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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Yep, that's what I said. Kill the honkey. You can quote me on that genius. Nope. We could fill this forum with people's criminal misdeeds. Generally, we don't except when it's some government official trying to get a BJ in a public restroom/church.
  2. Lose 50 (or 100) pounds and run in 2016 Christie.
  3. WisconsonBillsfan/DaveinElma sent that to you, didn't he?
  4. Hi, I'm Jake Locker.
  5. Says entitlement spending should go down. And military too. The point a lot of people here make (mostly ex-military and contractors like me) is that the military wastes so much that you can make a fair amount of cuts and keep a top military. I am sure you can find the same waste on the entitlement side but most here aren't insiders in that system.
  6. OCinBuffalo...never voted in a presidential election. So grown up. Now you get to stop complaining. You lost your right to do so.
  7. They stand for tea, as in the leaves of tea dumped into Boston Harbor. The same geniuses who brought you "Everyone iS a Panther faN" signs to Sunday Night Football also made a sign like you mention.
  8. I did it last year. Their sales reps are woefully ignorant. Whether it's available this year, no idea but I hope so. Last year, they had a reference to it on the web page but didn't have the sign up for it until 2 weeks before the season. By then, I'd had 2 installers at my house to confirm it could not be installed. By the way, their website also says that NFL Sunday Ticket must be purchased to get Ticket to Go http://support.directv.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1814 "No. A subscription to NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ is required for NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ To-Go." So there is contradictory stuff on their website.
  9. Except for maybe the Navy, the harsh cuts are coming. No arm of government wastes more.
  10. What's the problem? Graphic photo of a disastrous situation. I like all the G3 guys. Satriani sounds nothing like Eddie except that he's fast. Satriani Could have been in a million bands I'm sure but likes to write his won stuff. Of those solo guitar guys, I prefer Eric Johnson over Vai and Satriani though. Dark horse in the modern guitar genius category is the late Michael Hedges.
  11. Last year, you needed to prove to DirecTV that their service was not available at your house to get NFL Sunday Ticket to go. It doesn't look like that's available as an option this year according to their site. You need to be a DirecTV customer to get Ticket according to this year's FAQ. Sucks for me...and anyone living in NYC or other cities. Nice move nfl.
  12. Careful, Sage is a Little Monster.
  13. Without caring to look into this one bit, I saw people noting in the comments that the secret service rents space from the Clintons. (Could just be right wing nuts.) Again, when weighing the conflict (paying rent that was already being paid by a tenant) vs. safety advantage (assuming on this that it's better to be in proximity to the VP than further away), it doesn't seem like a big deal. The rent was the same as he charged to the last tenant so it's not like he is making some sort of killing. I see the potential conflict, but it looks like a mole hill compared to a million other things...like siphoning off money to your former company, taking a director position to the company you awarded contracts to the day after your term ends, etc.
  14. Really? The most convenient place for the agents to sleep is a property he once rented out. They are paying the same rate as the last tenant. What's the big deal?
  15. I like the Constitution the way it is. Just need to follow it. As to replacing the government officials, I'm all for it. But no one ever votes for challengers. The only problem incumbents are other people's incumbents.
  16. I do not think we can make the cut immediately. That would spiral a teetering economy. But by waiting until the last second, we (Americans) see almost no specific cuts--it's mostly going to get done sometime in the future. That is not reassuring when we all know how easily Washington can put things off. Plus, of course by waiting until the 12th hour, the odds of a credit downgrade are pretty high. I tend to agree with Pawlenty (though he of course ignores his own party's missteps): “This deal is nothing to celebrate. Only in Washington would the political class think it’s a victory when the government narrowly avoids default, agrees to go further into debt, and does little to reform a spending system that cannot be sustained by our children and grandchildren. While no further evidence was needed, this entire debt ceiling fiasco demonstrates that President Obama must be replaced.”
  17. Yup. It won't be long before it's time to admit this is a second, or basically, still, a recession. The elected folk have a tough task on the debt because the economy won't dig this country out of the debt mess. They are going to have to cut and cut and cut and cut. Note: This "deal" is nada in terms of immediate impact. Most of the cutting is going to be negotiated over a span of years and enacted years after that. It's a totally pussified deal that will probably do little to address the debt. The politicians (both sides) won with this deal--by giving a lot of lip service to get the debt limit raised...almost no substance. Credit none of them.
  18. I just thought it was weird that he posted photos of his (?) naked body as his profile pic.
  19. Story probably got revised since it was originally written. Happens all the time. Pelosi and the House Dems are the new stumbling block.
  20. Ben Bernake just read Winnie the Pooh to kids at a library. Just wanted to him a shout out Magox style.
  21. It's just hard when you talk about Indians being from the middle east. It tends to detract from your argument. Best to just fold up tent when you say something that dumb.
  22. Tasty and healthy are different. McDonald's french fries make anyone drool. That doesn't mean they are good for you.
  23. Maybe [a nickname some touchy d-bag doesn't want me to use for fear it will "give him away"] is right: It is entertaining to not have people on ignore. India's in OPEC right?
  24. The opening and closing sequences of news stories show Sorkin's bias to blaming all the deregulation. But I'd say that the portrayal of the situation as complete chaos and the leaders as doing the biggest cat herding ever and somehow pulling it off--that part seemed pretty accurate. The best scene is one where Paulson is meeting with his Chinese counterpart in China and someone tries to hand him a flag for a photo op (he declines to take it) and his little daughter grabs at it and gets into a tug of war as her dad tries to take it away. Doubt it happened but it was funny. LAter the Chinese Econ Sec'y says, "You should have seen your face."
  25. Right-o. No one has gone back and put Paulsen and Bush through the ringer about overstepping their legal boundaries in that mess. The movie does a good job contrasting then SEC Chair [name], who was trying to play by the rules and not overstep, with Paulsen, who was screwing up for sure, but basically willing to do whatever it took. At some point, the issue just became one of desperation: Do something, ANYTHING. The AIG move showed the turning tide of govt involvement. The cas infusion of TARP was the turning point. No one needed that money but something needed to start moving cash through the system. At that point, the market knew that big brother was willing to do anything and people started to (slowly, really slowly) calm.
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