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Everything posted by Peace

  1. And NFL Sunday Ticket to go (via DirecTV's website) streams every game legally IN the US. ndirish, your argument is a complaint because you have to pay for it. That's how intellectual property works.
  2. NFL Sunday Ticket. You can see every game legally and reliably.
  3. That's fantastic stuff man. She quit the job she was elected to do for the sake of greater good. Good stuff: Keep it coming. She quit her job. Good strong leadership. By the way, note I'm sticking with just one of the many points against her. It's irrefutable. So the job she was elected to but quit is her resume builder to future elected offices? Palin says a lot of things I agree with but if the right/Tea Partiers are dumb enough to put her up as a candidate, they deserve what they get when Independents head for the hills.
  4. Palin makes a pretty James Carville. No more.
  5. Spiller left the game with a hamstring pull. They mentioned it several times.
  6. Beautiful rationalization. At least as president or VP, the scrutiny would be less than as Akaska gov. Hahahahahaha.
  7. Who made that awful non-tackle hurdle on PEttigrew?
  8. I like the call. Palmer destroyed that play.
  9. You respect someone who quit her job. I understand that the heat was coming for her and she'd have to defend herself but she quit. Kind of not a great trait in a politician, no?
  10. The deduction is still in place for up to 500K.
  11. I am not a racist. Like I am going to take the word of a racist. It really does capture the essence of conversing with some here. When I try to defend my sympathy for what the Tea PArty is doing to my liberal friends, I get exactly that reaction. "They are racists, flat out." "They are Bible whackos." Its messed up.
  12. Yeah...it makes up for a few flaws with it's easy-to-digest accuracy. The best are the economists (TPS, I'm talking to you) who chime in in the comments with "I'm an economist: It's not printing money." Yeah. Whatever. And regarding your note, this is me. Or I'm me. Or whatever. I am who am. Are you sh&^ting me?
  13. Yeah, instead she said she was experienced in foreign policy because Alaska borders on the Soviet Union. That was before she quit being governor. And maybe just before she couldn't name a newspaper she read.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTUY16CkS-k I might take exception with a little of this but not a lot.
  15. How about that she quit her job before the heat even started? And yes, I am a crazy person who likes his president to be smart. Christie looks great right now if he doesn't have a heart attack first. He is one fat !@#$.
  16. Just one road block. No one has the political chutzpah to do this. You think some politician is signing up for more unemployment by cutting government payrolls? We will start debt reduction when it's past the breaking point. But I am pleased this is in the news. I wrote my letters yesterday.
  17. Obama could submarine his second term in a fight to get this passed.
  18. I didn't say that the right will be a bigger problem. Just that they are enough of a problem to screw this up. You've seen it here. Someone says new taxes to help fix the deficit and the world caves in. Here you have a proposal that is 3:1 cuts to taxes in addressing the deficit and still Republicans might cave. They need to leave tax raises on the table and work to get this done.
  19. I prepared a great response that apparently crashed the board. I'll just assume you now agree with me.
  20. Obama is telling people not to criticize it but rather listen. He knows this thing won't make it out committee and he'll have called the Republican bluff on being serious about deficit reduction. He's of course right because some of the first critiques are coming from the right. Only a political tidal wave from the electorate will move this past committee.
  21. It's not perfect but I support it 100%. Do it do it do it. Now is the time to write letters people. This will be DOA unless people rise and let their critters know we won't fire them if they do this.
  22. You mean you're not buying that land to build a bunker stocked with spam and silver bullets (dual use as currency!. Anybody here insulted by the term quantitative easing? I hope some savvy Tea Party types trumpet QE for the next two years for what it really is. That could and should piss people off.
  23. BTW, I'm not some sort of Wheel of Fortune genius. That was just a really easy puzzle.
  24. I guessed "I've got a good feeling about THAT" instead of THIS. It was easy. _'_ _ is either I'll or I've. She guessed "L" to eliminate "I'll" From there it's not hard. "I've" is usually followed by "got" then a one letter so that's an "a." Without even trying, you have "I've got a"...bad feeling and good feeling are the likely possible next choices...four letters indicates "bad." Only dense people would say that's fixed. It was a stupefyingly easy puzzle.
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