You do know he plays for the Raiders right?
  5. Every single thing you said is speculation and your personal opinion. He doesn't to the contracts. I have no idea if he can get along with the coaches or not but I do know when the owner hires coaches you don't want (Rex) or they allow the marketing guy to pick the coach (Marrone) it cant be good for the dynamic. Ej barely played and even when he did he wasn't supposed to be out there so if he was pushing him so hard clearly he didn't do a very good job. If he gets fired, he gets fired im not crying for a guy who has a job I would love to have and made more money than I do. All im saying is Whaley being gone is the easy part everything else that comes after that is the hard part.
  6. It's bad enough the Bills get it non-stop from local media now we can expect the national media to give it to us too (if this is true). There will be A and B draft grades across the board all while discussing constantly how far the Pegulas are in over their heads. No one has had more turnover in the last 5 years except maybe the Browns. My bet if anything changes though is that Doug quit. If so good for him. That press conference that went so bad, it was clearly because he was sent there and told what not to say by the Pegulas but not what to say. If Pegula wasn't such a kitty cat he would have went himself like any respectable owner would have. Rex didnt report to Whaley he reported to Terry. They sent Whaley and Lynn before Pegula even had the heart to show his face. The more I think about it the more I realize that Doug has nothing to gain and everything to lose by staying here.
  7. All these people are so impressed with McDermott must believe he was hired to be GM or director of personnel or something. BTW he couldn't possibly have had anything to do with this draft other than giving his opinion on who he thinks is a good fit for his system. I'm not impressed even a little until the guy who was hired to be the head coach wins some games, at least give me a preseason game or something. I've been down this road too many times with this team to get all pumped that the coach says all the right things. I'll admit I like the guy I think he has the chance to be great but just like he said in his own press briefing everyone has to earn it including him. Why this guy is being treated like Bill Parcells before his first mini-camp I can't understand.
  8. In the press conference I saw, McDermott said Whaley and his staff did a great job. The possibility that maybe is not being talked about enough is maybe Whaley requested to be released from his contract. There are a few jobs including the Redskins job that he could/should be a candidate for. He accomplished a lot here like bringing players to the Bills who would have never even considered coming here in the past. He immediately becomes the best young GM on the market and his stock may never be higher. This is not an ideal job not sure why any top GM candidate would be super excited to walk into this mess. Local media is pretty much the worst the Pegulas are starting to look clueless and to be honest Doug has set the bar pretty high with personnel. Just imagine if Ragland starts next year and Lawson becomes a 7-10 sack guy? Not to mention Sammy is in a contract year and most likely will have his best year as a Bill if he plays a full season. How many GMs can say that they found two bargain bin free agents that became pro bowlers the same season? I hope he sticks around but if I was him I'm pretty sure I'm ready to get out at the top of my game and get a fresh start.
  9. Chill dude its just a booger some people eat those. No harm no foul
  10. Buffalo sports fans, in general, have not been shy about their need to see heads roll when things are not going well and it makes sense that we're angry over so much losing. At some point, you have to see things through though. The new fresh face may be good for marketing but it does nothing for winning unless you catch lightening in a bottle and luck up on Brady in the 6th round or get that 1 of 100 up and comer in the right place at the right time. Being willing and able to develop people and long hard work is what gets it done in the real world
  11. Even if they do it guarantees nothing. There's nothing that the Pegulas have done so far that inspires confidence that they will bring in the right people to get it done. Winning is not easy it's not about just bringing in new people in, It has to be the right people, and even then they may have growing pains. Seeing how the Pegulas operate they will probably get the boot before they figure it out. Do you notice that the "fire him" people usually have only got that far in their thinking? Thats how we got into this playoff mess to begin with.
  12. Agreed. They need to get this right for sure. I hate to say it but they are setting themselves up for failure if they keep making decisions the way they have been. Hopefully they realize that
  13. If the Pegulas plan to run two GM searches and a coaching search at the same time when they haven't proven they can do any one of those things separately yet I'm getting my popcorn ready. It has the potential to be an apocalyptic disaster. The honeymoon is over and they are about to start feeling the heat big time if this is not a home run (if it happens of course)
  14. Yeah Whaley definitely should have gotten this team to the playoffs at least once. They should think about giving some of that responsibility to the coach just to help him out a bit because hes clearly not getting it done on his own.
  15. Alex Smith is comparable to Orton in my opinion that didn't go so great and Joe Flacco was a first rounder and ex-Super bowl MVP. There's maybe 6 teams in the league that have a QB on his level if that.
  16. The real fun starts when the next GM comes in if/when Whaley is gone. They better be pretty close to perfect. They need to find the next Tom Brady in no more than two years, draft all starters who don't get injured, never lose a free agent and squeeze between the love fest that everyone claims is going on between Pegula and McDermott all while having absolutely amazing press conferences. Oh yeah and most likely they will be hiring a coach in the next few years and he better be Vince Lombardi. If not the Whaley haters and the people who like Whaley will be on them like white on rice. If I'm Whaley at this point I want a fresh start. No doubt about the fact that he has a job in the NFL very soon and no I do not take personnel director or whatever for the Bills
  17. Thanks I appreciate that. This team means a lot to my family and I. Go Bills
  18. so why are you reading it there's like 200 other posts, Dude
  19. You really don't seem like a fan of the team it's definitely not
  20. As a small business owner, I guess partially I'm looking at it from a business standpoint as well which he also made a miracle in that department. As a fan of the team, how could you hate on Ralph? There are no Bills if there is no Ralph period. Without him, your rooting for I guess the Browns right now wishing you had a team. the guy could have gone to like 5 other cities with his team that he bought with his money. Dang right he was protective over it if you took anything that you created from nonexistent to being worth a billion dollars with your own two hands you would be too. Ralph was a fantastic business owner and a visionary. He knew what it took to run this team better than anyone and he did what he had to do. In business, there are always sacrifices that have to be made but you can't say that he didn't expect or want to win. Do you think it's profitable now? I've always been proud to rock the colors even while losing they a huge part of my history and family. I'm afraid that this is all about to be a poop show and I got a bit nostalgic I guess. I've learned to accept a fair share of losing but not ready to see it all fall apart. Probably panicking for nothing
  21. valid, valid and valid but looking back if he didn't do things the way that he did the Bills wouldn't be here right now. The magic it took to be profitable in this market with the product on the field profitable is insane. Look at the cities that have lost teams over the last 20 years. With the exception of maybe Cleveland, all have more success on the field and a higher population within traveling distance of the stadium
  22. Tell me about when it's happened anywhere else ever. The Bills are not the first team who sucked over some period of time and they won't be the last there are more bad teams than good ones at any given time but it's unheard of to dominate the AFC the way we did.
  23. Its easy when you mean it
  24. Wow you just dismissed a lot of work by a lot of people but OK blind squirrel whatever
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