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Everything posted by Peace

  1. The Wii is the social machine. The graphics suck. The games are for kids or parties. The XBox is the system to build on if you don't want him to do well in school. I haven't read a lot of real-person Xbox Kinect reviews but it's Microsoft's answer to the Wii.
  2. A decade ago, I was certain I'd get LASIK some day because I didn't like the feel of contacts. But then I found a good optician who helped me find the best contacts for me. Now I barely feel them, they don't dry my eyes, and I don't lose them in my head when swimming. Plus (though I don't), I can sleep in them. I would never get laser surgery today. The only reward would be not having to take 20 seconds a day to put in and take out my contacts. The risks? Well, it's just your eyesight.
  3. In a Bill in NYC thread? Oh no you didn't.
  4. As much fun as I'd love to bash the corners, I can't. It's completely unfair to attack them when the Bills don't just get no sacks, they get no pressure. I didn't have the benefit of replay yesterday but it seemed like Whitner sat out a lot of plays. Was that right?
  5. You can undo 10,000 hours of love and care in a single moment of anger.
  6. I agree with what SDS is about to post.
  7. One of my favorite authors--never heard of that book. Just sent it to my Kindle. To the guy who recommended that he abort the baby and "play the field." You are subhuman. And I'm not a Pro Life person. But that's serious advice to toss out like you know diddly dick about this guy, his partner, and his future daughter.
  8. The Bears sent what...6 players? Sure Bell should have made THAT block but you can't pin the loss on him.
  9. Lynch wasn't slow. He just wasn't decisive. He was a dance machine behind the LOS.
  10. I almost wonder if that's why this guy is getting so much face time--he's completely flamingly gay, much like Larry Craig. When I first saw that guy interviewed, I just assumed the TV had the caption wrong and he was the guy who was being attacked. It won't be long before he gets caught with a dong in his mouth.
  11. God I love San Diego. Love.
  12. My favorite of these anti-homo homosexuals at the moment is the Michigan Assistant Attorney General. That guy is drawing swastikas on the UMich student body president accusing him of promoting homosexuality...at the same time, if you think this Michigan Assistant AG doesn't dream of men, you're loco. http://www.myvido1.com/QUUpFbPRVU6FGWo90YYVUP_michigan-assistant-ag-bullies-gay-colleg (jump ahead to see this guy...you think it's a surprise that he's on with Anderson Cooper?) If you've not been following this story, you will think the anti-gay guy is actually the gay guy.
  13. When Chuck Norris finds fools' gold it automatically turns into real gold. Chuck Norris is nobody's fool.
  14. There is some bad and dangerous info in this thread that if you follow, will not get you to your goal. Send me an email and I can give you my phone number and advice.
  15. Good video...all Summer footage but good.
  16. And unlike the other LBs, once upon a time, he was a good player in the NFL.
  17. I think we can agree that in the Losman-Edwards wars, the Bills fans were the losers. With Fitz at QB, I feel like our long nightmare is over. Not because he's a franchise QB but just because we finally have a guy who plays the position well. Why? Because Losman was on the road to leading them to excellence and something will happen in the future to make us all see this "truth?"
  18. I'd vote for you and that platform.
  19. He's a cancer. No need to toxify a young team with the likes of him.
  20. I never commented on his sexual preference. I just said he's anti-gay. He strikes me as a guy who enjoys the touch of a man.
  21. I voted today for Pat Toomey. It wasn't easy but in the end, I hope he can't promote is bizarre anti-gay and wants-to-get-in-your-bed agenda but might be successful in his fiscal conservatism.
  22. I do well in my job and guess what, I dont' get "rich" frmo all my tax breaks. That's the most insane misconception of the non-rich. Trust me: The man gets more than his fair share of my ass every year. There are only a handful of ways to avoid taxes and most of those merely delay paying...they don't avoid it.
  23. I am no expert in Cat Stevens and I'm sure your newsbuster source is...yet I see he's many times said that those remarks were both made in jest AND that they showed a lack of understanding of his own religion. Unlike you, I'll freely admit to not knowing jack about Cat Stevens and thus wouldn't think much of this story. But it obviously gets to you because it's a "nothing" story in-line with your maniacal agenda.
  24. So his 20 years of distancing himself from that one statement mean nothing to you? Oh wait, you just linked me to newsbusters. I have my answer.
  25. "The call me Bababooey."
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