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Posts posted by GRHater69

  1. He left on his own. The strike in '82 took a toll, but the real issues started with the Bills front office not getting Tom Cousineau here after he left the CFL. Ralph stated he would never pay that kind of $$ for a linebacker. So they traded his rights to Cleveland for a bunch of draft choices one of which turned into Jim Kelly, but there was no way of knowing that back when the trade happened. Coach Knox was NOT happy about that. There were also a lot of issues with the GM at that time Stew Barber, constant holdouts of players like Butler, Smerlas, and Cribbs. So Knox headed for greener pastures with Seattle.

  2. I only casually watched the trail when it was happening in '95....too busy with other life activities to care. I'm totally ashamed to admit this now, but at the time the Bills fan in me was glad he got off. As I got older and saw the depth of what he more than likely did in destroying those lives and families I have hard time with how I felt back then. Long story short I think it may have taken a while but he finally got what he deserved. After watching the 30 for 30 I'm really wondering if somehow the Vegas bust which finally landed him in jail was orchestrated by the Goldmans. Did anyone find it really odd that the guy who arranged the meeting with the person that they all thought stole OJ's "property" recorded the whole thing despite his reasons?

  3. I would also say, the root cause of the problems in that area and other areas like it, is not the police. They are a sprout from the root, but the root runs deeper than them. When you say the country just wasn't ready for integration, it was everyone's fault... who exactly are you referring to not being ready? Then my next question would be why weren't those people ready, as integration was seen as a akin to equality: equal access, equal treatment, etc.


    It was everyone's fault, I wasn't there so I'm going on what I've seen in documentaries and read in books. Change like that needs to happen gradually, the govt. can't force it.

  4. The best times to be a Bills' fan in the 70s was from '72-'75. In '72 Saban had just come back and he was bound and determined to change the culture and get OJ the ball more. You saw the early results as Simpson lead the NFL in rushing for the first time. We all know what happened in '73, but for me '75 was the year that will haunt the decade. OJ had his last really great season, Ferguson was in his 3rd year and really starting to develop. The team was coming off it's first playoff season in nearly a decade. But they had a TERRIBLE defense and could really only win by outscoring people and that caught up with them. If they had even a middle of the pack D that year they might have gotten to the playoffs again and done some damage.


    As for the 30 for 30, too much time on the LAPD. Getting a little tired of that being the root cause of all the problems in that area. The country just wasn't ready for integration, it was everyone's fault, not just the police.

  5. The writer is overating his opinions. As noted up-thread Fergy played most of the San Diego game on a bad ankle, it was a gutty performance for anyone old enough to remember that game, and it was the Bills' D that lost it by not covering properly in the secondary. He also needs to look up better stats for Beebe....he DIDN'T PLAY in SB XXV due to a broken leg suffered earlier in the playoffs. So that means he played in 5 SBs not six, and missed another playoff game that same year. I wish these guys would do their homework.

  6. I look forward to these posts after every game, but I don't feel the Bills are a bit of a trainwreck. This was a very injury-depleted team that didn't quit on their coach, that won its last two games and knocked a division rival out of the playoffs. They need a few players on D most notably linebackers and a good safety. All relatively easy off-season fixes now that we have a full compliment of draft picks.. The front office and ownership seem to be solid.


    My idea of a trainwreck is 3 1/2 hours south of here in Cleveland.

  7. They started wearing white at home in '80 during the Chuck Knox era, but it was just the jerseys coupled with the blue pants. They would switch to blue jerseys for the last 2 home games. This lasted through the '85 season. In '86 they diched the blue pants probably because they looked awful when paired with the red helmets. I don't mind white on white, but I wish they would bring back the red socks that they wore during the 80s and 90s. But like what was stated above, they could wear pink, just beat the f**king Patriots already!

  8. The Chargers need to go back to powder blues full time. Classic AFL uniform. There was a time when the Browns had the jersey numbers on the side of the helmets....way back. I have friends in Pittsburgh who are still angry about the number font the team uses now on their jerseys.

  9. You should have seen Carey a few weeks ago on Inside the NFL. He got taken to task a bit by Ed Reed and Brandon Marshall. Carey actually said that a play can be over before the whistle sounds prompting both former players to remind him that they are coached to play UNTIL THE WHISTLE SOUNDS...he's an idiot, and embarrassment to the NFL on the broadcasts, and if that's how most of these officials thnk during games, no wonder soooo many calls get blown weekly. Jim Nance essentially showed him up last night on the TD call, the safety and the bogus PI call. Odds are if the NFL ever made more judgement calls challengeable the official would REALLY be exposed for their ineptnes.

  10. Soft is the wrong word, he was maybe too much of a fan at first with the Sabres, and a little too loyal to the wrong people. It was also hard to think of firing Darcy/Lindy when the team made a run after he took over in 2011. His mistake was not moving them both out after the team fell apart in 2012. That decision may have cost them almost a decade, but could also lead to them getting Connor McRebuild if they're lucky at draft time.As he said in his Bills press conference he now realizes that things and decisions need to be made much faster in sports than in the business world. If Marrone makes it to 9-7 he will probably survive but be forced to make some staff changes....probably. If they come up short 8-8 or worse, he should be gone.

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