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Everything posted by GRHater69

  1. I think you meant WKBW radio got the rights from WBEN. I remember those broadcasts, Al Meltzer did a nice job with PBP and Ed Rutkowski was his main analyst with Rick Azar as the third person in the booth. The '72 season was a big step forward and reversed a bad trend that started under John Rauch and continued with Harvey Johnson. Saban came back and made them into a team again, he just never had a good defense when he was here the 2nd time around.
  2. I think Aaron Williams was supposed to be that guy and Jarvis Landry cheap shotted him out of a career.
  3. I was just too young back then. Didn't really start following the team until John Rauch took over, but they really fell apart after '66 from what I'd heard growing up. Would have loved to see those AFL Championship teams go up against the NFL back then. Too bad we don't have decent film and video like we do now.
  4. My father always thought that Bills team with Sestak and Dunaway up front and Cookie Gilchrist would have given the Pack a run for their money.
  5. The Cincy game is the reason I will forever dislike Cris Colinsworth. If you watched that game, the Bengals got a first down as the result of a personal foul on Derrick Burroughs on a critical drive late and deep into Bills territory. Colinsworth went on NBC the next day and said in all his typical smarm that their receivers were deliberately cheap shoting his ankles since he had an issue earlier that year and trying to get him to crack. I get that Burroughs shouldn't have lost his cool (he apologized for it postgame) but for Colinsworth to admit that and be proud of it? That's why I will always think he's a douche.
  6. Yep....The Godfather!
  7. Probably the closest I ever came to that was in 2017, but it was from seeing the locker room footage of Kyle Williams hugging his boys and then he himself starting to tear up a bit only to be embraced by Leslie Frazier. THAT was the most emotional I think I've gotten watching this team and I've been watching them for a long time.
  8. I sometimes wonder that if it wasn't for COVID this year they would have been greasing the skids to move either to London or even possibly St. Louis. They need major stadium upgrades to stay there and I can't see that happening given how poorly the team has performed with the lone exception of 2017. As for Marrone, he clearly bumped his head in 2017 and has fallen back to being what he was all along, a sub 500 coach. He had 2 years here with 1 winning season mostly riding the coattails of Jim Schwartz's defense. And in all honesty he would have finished here 8-8 that second year had the Patriots not sat Brady and their starters for most of the game in the season finale. What my friends down there tell me is the contract extension for Bortles really hurt them, there was constant feuding between their GM David Caldwell and Tom Coughlin, and players just don't want to be there. Throw in Marrone and you have a recipe for disaster.
  9. That's because Canada isn't a real country....just a loft apartment over a really great party!
  10. I think when his head is into it Knox is a much better blocker than Kroft and if they really want to start building their running game this mover makes sense. For the record I think Kroft has better hands in the passing game and Knox is to inconsistent.
  11. The Vikings cancelled practice several years ago when Teddy Bridgewater tore up his knee.
  12. Did Kevin Harlan forget about head-to-head and divisional records? If I heard him say one more time that Miami would have been tied with us had they won and I was going to reach into my TV!
  13. It was brutal back then, only games on TV were road games, we couldn't really afford tickets even in the rockpile days. That era really made my father jaded as a fan of the team. He never truly believed Ralph was committed to winning after that even after they signed Kelly. He did change his mind during the Superbowl years. I was a young kid and really jumped on board during '73 as well. If those teams during Saban's second tenure had a decent defense, especially in '75, we could have maybe made some noise.
  14. The clip of OJ's run against the Colts in the '73 season is my favorite run of his. I was just a tad bit too young to remember the AFL championships and unfortunately started following the team during the John Rauch/Harvey Johnson "era of futility".
  15. The Roland Hooks play was a classic example of me giving up on a game too early. I got frustrated listening on the radio thinking they had the lost game and seriously damaged their playoff chances. Decided to go for a walk down Abbott Rd since I lived in Blasdell back then. All these cars were driving by after the game from stadium honking their horns and people yelling out the windows "Bills number 1!" I had no idea why until I got home and found out they pulled off a great comeback. That game wasn't a sellout so it wasn't on local TV if I remember correctly.
  16. I'm stunned and shocked......not
  17. Move the Chiefs/Raiders game to Tuesday like ours....that way neither team has an edge next week.
  18. While I dislike the monochrome red color-rush look, it might be a nice slap at the Chiefs to wear their color while they wear white. I had a horrible nightmare last night that for next Thursday's game we wear the all red color rush unis and through a rule change quirk the Chiefs are allowed to wear their all red unis as well.....god that would look awful.
  19. I think this has a lot to do with how the Redskins handled the games in '87 with replacement players. Polian commented on this recently with NFL Network on how the 'Skins were essentially running another set of practices with guys to have them ready to go for when the players association shut down the season. Polian feels that NFL teams should be doing separate practices with their reserves and keep them isolated from the rest of the team in case there is an outbreak.
  20. The only saving grace may be that if it follows the pattern like in NY, by Sept 8th, these hard hit area may be much better. This is entirely possible. If you look at the bell curves from around the world where the virus has truly hit hard and peaked, they all go about 6-8 weeks and then it drops off. This was the case here in NY, but also in Sweden where there were almost no lockdowns.This virus seems hell bent on proving that excessive lockdowns only delay the inevitable. I would fully expect to see things start to decline in the current hotspots like Fl, Tx, Az and even Ca by mid August. But there is still a large portion of the country namely the central and upper plains that have not had any major outbreaks as of yet. It would not shock me if the virus starts to crop up[more in those areas. Although there is not a lot of population density there compared to places like south Fla, or Houston Tx.
  21. If it wasn't for being able to ride Peyton Manning's coattails in Denver would Gase even be a HC? It's clear Adams just wants out which would suck for them but be good for us in the long run. He's probably their best defensive player.
  22. Shemp was funnier than Curly and the Stooges hit their peak with Joe Besser.
  23. Some people do OK and are functional. Others don't. The fever hits them hard and they can barely get out of bed for a few days. Without knowing that we should just wish Todd the best and carry on until we know how bad it is.
  24. To the OP.....very disappointed....I clicked on this expecting a link to the Peter Pan picture. ☺️
  25. I find that my memories of some of the teams worst years are just as strong as when the good years! Need to find a pill for that.
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