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Everything posted by Peace

  1. And Spiderman 1 and Spiderman 2. That entire streak was terrible. The special effects in those were horrible. The GreenGoblin was in an immovable mask straight from K Mart. I know it made tons of cash but those movies blew. The studios keep rebooting because the creation story is always the best one. Only Nolan's Batman seems to be bucking that trend, although the next movie appears to be going the "superhero retires, world needs his help" route.
  2. Embarrassing because, I don't know, maybe because one is an enormous political quagmire that's been going on for years and the other is well, football. And football may prove more complicated.
  3. Still waiting for the ipu$$y.
  4. I don't think it was me but I agree 100%. One of the early ceiling proposals proposed raising the debt ceiling in 700B increments exactly for this reason. And that would allow both parties to keep playing politics with the cuts/taxes issues.
  5. It's hard to interpret your dialect that I perceive as a regional mix of troll and idiot. The question you ask is "Where are the job creators whose asses we are kissing, creating all of these jobs?" To which I responded that the stimulus created no jobs, or none of great significance. Asked and answered.
  6. It's embarrassing that the debt deal may get done before the NFL deal. WTF?
  7. Stimulus didn't create jobs.
  8. So you believe that the 5 page outline, which is certainly flawed in some ways, but cuts 4T from the deficit over 10 years, is crap? Step 1 is agree to an outline. Step 2 is details. It seems like the outline is done. In terms of the importance of raising the debt ceiling, it was pretty f-ing important to get #1 done.
  9. Not to mention Obama is talking about cuts and changes to the Medis and Social Security as part of this plan. Publicly. The Dems are clearly giving in on a lot of spending programs. The Reps need to give in on some tax issues. LA, you need to tak off the partisan hack hat you're getting all to comfortable in and see that the plan developing is good for the country and Dems are caving on a lot of issues.
  10. You are the man, WisconsinBills.
  11. Did you just arrive here from May 19?
  12. She raised a leader. Sorry for your loss.
  13. Idiot. I could care less about the politics, as could most people. People just want to set this dumb issue right. It's getting done. Gay marriage will be allowed everywhere eventually; no rational person believes otherwise. Right now, the battle is on to make the change.
  14. The US women are the #1 team in the world and have been #1 or #2 since forming. I thought they'd get this far. Some do but if you noticed the way Solo plays, she would snag those. She commits late to the side and would save any middle shot. Shooting for the middle is a tough strategy. The US PKs were an abomination. I hate PKs deciding a game as much as the next person but all 3 misses were terrible shots and even the first one the keeper really didn't need to make much of a save. The US beat themselves. The corner goal was awful--Smurfs should not score on corners. the other goal was a mess too. If the defenders would have neither struck the ball, it's no goal or at least Solo isn't completely off balance from the pinballing. And they could not sinish for crap. The US played dominant but made a lot of mistakes. Japan was not dominant but made few mistakes.
  15. Sorry Troll, I'm not interested in the schtick.
  16. Most of you mouth-breathers don't know what these Frosh Republicans are really up do, but I do.
  17. WisconsonBills it is great to have you back.
  18. Moron. (DC Tom, all rights reserved.) I own a company with 115 employees. There's a fair chance at least 2-3 of them went out and had a drink at lunch, or drink in the bathroom. Who knows. I work in an office environment--maybe a few people even went out and did harder stuff. This crap happens everywhere in every company. If you don't think it does, you're living in a dream world. The very last reason to oppose the bailouts is because a few Chrysler employees toke up at lunch and again, to tie this to Obama, Bush, or Angela Merkel is demented.
  19. It's anti-Union bizzarro-pBills.
  20. You're right. The US National Team players took off about half the games so far, but it does look like they are set to return.
  21. The US National Team players have the year off from the WPL. Marta has played but not often. If their passing impresses you, you don't watch much soccer. This team can't pass for crap. Japan passes. The US plays long ball and prays that their athleticism and size work out for them. I predict Japan will kill the US.
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