I hate that people use a "hit rate" to determine how good pundits are at prognosticating draft order - the reality is that the draft is usually impossible to predict after the first few picks due to one "surprise" pick making every pick after that a miss (i.e., if a team trades up, they likely have a need different than the team picking, so, once they pick that "wrong" player for the spot, that pushes the good player back, which, when that good player is picked, will push another good player back, etc.). This domino effect which ensures that one wrong prediction equates to dozens of missed picks down the line basically makes "hit rate" as a determination of skill at predicting the draft completely irrelevant.
As surprise picks are often due to impossible to predict actions, like trades, or GMs falling in love with a player they used to coach (or something like that), and one surprise pick voids whole draft predictions, it seems to me that "hit rate" is pretty much all luck.
Now, of course, Mel saying that Barnett can't play weak side is a much bigger strike against his credibility...