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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Just watched this. No easy feat to make a movie about the presidents of banking houses and the Fed Chair and Treasury secretary exciting but I liked it. If you followed the story as it happened, it's interesting to see it all dramatized. What strikes me is how often and close things came to blowing up. And contrary to optimistic Dante's prediction that defaulting won't be a big deal, I sure would like to avoid seeing that movie play out in mid-August, which is right where we're heading under the current Washington "leadership." "We shouldn't have let Lehman fail" is going to turn into "We shouldn't have let the default happen." Times 10. Lehman, Bear, AIG almost took down a relatively optimistic and healthy economy.
  2. Tom, you're smarter than that.
  3. No, McDonalds is super late to this party. It's fine that they're showing up but if you go to McDonalds, you're not eating healthy.* I wish this board had been around when McDs started offering diet soda. You guys would have creamed your pants. *Except Magox, the sole healthy eating McDonalds eater.
  4. It is useless. People don't go to McDonalds for healthy food.
  5. Say what you want about the guy, but Stalin was a great guy to golf with.
  6. Your counter is Time quoting Bobby McFerrin?
  7. Jesus. How can you hear with your head buried so deep in the sand?
  8. But the Boehner plan out now is not the one he almost negotiated with Obama. It's the red meat Tea Party plan. Reid's plan is a little more down the middle.
  9. Of the two bills, as shocked as I am to say this, Reid's is better based on the limited specifics for each. The Boehner/Obama agreement that was nearly done except for a 40B gap (and having both parties buy-in) was even better.
  10. Obsess much about me? Isn't it time for you to send me private notes by PM again? Unlike you, I don't find DaveinElma/WisconsonBillsfan's posts worth considering.
  11. His point is that it's better to be Christ-like...kind, charitable, moral etc. than to just believe in Christ. Christlike acting should be cause for more reward than Christ believing. Ben Franklin expressed this line of thought too, I believe.
  12. Well, both sides are flushing this opportunity right down the drain. Obama ends up playing politics with the taxes as do the Republicans. Vote for an incumbent in 2012 if you like what's happening.
  13. This chart is truly a sign of a lack of thought. Pretty chart equals supporting argument.
  14. Moron. I wasn't advocating this chart--I am annoyed by its viral idiocy.
  15. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/07/the-chart-that-should-accompany-all-discussions-of-the-debt-ceiling/242484/
  16. OL, LB. Stop with this nonsense.
  17. Umm. All of the Bible was added to the Bible. Yes, because wasting one's time talking to the retarded is so grown up. By your definition, this post is grown up. Could be.
  18. She's pretty legit. No idea what the quote was.
  19. Says you. 2000 years of history says elsewise. Christians kill in the name of Christ all the time. Crazy is crazy.
  20. Says you. 2000 years of history says elsewise. Christians kill in the name of Christ all the time. Crazy is crazy.
  21. Don't you have to leave to be given credit for leaving?
  22. I endorse any call to ban emoticons. The next time I use one will be the first. They are for 13 year old girls.
  23. GOTO http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/131044-nys-vote-on-gay-marriage-tonight/page__view__findpost__p__2189665
  24. It hurts to have an HDTV and watch pixellated video.
  25. Like you direcTV doesn't work at my house. Watched almost all games last year. Occasional skips but mostly ok. Week 1 always sucks. Vid quality is like watching on YouTube. Can watch via iPhone in a pinch.
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